Saber Marionette The (maybe-not) Annual Terra II Awards [Round 1]

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by BakaMattSu, Feb 28, 2001.

  1. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Now's your chance to have a say in who holds the title, who's the champ, and who scrapes the bottom of the barrel...the "Terra II Awards"!

    Please take the short time to fill out a ballot (reply to this message) as to who you think should win in each category...

    Here we go, the opening categories!

    Best Supporting Animal
    a) Lisuo (Lime's pet squirrel)
    b) Ponta-Kun (somewhat of a story mascot?)
    c) Little Doggie who almost gets run over by a speeding truck

    Favored Vacation Spot
    a) Beachfront in New Texas
    b) Mount Kamuna
    c) Kasahari Apartments in Nagoya, Japones

    Best Control of Anger
    a) Faust and his breaking of wine glasses
    b) Otaru and his "explosive" personality
    c) Lime and her "You hurt Otaru, didn't you!?"

    Most Original Cook
    a) Cherry's pickles ("they're da best!")
    b) Lime's zo-ni (or should i say "zou-niri"?)
    c) Lynx's Smoky (not to mention explosive) salmon

    Winner of Otaru's Affections
    a) Lime (childlike)
    b) Cherry (homemaker)
    c) Blood Berry (, gifted?)

    Winner of Faust's Affections
    a) Tiger ("Jacqueline")
    b) Lynx ("Lin Lun Lun")
    c) Panther ("Ino...Ino..something or other...")

    Biggest, Baddest, Machine-thingy
    a) The Black Beast
    b) Saber-beast Leopard
    c) Mesopotamia V
  2. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    1 Animal: b.

    2 vacation spot: of those- the beach. But I would like my first kiss to taste like plasma (the name of the abandoned hotel escapes me)

    3 anger management: Lime. or Faust

    4 Cooking: that salmon

    5 I can't answer that (speaking as me, not some freak who identifies too much with a nic [​IMG] )

    6 Tiger

    7 Leopard. Though the "Stiff Crab" gets an honorable mention

    amusing crap
  3. UrashimaKeitaro

    UrashimaKeitaro Sesquipedalian Mod

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Best Supporting Animal
    a) Lisuo (Lime's pet squirrel)
    b) Ponta-Kun (somewhat of a story mascot?)
    c) Little Doggie who almost gets run over by a speeding truck
    d) Hanagata's special item

    Favored Vacation Spot
    a) Beachfront in New Texas
    b) Mount Kamuna
    c) Kasahari Apartments in Nagoya, Japones
    d) Ponta-kun's nest

    Best Control of Anger
    a) Faust and his breaking of wine glasses
    b) Otaru and his "explosive" personality
    c) Lime and her "You hurt Otaru, didn't you!?"
    d) Baiko 'n Tamasaburo--'nuff said

    Most Original Cook
    a) Cherry's pickles ("they're da best!")
    b) Lime's zo-ni (or should i say "zou-niri"?)
    c) Lynx's Smoky (not to mention explosive) salmon
    d) Blood Berry's 'Lisuo' soup, or the attempts to make the aforesaid soup

    Winner of Otaru's Affections
    a) Lime (childlike)
    b) Cherry (homemaker)
    c) Blood Berry (, gifted?)
    d) Romania's SexDolls

    Winner of Faust's Affections
    a) Tiger ("Jacqueline")
    b) Lynx ("Lin Lun Lun")
    c) Panther ("Ino...Ino..something or other...")
    d) Lorelei

    Biggest, Baddest, Machine-thingy
    a) The Black Beast
    b) Saber-beast Leopard
    c) Mesopotamia V
    d) The Giant Shogi Board


    Newly expanded (with some omissions for the kids) with an edge!
  4. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    Must you bring up the special item? ..mpphhaHAHAHA I hope it's not an animal

    Lorelei.. doh!! how true. Tiger though so there

    Baiko and Tamasaburou- yes. especially when dressed in bunny and nurse outfits

    NOT the sexadolls haha

    squirrel soup don't mind if I do

    Japonessgaur was the network name of my computer for a while [​IMG]

    You're pretty good at adding choices. Yet another cook for the broth :p
    So, another one for me: Marine
    It's some New Texas thing
  5. UrashimaKeitaro

    UrashimaKeitaro Sesquipedalian Mod

    Feb 16, 2001
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    The bad additions could have continued, SMJ is chock full of possibilities, like Cherry's impromptu Log-Launcher-Catch-Hanako's-Dad's-Train thing or the other flight devices in the series (here's a nice question for you, would a Marionette's foot be considered a flight device? it is if it's Hanagata you're talking about). Lime's pet mouse is another one for the supporting animals list. For Anger Management, Soemon Obiichi (Otaru's kendo master, spelling check in aisle 3 please?) the man doesn't get mad! How about best Hanagata over-reactions? (the lumpy pot comes to mind) or just over-reactions in general? (Hikozaemon [once again with the spelling check] greeting the sand bag shogun)
    The award for best liberal use of another person as a weapon?
  6. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Hey, some awards for "Round 2"!!

    And, oops, did that read "Best Anger Management"? You didn't really think that was the case with those choices, did you??
    "New Texas, Banzai!"
    -Ex-President Joy
  7. UrashimaKeitaro

    UrashimaKeitaro Sesquipedalian Mod

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Oops! Guess I got a bit carried away there.
    With best control of Anger, naah, I was just messin' around with that...
    I was just thinking of other funny stuff surrounding the series, but yes, it'll have to wait for round 2 (at the release time of disc 2? well, maybe not)

    -JavaLamp <--is done babbling
    How's about Panther and the gold punch-dagger incident?
    heh heh
    <kill> </ki
  8. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Hey, after the oscars, I just had ta jump back into this topic:

    Alrighty then, what picks you have for overreactions?

