Saber Marionette Which Character from Saber Marionette J is your favorite?

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Reisti Skalchaste, Jun 15, 2004.


Who is your favorite character from Saber Marionette J?

  1. Otaru

    2 vote(s)
  2. Lime

    2 vote(s)
  3. Cherry

    7 vote(s)
  4. Bloodberry

    0 vote(s)
  5. Faust

    0 vote(s)
  6. Tiger

    3 vote(s)
  7. Luchs

    0 vote(s)
  8. Panther

    0 vote(s)
  9. Lorelei

    1 vote(s)
  10. Hanagata

    2 vote(s)
  1. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Just as the title says. I know it's an obvious thread idea, but I didn't see on like it, and I felt the need to start one.

    So, who'll it be?

  2. Black Robed One

    Black Robed One New Member

    Feb 21, 2004
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    Cherry is definately my favorite character from Saber Marionette J! Why? Well, she is oh so very sweet, gentle, loving, tender and caring. Also I just can help loving how even though Cherry doesn’t like to fight, she is always ready and willing to do her share of fighting when it is necessary to defend her beloved master or to help her sisters (or to punch/kick Hanagata, but then again this isn’t really a fighting ^_^). And when Cherry is in her "Fantasy Mode", she is both somewhat funny and extremely kawaii; and her cheery smile is extremely kawaii as well! IMHO, Cherry is the sweetest and the most romantic and emotional among all SMJ characters! And finally, I like the way Cherry can quickly switch from anger to gentleness (or vice versa!) very much.
  3. SaberJ2X

    SaberJ2X Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    can't remember how many times this has been done, but oh well... can't get tired of saying cherry
    1 person likes this.
  4. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    The genkinator of course -- Raimu-Chan. ^^

    Lime's cute, funny, and the most openly characterized of the three marionettes who take focus of the show.

    I love how absurd some of her actions are, especially in her earlier days of activation, and she is the marionette you can most vividly watch grow as the series progresses (though, mind you, she did steal the limelight, pun intended). If there ever was a single character that got me hooked, it would be Lime.

    Although she takes my top spot, there are so many other superb characters in the Saber Marionette universe that its nearly an impossible task to have decided this fact.

    (Now to go digging for the previous "favorite SMJ character" thread to see if I still match up. ^^..)
  5. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    You are right. It is a difficult decision. Heh, I remember when I first started watching J, I promised myself I would stay unopinionated until I finished watching. Well, when I did finish, I began to think. I thought about it forever. Obsessively. I even watched the series again to see if it would help. Anyway, over the course of two weeks, I realized that Cherry, in fact, was the one I love the most... Oops, said too much again. Anyway, my opinion has not changed, Cherry is still my favorite character for many reasons, although all of them are knid of bunched together, in a series of close follow-ups.
  6. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Hehe. Welcome to the fold. :)

    I've been taken hold very much like that, and have been obsessing over this anime for about 5 years now. It gets a little easier to get your mind off it, eventually...but never entirely. ^^;
  7. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Don't think I'm a newbie! Although I am newer to it than you, that "first time" was... Hmm... 3 years ago now. Wow, the time sure does fly. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but our friend Baka here has never seen J to X. I don't mean to boast or sound rude (actually, I do mean to boast), but I own one of the Limited edition Ultimate Collections. Number 566/5000, I believe. All three series, right here!

    ...*looks back at message*

    Wow, that is so unlike me. I always try my best not to brag, to be polite, and to stay calm. I guess Saber Marionette J had more of an effect on me than I thought, and I thought it was quite a bit. etc. etc... (rambles on for half a page)
  8. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    I will admit to being envious of you. I myself would own one of those shiny Ultimate Collections if I hadn't shelled out for the individual releases about a year prior to its release - I may end up buying it, nonetheless - never hurts to have a backup copy.

