Debate Abortion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Blue Crow, Aug 18, 2003.


How Do You Feel About Abortion?

  1. I'm against it

    30 vote(s)
  2. I'm pro-choice

    30 vote(s)
  3. I really don't care

    9 vote(s)
  1. Billy277

    Billy277 New Member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    You're exactly right, Porpor Coro. Abortion is unlike most debates in that almost everyone's opinion in it is completely unshakable. You either like it or you don't. Talking about it, while nice for getting other opinions, is going to change hardly anyone's mind.
  2. Blue Crow

    Blue Crow New Member

    Jan 5, 2003
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    Masturbation is like humanity's big secret(well,for some).Everybody does it,but hardly anybody admits it.And it is regarded as something "sick" and "naughty".It is a sin,but it is human nature to do it.Just try and stop.I dare you.:p But this is a topic for another thread.
  3. Legato666

    Legato666 New Member

    May 31, 2003
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    I would like to add this to my previous statement.I totally disagree with killing the doctors and blowing up abortion clinics.Its totally against everything they are standing for,those people are morons.
  4. Quistis

    Quistis New Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Oh man I am going to give my opinion

    Ok I am catholic for one thing. There are some things I dont agree with in my religion, but I agree that to kill a child is a sin. You all say they are just like cells and stuff but it is a human. It is in a stage of developement, and it has a soul. I dont know why you would want to kill a life. You make think it is just some form of cells that is not a human, but it is a human. You say if a woman is raped she chould have the right to get an abortion? that is crap. Killing the child wont help. I mean why cant you just have the baby and give it to someone who would care for it and love it no matter what? I am pro-life I am in a little pro-life club and so is That Guy! and we dont go around blowing up abortion clinics :rolleyes: That is stupid. Why would I kill ppl to save ppl? um, who ever does that is just wrong. At least the girls at my school who are prenant go throught the pregancy.

    My mom was sappost to have twins when my sister was born but she lost the twin when she was 2moths pregnant. It was a life to me and I cryed. The fact ppl in this world would do that on perpose sicknekens me.
  5. Legato666

    Legato666 New Member

    May 31, 2003
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    Well im not against killing people but i think its just stupid to say you love life and it should never be taken away then go blow somebody up.
  6. Mordeth

    Mordeth Mordeth Vult!

    Jan 12, 2002
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    can you prove the soul exists? no. then don't bring it into a factual scientific debate :)


    no it isn't :)
  7. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    This is one of those debates that will never get settled, it seems. It's like reading poems to a horse: useless. Here's a thought for us all. If you agree with abortions, fine, have an abortion, if that's what you really want to do. I won't shower you with love over it, but I won't flog you either. If you don't agree with them, then don't have one. Very simple. Don't judge people who you think shouldn't have kept the baby either. None of this "that's disgusting" or anything when you see something like a 14 year old mother. Furthermore, don't try to influence the opinions of others on this subject. As it has been said already, opinions on this subject are pretty much not going to move, barring something really significant happening to every individual here. So I say, whether you are pro or con, let it go. It is a decision that must be made by the mother herself, not by her parents, the Church, or even those of us with this opinion or that opinion.
    And for the record, before I sign off, I'm still against the idea.
  8. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    Ah abortion. That old chestnut.

    Well I'll say what I always say about it.
    I don't even have an opinion.

    Except on most of what luvweaver was saying. Which was a load of crap. Your cookie cutter solutions wouldn't solve any problems.

    and the moral of the story is

  9. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    I still say we climb inside of the woman and ask the baby...
    And condoms don't always work. :p
  10. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Heres a little kicker for the people that are pro-choice. In some countries (I.E. USA) if the pregnant girl is not of legal age the parents can choose if she has an abortion or not. This is prefectily legal.

    I knew this catholic girl who got pregnant and wasn't 18. She found out when she was two months along. Her parents found out from the test that was found in the bathroom trash bag. They took her to get a blood test and it came back positive. They told her that she will get an abortion soon. She of course told her friends what was happening. At the time of this I was taking a business law class. In North Dakota, USA (where we live) you cannot disown your parents without the court allowing you too (there are other states like this too). You need to show the judge a way to support yourself. It was too late after she had all the paper work in and the court date set. Her parents took her for the abortion. Within two weeks of her abortion she killed herself. Her parents choose to abort the child not her. I have no clue why her parents did maybe because she was to young or maybe because of their religion. R.I.P. Sarah. I know there has been other stories like this one.

