Recreation men and women...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by k0gepan, Apr 16, 2003.

  1. k0gepan

    k0gepan New Member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Well, my history class today was quite interesting. Recently, we've been studying things like Human Rights and the like. So, along with that comes Women's Rights. I believe my teacher wants fist fights to break out. We're like his guinea pigs, I think. He asks us questions, or gives us exercises to see how we'll react. Today's exercise was to split the class into male/female sides and to write down what each group thought a man/woman should be like. I'll give you the female list first, and then the male.

    The Ideal Man List

    1.Offer to clean around the house/do yardwork, etc.
    2.Spend time with children, co operate in dealing out punishments
    3.More romantic, Less horny.
    4.Don't be tight with cash.
    5.Treat women equally, no matter the situation or who they're with.
    6.Be satisfied with what he has. (Be it a woman or material possessions)
    7.Don't blame women's mood swings on PMS all the time. If we have PMS, we'll tell you.
    8.Be polite. Please keep all bodily functions to himself.
    9.If planning on going out, give time when will return.
    10.Sexual favors are favors ....not a TASK.

    The Ideal Woman List

    1.Woman do housework
    2.Lets man make all the decisions
    3.Looks after kids
    4.Gets groceries.
    5.Changes diapers
    6.Wears make up.
    8.Lets man drive.
    9.Don't talk unless spoken to
    10.Do what she is told.
    11."Beer fetcher"
    12.Pleasures man on demand.
    13.Stays in shape
    14.Dresses like a woman
    15.Minds her own business.

    Indeed, Westville men are ...cavemen. Anyway, they only did most of it as a joke. And it was amusing. But, it does go to show that all the typical stereotypes are *still* out there. Myself, I think that women's rights have improved heartily even in the past decade. But, we still have a way to go. What are your views on this? And, if u want, what's your idea of the perfect man/woman? (5-10 things).
  2. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Yes, your areas men are cavemen.

    Anyway the only things I want from a woman are...

    1. loving
    2. honest
    3. appreciates the stuff I do for her
    4. intelligent (I'm sorry, but I just cant stand stupid people, and no way would I spend my time with an idiot).
    5. Lets me know if she actually likes cheesy/romantic/corny things I do so I can either keep doing them or cut 'em out.
    6. Has at least tolerance for my quirks.

    Thats about it, really.

    Edit: A clarification. Ditziness is fine. Outright stupidity is not.
  3. Kirei na kimyou

    Kirei na kimyou New Member

    Mar 10, 2003
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    Oh my goodess! How barbaric those men are!
    Hope they die in hell, eh?
  4. rauko_ganwethrin

    rauko_ganwethrin New Member

    Mar 23, 2003
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    hmmmm... my ideal man:
    1) loving
    2) does romanyic mushy stuff once in awhile
    3) gives me space
    4) funny ( a definite MUST. not funny then you not my man^^)
    4) helps with housework

    p.s. the boys are neanderthals!
  5. cosmos

    cosmos New Member

    Aug 4, 2002
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    my ideal man would make me laugh.. almost all the time. That's it for me... I think. :D
  6. Teddz

    Teddz Sexy Swedish Love ♥

    Dec 8, 2002
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    My Ideal Woman Is...K0ge :)
  7. Guts

    Guts 100 man slayer

    Feb 7, 2003
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    So true K0gepAn,the men in your area are cavemen.
    The only thing I want from a woman is
    2:does not smoke or drink
    3:someone pretty smart but not to smart
    4:can't think of more.
  8. D3vil's Anjil

    D3vil's Anjil New Member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    this is what i prefer in a guy:
    1) sweetness
    2)lotsa humor
    3)and loveable (gotta have the love) :D

    dats bout it :)
  9. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    Here is the Ideal things ppl should be.. why because frankly it takes 2 to run a house, family and relationship. unless your a lazy *** slob!

    Guys Generally like to do the yard work that way they can brag to their buddies who has the cooler tools and has a better looking house/yard.

    Women generally like to keep the house Clean and show off all there pretty things to there friends.. Like Crystal ornaments and Stuff!..

    Men and Women should take care of the kids.. the Girl Show the kids love.. and the Guys Beat them into submission when they is bad..!(well punish anyway ^_^)

    Groceries.. if Women know what’s good for them they wont let guys shop for food or because.. We will come home with a stock pile of hotdogs chips, Bologna and TV dinners.. So Guys must come along and carry the Food that the Women pick out!

    Cooking.. well that all comes down to who is the better cook.. cause after a while one will say.. im cooking for now on cause im not eating burnt water anymore! But if both like to cook. whoever makes it to the kitchen first me ladies!

    2 way communication is a must cause well one way is not that easy to do! like talking to a wall Eh!

    Driving the car.. Frankly i could care less who drives as long as they know where they is going..

    Love = the key to a good relationship So Dr Phil tells us is if there is not love life in the bedroom the relationship is doomed to fail (unless you just friend then odds are you wont be making love now will you)

    MONEY.. Guys Have every right to Be tight with there money cause its Easy to spend other ppl money girl.. you want us to go to the poor house!~

    Honesty.. YEs need i say more!

