Debate Vegetarians

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Raven, Feb 4, 2004.

  1. Raven

    Raven Fuhrer

    Jun 10, 2003
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    What do you think of the vegetarian idea?

    The fact that you are eating another living animal that once had its own mind and was slaughtered by humans just so we could stuff ourselves.

    Or that its in our genes and that humans have been eating meat for thousands of years, and that its survival of the fittest.

    I'm not asking if you think its their life and they can do what you want. I just want to know if you think its right or wrong.

    I for one eat meat but I not that much. I usually don't eat beef that often but I do eat chicken and pork. I just don't like the thought of eating cows (not sure why). I have thought about going vegetarian but I don't think I could take it since I don't eat enough protein as it is.
    1 person likes this.
  2. Mordeth

    Mordeth Mordeth Vult!

    Jan 12, 2002
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    cows... have minds?
    well in that case it's their own fault for not using them to escape the slaughterhouse

    we eat what we eat, animals eat what they eat.. it really isn't a moral issue and people shouldn't try to turn it into one. the very fact that we domesticated the cow and sheep and whatever other animals has in fact been a great help to the evolution of their speciies and it is quite possible that if we had not started farming animals like the cow...they would be quite scarce.
  3. Baphijmm

    Baphijmm Kunlun Knight

    Mar 8, 2003
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    Well, I agree entirely with Mordeth on this one. (Not much of a debate, now, is it?) I will, however, give more examples as to why.

    Mankind evolved as meat-eaters. Our skeletal structure, dental makeup, and knowledge of tools only increases this argument. When we first were able to use our forelimbs as arms, we didn't waste any time developing better ways to hunt for our food. If this is the case, why is it wrong to eat animals? If you wish to bring morals into this, then why did God (creator, whatever you believe) create us in this form? "Go, I give you everything you need to sustain yourselves on the other animals, but I really don't want you to kill them, even though you need meat to survive."

    One final thought: Bears eat meat. Tigers eat meat. Dogs eat meat. Why are humans any different?
  4. Billy277

    Billy277 New Member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    Well, obviously it's morally okay for humans to eat meat. If you say otherwise than you have to argue that a very large number of other animals are immoral for the same reason, and then you just look silly.

    That said, most of the vegetarians I know aren't so because of moral clarity, at least in that sense. Some believe that a non-meat diet is healthier, which is debatable but certainly possible. Others are boycotting the practices of how animals are raised and slaughtered in the world, which almost everyone agrees can be better for the animals involved. Still others refuse to eat only certain kinds of meat (Such as veal, or baby cows).

    So, all in all, there are many reasons to 'go veg.' Some are practical, some are defiant and some are reached through logic. It's just a shame that the loons at PETA have given the practice a bad name to most Americans.
  5. psyeudkev

    psyeudkev New Member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    I haven't seen anyone mentioning about fish. Fish is also meat too. Though not much 'complications' or debates go on towards the fishy side.

    In my opinion, there are resources that exist. To continue survival, resources must be utilised, one way or another. Like in a previous, many animals eat meat.

    And saying meat came from a living forms and vegetables aren't. Plants have 'lives' as well. They're made of cells, and on a deeper level, similar (or share) certain atomic particles.

    There shouldn't be a 'moral' issue. It should be up to the taste and opinion of individuals and individuals themselves. You want to eat, you eat. You don't want, then don't. So simple.
  6. kitty-ko

    kitty-ko New Member

    Jan 14, 2004
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    We are omnivores by nature, are anatomically designed to have both meat and plants in our diet. Yeah, some people don't eat meat simply because they morally object to it in itself, but most vegetarians i know (as has been mentioned) either are protesting about the treatment of animals before they die or simply don't like the taste. We're just animals at the top of the food chain, and therefore we eat meat.
    The only thing I object to is the use of animals for fashion eg. product testing and furs etc. That's just yucky.

    *kitty* :catgirl:
  7. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    I want to talk more about the fish issue. Why do people not see that fish IS MEAT. My landlord disagrees with the fact that they are meat. "There Fish" he will say. ?. Duh, i know there fish, but fish are meat. A fish has muscles right? What is meat made of? Muscle. There fore fish is meat.
  8. Baphijmm

    Baphijmm Kunlun Knight

    Mar 8, 2003
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    There are two issues with fish. The first is that fish meat and any other meat are so different, many don't consider the two in the same group. This is mostly because of the way the muscles worked in the fish. They had to be able to move in pretty much any direction while still being streamlined enough to travel swiftly through water.

    The second issue with fish is that of Lent. During this period, it was traditionally held that you were not allowed any meat, and could have fish on Friday. This was to celebrate the apostle's original occupations as fishermen, but it lends itself to the idea that fish isn't meat. It is generally accepted, at least by everyone I've spoken with on the subject, that fish is a form of meat.

    Sidenote: I believe that requirement for Lent was changed to not eating meat on only Friday, not sure. I went to a private school for the past four years, and still I don't know. :anime:
  9. Charlie

    Charlie Guest

    I was a veggie for four years, which was hard because I always hated veg! My diet consisted mainly of Linda McCarthney and Quorn products, and stuff like 'Sosmix'(!)...and brocolli (as Denis Leary says, it'll always be a side-dish, folks). I sometimes feel a little guilty about eating meat now...I would say I disagree more with the way animals are killed in abbatoirs than by hunters. Oh, yeah, and apparentley fish DO have feelings....
  10. Suzu

    Suzu 7th Seat Shinigami

    Jul 19, 2001
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    Well would a tiger or a lion be procecuted for slaughtering a zebra? This is how the world is eat or be eaten. lol The law of the jungle! Not a good argument lol...