    As far as my opinion on abortion goes I am against it IF there is no reason for it. The reasons that I think that are stupid is cannot afford the child and to young. So many centuries back women were having kids at thirteen. Why should it matter about the age now? It didn't then. THERE are ways to finish school and go to college even if you have a baby. She is still a "baby." I stopped being a baby at two. I was a toddler at two, then a child at five, then a teenager at thirteen, and now an adult considering I am over eighteen.

    If the mother did anything harmful while she was pregnant and did not know she was pregnant then yes she should be able to get an abortion. For all those mothers who choose to do drugs while pregnant, I hope they know that the way the child turns out is all their fault. Doing drugs or anything that has proven harmful for the fetus makes the cord smaller. When the cord gets smaller oxygen and other necessities the fetus needs gets less which can cause brain damage and other retardation's. When in doubt ask you doctor if you can take a drug are not. I had to with stand 15 hours of pain in the shoulder region before I was told that I could take some extra strength Tylenol. Yes, I have a child.

    Some abortions are for good reasons. My best friends sister is trying to have a child with her husband. All the times so far had to be aborted. One time on Christmas Eve the doctor called up and said that the baby wasn't health and had to be aborted. Yes, she has been going to where they implant the fertilized egg into her. They are going to try one more time and then go for adoption.

    As far as having an abortion goes it needs to be done within the first few months. I think it is around 16 weeks (4 months) at the most. After that she has to keep the baby even if its still birth. Another thing about an abortion is that it is hardier to have another baby after the abortion.

    I can be completely against adoption. The person who wants to go for nine months of pain and give away a child is pointless. There are was to get money to support the child. But sometimes it is better for adoption if that person cannot handle the responsibility for the child.

    As far as sperm being bad and all the stupid stuff on eggs. Sperm dies within hours of being released not days. Don't worry if some guy cums in your pool chances are you won't get pregnant by it. I think some people been watching a little to much cartoons as far as sperms or eggs being alive.

    Mord is right *coughs* People do need to be better educated on sex. Not just talking about it like in the information from health classes or from your parents. I think the best way is from personal experience. Someone real needs to go around talking about the dangers of sex. Maybe someone who was pregnant or with has a STD. Face it when teachers or parents talk about sex its like this big mute button was pressed. I did see this great video on drunk drivers. It actually took four kids and said that all of them died except the driver. It went threw the steps and everything to the deaths and jail for the driver alive. The police showed up the parents doors and told them that their son or daughter was dead but one was alive and in jail. The parents had to go and identify their bodies at the morgue. The parents and the children had to say their good byes at the kids funerals. One kid couldn't handle it and started crying. The kids even got to talk to a drunk driver who killed his best friend. There should be like a program or a video exactly like this one but about sex. It was a t.v. special I think. Maybe it was on 60 minutes not sure. But I will have to get the name of it.
  11. Underscore

    Underscore New Member

    May 3, 2003
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    How is that a 'kicker' for people who are pro-choice? I'm pro-choice, it doesn't mean that I think that parents should be allowed to force their child to have an abortion. While I'm sure your story was touching and everything, it was also completely irrelevant to the debate. We're debating a woman's right to choose, not her parents'.
  12. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    Up to certain points, life expentancies and lengths were shorter compared to today and those were days when women were seen just as breeding stock and a one-person cleaning crew. They had children at young ages because they were expected to by what was considered the dominating male. Not to mention it was easier to get by and as far back as you're talking about, women weren't even always schooled in the first place.
  13. Blue Crow

    Blue Crow New Member

    Jan 5, 2003
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    But you said so yourself;)...................

  14. Quistis

    Quistis New Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Frist thing, um, sorry Mord, I didnt know this was a scientific debate I was just sating what I believe

    Second thing, Basher if a doctor told me I need to have an abortion I would say no. I would love that child, and raise that child healthy or not. My mother was told my sister may have bad kidneys, and they where worried my sis may die, but she got better. I mean sometimes doctors arnt always right. The doctor dosent have the right to tell you to get an abortion. Just like he dosent have the right to tell you when your gonna die. Some ppl make it. Some babys make it.
  15. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    HELLO. As far as pro-choice goes sometimes the parents have the right to chose over the pregnant girl. NOT my fault you don't know any of the law. That's the kicker it can't be pro-choice if someone else can choose for her. The parents have the right to choose if she has the abortion or not if she is under age or if they have power of attorney over her. This is in the USA if you didn't know.<No.- Ark> BTW kids don't know better at least according to the US government unless your 18 you have no rights. Or did you not know that? So woman's rights are nothing if they are underage.