    (I'll add in the freaky duck thing on top of superstar Otaru's "costume", and Hanagata's "through-the-wall-with-a-large-ball-chain-cuffed-to-his-foot-with-twenty-soldiers-running-sfter-him")

    BakaMattSu, who should be studying, but isn't...
  9. KagekenOokami

    KagekenOokami New Member

    Feb 22, 2001
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    Best Supporting Animal
    a) Lisuo (Lime's pet squirrel)

    Favored Vacation Spot
    a) Beachfront in New Texas

    Best Control of Anger
    a) Faust and his breaking of wine glasses

    Most Original Cook
    c) Lynx's Smoky (not to mention explosive) salmon

    Winner of Otaru's Affections
    a) Lime (childlike)

    Winner of Faust's Affections
    a) Tiger ("Jacqueline")

    Biggest, Baddest, Machine-thingy
    b) Saber-beast Leopard

    The Wolf is a dangerous thing, but in the shadows, it's your death.
  10. Richter

    Richter New Member

    Apr 18, 2001
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    1- a) "Squirlly" There was an intire show devoted to that squirl, thats gota mean something.

    2- c) Kasahari Apartments in Nagoya, Japones. Hey its the place to be.

    3 - c) Lime and her "You hurt Otaru, didn't you!?"
    Lime can throw ANYTHING when she is that way... what can Faust do...

    4- c) Lynx's Smoky (not to mention explosive) salmon
    Nothing beats explosives.... sorry Cherry, but your no fun.. [​IMG]

    5 - a) Lime (childlike)
    I know we were all chearing for Bloodberry, but she had to know that it wouldn't work...

    6 - a) Tiger ("Jacqueline")
    It took her complete collapes to cause Faust to stop his attacks.

    7 - b) Saber-beast Leopard
    She was able to stop Cherry and Bloodberry... thats gota say something...
    But hay, what able Robo Japoness.
  11. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    1)Best supporting animal should go to
    a)Squirrly!!! yah!
    well Lisuo was the only squirrel that I saw..Pontas are all over the place, and the Marionettes cared more about Otaru's food then the dog.

    2) hmmm was b) the Hot springs? that place was cool, I mean where else can you be ripped apart by winds and use Hanagata as a lightning poll...okay..well it could have happened!

    3) how about d) Bloodberry or Cherry when she/they get ticked off with Hanagata

    4)Lime...aaaaah those

    I'd say 5&6 go together. Lime won Otaru's affections. Tigel was paired off with Lime in fights and such, and too she won the affections with Faust, being with him since he was little...gonna plant some flowers..they sure will...

    7)Castle Japoness you people!!!!!
    that was the awesomest most unsuspecting thing...I mean they had to play a game to get it activated...
    and what about the thing it fought, I mean that big huge ball looked like Mickey Mouse!!!! (gave a huge damn laugh at the club...aye it did)... I still say Castle Japoness was a bad dude not to mess with...
  12. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Bah! Mesopotamia the 5th coulda dropped one little cross targeting thing and blown 'em all away in one well placed shot (Leopard, too!)

    BakaMattSu, wants to get himself a big-bad machine-thingy to take over entire worlds..!

    (oops, did I just type that aloud?)
  13. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    Holy Crap! How did someone know, when I was going through the best supporting animals, that I was thinking of Han's Otaru Hologram Bubble!!! (Its not even an animal!)

    Han's 'Special Item' from the OVAS...

    and you know, Mesopotamia had a heart of gold...(even though it pulverised and destroyed and blew up almost all of Terra II before it got one)...
  14. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    On your 1st Point, I believe what was referenced was the "ribbon" Hana-ko grabs in J to X and calls his "SPECIAL ITEM"...y'know the item that supposedly was supposed to make him cute...(Still not an animal, though!)

    regarding the second....if having a heart of gold means:

    a) Going Insane
    b) Systematically killing off all your passengers
    c) Capturing a woman against her will and forcing her to be your lover
    d) Deploying planet destroying missiles

    Then, yeeeeeesh! Gold hearts need to be outlawed!

    BakaMattSu, firm believer that Mesopotamia is tagged as a "bad guy" to the end...
  15. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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  16. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    he only has one that I know of that he actually refers to as the 'special item,' early on in JtoX.
    snake puppet
  17. Eldaeriam

    Eldaeriam New Member

    Apr 23, 2001
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    Best Supporting Animal:- A Lisou
    Favored Vacation Spot:- B Mt Kamuna
    Best Control of Anger:- A Faust
    Most Original Cook:- A Cherry
    Winner of Otaru's Affections:- B Cherry
    Winner of Faust's Affections:- A Tiger
    Biggest, Baddest, Machine-thingy:- B Saber-beast Leopard
  18. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    "e)" ? ? ?

    "The Mesopotamia is crying?"

    I'd cry too, if you broke into me, ripped out the thing that I most cared about in the entire galaxy (Lorelei in this case), and tried to replace if I wouldn't know the difference...! Seriously, it's up to debate (a debate that many prolly wouldn't side with me on)....

    BakaMattSu, feels some sniffles coming on...
  19. Eldaeriam

    Eldaeriam New Member

    Apr 23, 2001
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    Hmmm that part in ep 25 is a bit odd, But what i can gather Mesopotamia V released Lorelieof its own free will (if u remember lorelie came out after they inserted thier otome kairos).

    But i dont understand why tha it released them afterwoods, sure they r needed fer JA & J2X. But how could they walk to Otaru's if they had thier otome's inserted into Mesopotamia?
  20. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    It's called the conspiracy theory syndrome. Someone decided that we really couldn't handle an unhappy ending.
    Jerry's alive

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