    I have, however, seen J to X numerous times, and any whining you may have seen of myself suggesting otherwise would be fairly outdated by now - that would be before the Legalized North American release of J to X in any format (and even then, I'd seen the series fansubbed through to episode 15). After that, I was lucky enough to have a friend rip copies of the last 11 episodes from the Hong Kong DVDs (obsessively watching them despite the most horrendous english subbing I've ever seen).

    I have all three series' DVDs enshrined right next to my television so they're around when I have the strange urge just to pick them up and/or hug them.
  9. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    I'm sorry if I came across as rude. I honestly don't know what came over me, I just kinda snapped, and I said some things I regret. Just for posterity, your "whining" was from one of the author notes for your fanfic "J vs. M"
  10. mangamonkey

    mangamonkey New Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    I liked SMJ but it didn't grab me like any other anime (please don't pelt me with those sharp rocks) I thought it was silly that otaru's teacher would fall in love with a doll. I mean you can understand falling in love with any of the dolls with M circuits but what happened with him was over-use of a sex toy

    complaining aside I did like the series and my favourite character was tiger (as I've said before, she seemed more human than the other dolls)
  11. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Oooooh, you're lucky I don't keep sharp rocks handy for just such an occasion! I will spare your life this time, since you did say you liked it.

    Hence, he was outcast and driven by his home. Japoness society would agree with you that a marionette, an object or possesion, is not something you should be attracted to, or emotionally attached. They saw him doing exactly as you bluntly put, "over-using a sex toy".

    However, trying to put things into perspective from Soemon's point of view, I would disagree.

    Here we have a society that is formed entirely by men. The only presence of anything remotely feminine are robotic servants. Which leaves homosexual relationships the only possible route. Now, taking to mind our naturally influenced desires and attractions, many of Terra II's men would be tilted towards women, despite their absence. So what would psychologically fill that void? Perhaps the closest thing on the planet to a woman - a marionette.

    Soemon's natural drive and instincts kick in as he sees Koyuki in the antique shop window, and experiences something akin to what we would call "love at first sight".
    2 people like this.
  12. Xel

    Xel New Member

    Jun 29, 2004
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    Oh, and what a beautiful opening to make my introduction. My name is Xel. The (wo)man, the myth, the legend. *wavewave* Hey, Matt.

    Being my dear Lady Aoi's partner in crime for this fandom, well... my preference is obviously slanted towards Hanagata. *wink* Though really, there's no one that I dislike at all. One of the real winning points of SMJ is how interesting each and every character is in their own individual little ways.

    But it's still definitely Hanagata, with Bloodberry close behind. <3
  13. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    I agree fully. It's impossible to really dislike any character, even Hess is a well-thought out, in-depth villain with a story that makes you almost sympathize with him. No character is really badly done, all the important ones are well-developed, full characters that are well-drawn, interesting and... No words in this language can truly express my feelings for the series. Suffice to say, it is the greatest masterpiece of all human work, beyond all others. Not even my second favorite anime, Slayers, can even hold a candle to it. The best word for Saber Marionette J is "Perfect."

    Personally, as you can read above, my favorite is Cherry. She is kind, quiet, intelligent, not to mention amazingly beautiful. I really envy Otaru. He does go through a lot of pain and suffering, emotional and physical, but I would trade everything I have to be in his place. It makes me happy to see that she's ruling this poll, but that doesn't mean I don't like any anyone else. On the contrary, I love Lime and Bloodberry too, and all of the other characters are right up there too. I dislike no characters in this series. Not Hess, not Yan Min, not Faust, not the Mesopotamia, none of them.

    A million poets working for a million years could not describe even one millionth of my love for this series. Luckily, I'm going to cut this post off here instead of trying to write all that.
  14. AsIaNgUrL

    AsIaNgUrL ~*☆Dream AsIaNgUrL☆*~

    Apr 20, 2003
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    well imma gonna say Otaru because he is the one who takes care of everyone.. he cares alot for his marrionetes and that is wut i like about him...
    and talking about marrionetes them it would be cherry only if she changed her kimono for another colar rather than pink... ^^
  15. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    So, reading through horrible spelling, I gather that you dislike Cherry simply because of her clothes? For shame, judging a character simply by what they wear. While such a thing is possible, and even helpful, giving hints about their personality, it is a very bad thing to judge someone simply by what they wear.