    I would not say a 100% vegetarian is a healthy diet. The body needs a source of protien, which comes from meat. Fish is meat, meat is flesh, flesh is tissue, and tissue comes from the body of a living thing.

    Now I want to argue with the people who think, "Aw poor animals think and have feelings" Well first of all I would like to touch on two issues.

    I'm expecting LOL and a couple of :anger2: out of these :anime:

    1. Animals u can or musn't eat
    Animals who shows signs intellegence ARE NOT TO BE EATEN! That's cats, dogs, parrots, monkeys, rat, hamsters! Well you would be a cruel human to eat your own pet. Besides if they are soo intelligent that they can solve algebirac equations, u can invest in the media and earn huge bucks. THINK!LOL

    HERBAVOUR Animals like Cows who eat grass 24 hours, leave behind manure, unless you prove that it is intelligent, it is food!
    Carnivors are not food! These animals eat meat, they have high levels of cholestrol, which means more cholestrol to your body, and then it becomes a problem!

    2. Feelings! Step on a cats tail, and see how it flys.
    Animals do feel pain! No question about it. THAT'S WHY PPL HAVE TO SLAUGHTER THEM THE RIGHT WAY! That means a persons must to slaughter them the fastest way possible and rid the carcass of all the blood! I'm surprised of the evil ways people use to slaughter, torchure RATHER, the animals. Some people slaughter a cow by making it suffocate! Not good the blood isn't released, and the cow WILL DEFINETLY RESIST and feel more pain! Others shoot it! The blood isn't released, and will clot inside the carcass and eventually you will be eating DRIED BLOOD! If one wants to slaughter it with the least of pain, use a guilotine like the ones in the french revolution! Chop the head of and let the carcass rest in piece! All the blood will flow out. When a lioness attacks a zebra she goes for the neck! Learn from nature.
  11. Dr. Nick Rivera

    Dr. Nick Rivera New Member

    Oct 5, 2002
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    I was vegetarian for 2 weeks on a bet with my sister.

    Other than that, my cousin is a vegen, and I see that there is a lot of trouble in getting food at weddings and whatnot, since she normally can't eat anything on the menu.

    But I nothing against vegetarians, as I have nothing against eating meat. Which is why I'm an omnivore.
  12. Raven

    Raven Fuhrer

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Yes of course, one of the main reason most people get into vegetarism is to stop the cruel ways of killing animals. So they stop buying the food. Like when cows are killed the first thing that is done is that their vocal cords are severed so they won't "irritate" the killers. They then shove hoses and tubes down the still consious animals to get all the excess stuff out of the stomack. Even after they try and kill the animals the first time many times it isn't done right and the animals feel it and are aware. Also another thing is how the animals are forced to live in barren, dark, steel cages with tons of other animals where they can barely move. Like how for chickens their beaks are cut off so they won't peck at the other 500 chickens in the same crate.
    At least in the wild the animals are usually killed quickly (tigers, alligators, bears etc), where in the society the animals are left for weeks still alive and in agony.
  13. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    I am a octo-vegeterian, and i have been since i was
    10 years old when at a school we were forced to '
    watch a movie about a slaughter house, I was extremely
    disgusted and could never eat another animal.
    I mean considering i have a pet cow and a pet chicken (we
    have cousins own a farm up in northern toronto), i just
    find it personnaly disgusting
  14. Mordeth

    Mordeth Mordeth Vult!

    Jan 12, 2002
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    so you enslave the animal, but you won't kill it?
  15. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    Looking at the world from a system's perspective, if we stop eating animals then there would be too many animals. Tigers, for instance help to keep their environment in balance because they eat meat. Now if you take away tigers then the tiger's environment will have too many animals and you would get positive feedback -> more and more animals, which would most likely eat too many plants which would leave less food for the rest of the animals.

    Now there is a bit of a difference between Tigers and Humans. In horticultural-post industrial societies we usually eat animals that were raised on a farm and allow these animals to give birth to more of their kind. Although, I'm sure that other animals are killed through hunting or even roadkill. And some animals become extinct because of us.. so we also throw off the equilibrium of Earth >_<

    But is it immoral to eat animals? If part of our purpose on this earth is to help create a balance by eating these animals, then it would not be. But then.. would it be alright to eat other humans to keep ourselves in balance? @_@

    Here's a silly argument I heard recently:

    If it is permissible for humans to eat animals, then it is permissible for super-intelligent extraterrestrials to eat humans.
  16. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    No, because we're sentients. By the way, tell the person who said that that I hate them.

    Anyway, I could care less what people eat provided they don't try to force it on ME. I don't force my meat lovers pizza on my vegetarian housemate; and although one time he did scream about chicken fetuses when eggs were being cooked he's a good sport about my consumption of animal carcasses. Anyway, the fact that it's biologically normal has already been beaten to death in this thread...
  17. Baphijmm

    Baphijmm Kunlun Knight

    Mar 8, 2003
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    Okay, since we're beating the same points into the ground, I propose a new point: cannibalism. Now, I personally am, obviously, against doing such acts, but there are other animals out there who are not above consuming their own kind.

    Okay, this is probably inappropriate for the thread, but I figured I'd get some more points out there. Eat it up! [/bad pun]
  18. Dr. Nick Rivera

    Dr. Nick Rivera New Member

    Oct 5, 2002
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    I see it as animals don't have a conscious. They don't tell right from wrong, have no real distinction, and are pretty much going on instinct.

    But that's my two cents that noone cares about.
  19. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    I dont enslave th animal. My cousins have a dairy farm. All the cow does is eat and moo, and we also play with them, kind of like they are a dog.
  20. Mordeth

    Mordeth Mordeth Vult!

    Jan 12, 2002
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    you keep it .. it has no freedom


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