    It wouldn't matter if you are for pro-choice. The parents have rights and underage girls don't. As I said if they are under age or the parents have power of attorney no matter what her age is. Some times this can be brought to court and the babies life saved.

    YOU, little thingy need to know all the information before you can debate here. I'll point it out for you again. It cannot be pro-choice completely if someone has the right to chose for you granted by the law. If you ever walk your butt down to an abortion clinic most will tell you that anyone under age needs a signature by an adult. Luckily some parents will let the person make the choice but some don't that is were that real story comes in.

    I am not leaving the rest of the pro-choice out. The ones that have the RIGHT to choose to get an abortion can still be part of the whole "pro-choice". I am just pointing out the law behind some of the so called pro-choice. Most post are about young pregnant girls and their decision. Well their age does matter according to the law. It cannot be all one big happy group like you want them to be. <No.- Ark>

    As far as the real story going have you heard of examples or do you not know what that is. Examples were wanted earlier if you do read what people post.

    <No.- Ark>. There are reasons other then dysfunctional families. And as far as that goes dysfunctional families cannot be really determined. People have different views on what a dysfunctional family is. <No.- Ark>

    BTW Quisty that is your IDEA. Most people don't want to see a child suffer. No matter how much I thought I loved the unborn child. I would get an abortion if the child had a chance to suffer. Debate that if you want but that is the way I am.

    I will put this here.
    Have a nice day. :D
    because some of what I said will be deleted by Ark`.<If you knew I'd delete stuff, why did you post it? You're just wasting my time :rolleyes: - Ark>
  16. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    I became deeply Pro-Life after the birth of my niece. My sister, pregnant at 17, did not know what to do and the doctor, who was also catholic and a member of our church, told her she had the option to get an abortion and to call him within the week.
    She was deeply upset and confused. the doctor gave her no other consolation and so she told me she was pregnant. I was deeply confused because here was my sister, talented, beautiful in grade 12 and hopeful to go to University and do something with her life. and here she was pregnant.
    I didnt know what to say. but I was there for her and I feel horrible now saying to her, if you need to get an abortion, its your choice. but she was not herself. she was frantic, making herself fall down the stairs to miscarry for weeks. Finally I was the one to tell our parents. they talked with her and gave her support and then she came to accept the fact that she was pregnant and that the unborn child, still unknown as a person but now known as a part of creation was indeed a part of her and she accepted responsibility for this creation she helped make possible.
    Our family suffered because of the stress my sister caused and stress from other reasons. when Melanie was born it was like light came into our family. Her being a new part of our family made our family stronger.

    From then on, when I thought about Melanie, yet unborn in the womb torn apart, limbs torn and sucked out, her life turned to death before seeing the world of her mother. The thought always pains me. Here she is a beautiful little girl who brings such joy into my life and others' lives and future lives..and it may have never been if someone else had made the decision for her to die before ever living. My sister never was of strong mind either. She was in shock, upset and frantic when she found out she was pregnant. She was really happy when Melanie was born and happy she had so much support. If she had had the abortion, she would have died. Died as a person and perhaps even have been suicidal. I've done a lot of research on Post Abortion Syndrome in the past, and abortion can haunt people for the rest of their lives. and they may not even know the cause of their suffering either.

    here's a painting I did of Melanie when she was younger ^__^
  17. Underscore

    Underscore New Member

    May 3, 2003
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    Only in America. And since I don't live in America, those laws don't apply to me. So I can be as pro-choice as I want, thanks. It's pretty funny that you spent an entire page of a post calling me an idiot while being completely blind to the fact that there are people living in countries other than your own.
  18. Quistis

    Quistis New Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    I know the child is suffering but I just cant bring myself to kill my own child. I mean I was raised that if someone is suffering we dont kill them to make them feel better, it is wrong. That is me, so I am not going to debate it. I just wanted to point out why I made that choice.
  19. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    AS I said some countries are like this too. The US just states it better. YOU don't have much rights as your parents what so ever. I bet your parents will tell you that if you ask them. I hope you know that China is the same as the US but not compelteily. Children don't know better. Tell me how many pregnant women where you live can walk down and get a abortion under age. More then likely none. <unnecessary flame - burninated- Ark>
  20. Billy277

    Billy277 New Member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    <Already taken care of, removing this message to avoid further flame warring in this thread.- Ark>

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