    If I saw someone on the street with a mohawk, ripped pajama pants, leather, rings... oh you know, the whole "punk" style, I would immediately think they are a bit weird, and that's acceptable, but, even though said punk may wear such bizarre garments, that wouldn't stop me from considering that person a friend if they turned out to be nice enough once I got to know them.

    After seeing all three series, I feel like I know all of the characters from Saber Marionette J as though they were actual friends of mine. I'm sure all of you other SMJ fans out there feel the same way:anime:. I certainly don't think any less of any of them because of what they wear.

    It seems, however, that you do like Cherry, but her clothing lowers your opinion of her. Would you prefer her if she wore say... black? Her clothing does reflect on her personality. Her pink kimono is supposed to show her femininity, where Bloodberry's red and black affair shows off her aggressiveness, and Lime's outfit accentuates her energy, her youthful exuberance. If Cherry wore black, as in the example above, would you think of her as feminine? Do you see Sango (Inuyasha) as feminine? Sango could be considered an assasin, should Cherry be seen as one? Surely not.

    A person's clothing reflects who they are, and, while this is not a perfect way of determining who they are, it does help as a guideline. If Cherry did wear any color other than pink, I assume she would not seem as feminine as she is meant to be.

    Perhaps I should have asked this a while ago, but is there any particular reason for you not liking her clothing?


    This is a good point. Otaru loves Lime, Cherry, and Bloodberry very much, he takes care of them, and for that, deserves the highest praise. I certainly can understand why Otaru is your favorite, and I won't contest that, although perhaps further explanation is in order. Is his love for the girls the only thing you like about him? Or are there other reasons? (See my above explanation of why and how I became to see Cherry as my favorite)


    I didn't notice this before:
    I must admit, I share the same urge. Heh, I even talk to my DVDs as though they were actually the girls.:sweat: Although I have to be careful when I hug the box, because I don't want to crush it. Normally, I wouldn't have to worry, but I always have several of the DVD cases out on display to make up for my lack of pictures. :sad: On the plus side, I recently won an ebay auction for an SMJ wall scroll featuring everyone!:anime:

    Please forgive the length of this post. I recently finished Social Studies 30 (Grade 12) in which I wrote very long essays about important issues. To me, anything involving Cherry is an important issue. And as "Kagome's Arrow" says:

    ...Well, I can't find her post, but the gist of the phrase was "Wow, it's amazing how much you can write when you're defending your favorite character."

    [EDIT]Wow, I posted this exactly 12 hours after Asiangurl. Weird.[/EDIT]
  16. Xel

    Xel New Member

    Jun 29, 2004
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    Hear, hear. Because if me and Aoi ever judged Hana-chan on the stuff he's worn... well, just think about it. @.o

    Also: punks in pajama pants? Ehhh? XD
  17. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Well, you know, those stupid-looking pants they wear? They look like pajama pants to me, so that's what I call them.'

    While we're on this subject,
    Hanagata was told his price of 30 yuan, and he proceeded to say he'd strip for Otaru's sake. Why was he wearing two pairs of tights?
  18. Xel

    Xel New Member

    Jun 29, 2004
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    ... He is a chaste and virtuous soul? *sputters laughing*

    It's still admirable. Even if he didn't ACTUALLY give the clothes off his back. ^^;
  19. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Judging on appearances alone is shallow, but tends to be the majority of society's first impressions.

    You win. Never gone that far... :sweat2:

    Or rather, the stuff he's not worn? ;)

    I'll never look at a sock puppet the same way again...
  20. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    I am sticking with Lime. She is cute in her special way. Her acts could be a little bit annoying to me sometimes (and maybe stupid!), but then again, she is a machine with this little thing that makes her act like a human being (25 episodes and still I can't catch the name!).

    She is energetic and very lively, acts like a kid, but I believe that what makes her Lime :)

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