    Feel free to add to that or correct what you think is wrong!@

  10. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    My ideal man: INU-YASH!
  11. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    Am I the only person that thinks the ideal man list is as bad as the ideal woman list?

    I mean at least the guys just seemed to be joking.
    The girls were totally serious right?
  12. Sebastien

    Sebastien Guest

    Meh Idea of the Ideal Woman
    1. Loving.
    2. Honest.
    3. Likes romantic stuff.
    4. Lets -ME- cook while she relaxes.
    5. Tolerant.
    6. Not always serious.
    7. Smart (No way I would spend my time with an idiot either)
    8. Outgoing.
    9. Gets groceries (Im sorry but, I -HATE- going to the SuperMarket... I never really know what people want there or I always forget to buy something. -AND- I could make up for it by cooking, and cleaning around the house.)
  13. Angel from hell

    Angel from hell New Member

    Feb 15, 2003
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    I agree, surely no-one thinks like that anymore... we had a similar debate in my ex-school R.E class about... 3yrs ago & basically we just joked about... not to the degree they did though, if i had a good memory i could tell you the highlights... excuse me whilst i go to the pub to see if any of them remember... What what do you mean it's 12:38 in the afternoon, they'll still be there.... damn bunch of drunks with money.
  14. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    What would my ideal woman be like? To tell you the truth I don't I've dated enough to know yet... For sure we would need to have similar interests so we could have conversations about them just to relax really. Also, a woman who has more similar interests would be easier to communicate with... And communication is one of the most important factors of a marriage. Also... errr, I would want to find someone with good values ^^> I don't really think it would work out if I got together with a lady who cheated on multiple ex boyfriends because she may cheat on me(leading to divorce). Also, communication is also important because we would have to go over tasks to do around the house, I seriously want everything to be equal for both of us. And also, I can be romantic but it would be good if she told me if she thought I was corny ^^;; Also, maybe a woman who isn't crazy with spending money @_@ I may be a bit tight myself, but if we have to pay for children and a house, a car, bills, food, health care, education and everything else we'd both have to make a lot of sacrifices in what we buy as well(that's just part of maturing really)

    But I guess the most important quality would be for her to love me :shy3:
  15. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    1 intelligent
    2: spontaneous
    3: is comfortable with silence (doesn't need to talk all the time)
    4: Can play volleyball. well.
    5: cute face (chauvi, sorry :p )

    and since I know I will have to settle for less than those criteria,
    6: is willing to settle for me too.
  16. SaberJ2X

    SaberJ2X Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    --==-=-=-=-=-==IDEAL WOMEN==-=-=-=-=-==-

  17. neoblacklady

    neoblacklady ~*Tpyo Godedses*~

    Aug 4, 2002
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    wow good answers people :D
    hmm yeah have to go with lex ;)
    Not really ..seeing how I don't date or really interact with guys that way, dont know :)
    1.As long as they arn't too afraid to say how they feel about somthing; (ie i hate that shirt.. thats too much..are you crazy..yea thats grand )
    2.Children.. you helped make em, so you help groom and teach them.
    Some people its hard when the other parent d0esnt interact, that goes for mum and dads.
    3. Clean....its your house to, strap up some tools and get to cleaning, in and out. (i love yard work and home repairs, move over)
    4. Food. Not every person for themselves. Seeing how you know each other you should be able to shop for one another. Go together and what not . Even remind them if they are on a diet :)
    5. Communication... yeah some liked their heads talked off some, dont. Time to talk and a time not too. :) As long as you know whats going on with each other and the mrs or mr aint sleeping with pool boy or lil miss maid its all good.
    Cash.. ok if you know you have a family, you really dont have cash to spend like water. That goes for Ladies and gents.. but at times doesnt mean be a tight wad, but also doesnt mean to buy a new somthing b/c the johnsons do
    whatever else ... is left is whatever else. I agree with kame to a certain degree, and stupid-ness is out, you have to draw the line somplace. Think for self even. its give and take, and takes two to work ..I LOVE MEN
  18. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Slow down there ace! One step at a time!:p
  19. k0gepan

    k0gepan New Member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Well Neph, I didn't really say it, but I think that this is what the thread is directed towards. Couples who are married, right? Because kids are involved. But, of course, you don't always have to be married to have's the norm though. Anyway, what Mad_Hamish said about the girls being just as bad or worse because we're serious. Well, I agree with some of the ideas on that list, and others I don't. I don't think men are tight with their money all the time, that's an individual thing. Women can be ten times worse, it depends on the person. (and I don't just mean worse on the money bit, I mean on the cleaning and etc as well) The thing with the male list is that they were joking "somewhat" but it is partly what they want. Honestly, I could never have a slave for a partner, but hey, that's just me. What it all comes down to is: No one is perfect, no one. And if you find a certain person in life who suits you perfectly, you're very lucky. Everyone has different standards, right? (as we've seen) But, I think I was being unfair in implying that males are the only ones who are sterotypical. Because we are as well. There are guys out there who'd match what we chose, and we may not be satisfied with it. Who knows. But, all in all guys, I liked the response on this. NeoB, KaMe, nice points made. When you have to live your life with someone, sacrifices must be made, that's all there is to it. Anywho, continue on. ^^
  20. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Communication is the key to ANY relationship. ;P

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