Debate myths or legends

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Basher, Aug 6, 2003.

  1. Jaken

    Jaken Coin Locker Baby

    May 13, 2003
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    Leps and Faries maybe. . .But Banshees, i believe are real. They are not only found in Irland. Banshees are creatures that any body that is a decendent of a certain Irish clan, sees when they are about to die. The banshee normally wails or somtimes even sings infront of the person that is about to die. There are like five irish clans but, now i am sure that they have grown into many families so, banshees are now seen all over the world. . .
  2. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    The Jersey Devil could be true. Has there been any pictures taken of it? I like pictures better then sightings. It could be just a hoax. The lady that had this kid probably ended up killing her son/daughter do you know a better way to cover up a murder by saying the kid disappeared and the "devil" got him? After all this is how old? Back then there was a bunch of messed up things going on.

    The Jersey Devil kinda reminds me of the Boogy Man (Boogie Man) not that stupid one that is invisible and looks up peoples noses. The one that only little kids can see. The boogie man will steal a child and bring it back to its den to eat. The only thing that can stop it is direct sun light. I so believe in the Boogie man. There has been records of unexplained disappearance of children.

    I doubt lep are real. I read somewhere that the human body cant withstand being to small or to tall. The person dies quicker then most people would.

    Faeries are a possibility. They are magical so they could probably withstand being small. Which faeries do you believe in the nice ones or the mean ones? I like the nice, pretty ones better then the mean ones. It would explain why we havhave notseen so much of them. They like to keep hidhiddenom the world. The mean ones would want to kill us thus making more sightings. Maybe humans and faeries did co-exist together. Then the humans got greedy and the faeries had to leave this friendship for the sake of their own lives. they made us all "forget" that they were real. Only the true believers can see the faeries.

    Banshees, i doubt they do exist. There voices do something to people but i cant remember what it is. I know it is bad though

    I do think sirens are real. There voices have power over males. I thought someone who we should all know saw one. Ill look it up and find out.

    AS FAR AS God goes there is no God. I look at it as this. God was just a story people used to explain why we are here. They were to lazy at the time to find out the real truth. The people who thought "out of the box" aka scientist got killed thought to be witches. If there was a god would god allow that?

    Only excuse is that the so called God didn't want us to see the truth. So he had his followers kill everyone off who tried to find the truth. Then more people were like those people were right. God didn't create us evolution did. Can anyone dispute that evolution created humans and not god? I for one would not want to have been created anywhere down my blood line from a mans rib. Just because he was some h0rny man. All alone poor him.

    God is the biggest fable and myth of all. Just because you believe don't make it real. A book only shows that there is a god. Take that away and all you have are those loony people who are his followers. BLAH BLAH spoke to me for God.
  3. Jaken

    Jaken Coin Locker Baby

    May 13, 2003
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    dont sirens have a kiss of death or somthing? They are irestable to men so when she kisses them they die, i think.
  4. Mordeth

    Mordeth Mordeth Vult!

    Jan 12, 2002
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    sirens were supposed to have lured men to their islands with their irresistable song, and then the men would never want to leave the island. and would either stay with the sirens for ever, or waste away and die.
  5. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    That's rich coming from Ms Mermaid. Ya know I'd probably believe in god before I'd believe in faries.
    You people amaze me.

    edit: Didn't sirens lure ships to crash on the rocks?
    I may be wrong as my sources for this are the Simpsons and Symphoney X. Maybe it's only the greek variety that do that.
  6. Mordeth

    Mordeth Mordeth Vult!

    Jan 12, 2002
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    sometimes I even amaze myself

    not too often though, cos I know how great I am
  7. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    Yes, it was the greek tales about sirens.

    And If my sources are right, sirens weren't half-woman half-fish.

    Those were half-bird, half-women... I don't know how or when the tales got mixed up making mermaids = sirens.
  8. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Unlike God, Mermaids have had sightings :p

    Weren't sirens supposed to be from Holland?
    I know that there was someone famouse who saw a siren but can't remember who I odn't think its Christopher Colombus though.

    Anyways lets move on to another myth. Is there actually an island that still have dinosaurs left on it? (like in the lost world)
  9. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    ummmm........that's not a myth.
    It's a movie.
  10. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Okay, here's my two cents.

    1. mermaids. I think they may exist but they're not those glamerous ones you see in legends and stuff, they're the ugly, scaly ones you see in Harry Potter. :p

    2. Big foot. I've seen enough of Mystery Hunters (a Discovery Kids show ><) to believe they may exist. ^^

    3. Lochness Monster. i think it's a boggart. :D lol, jk. I personaly am inbetween for this beast. However there's a beast fairly similiar to it... that lives around Vancouver. I can't remember it's name, somehting creepy liek Calephosarus or something that began with a c. That i believe. :p Too mnay TLC shows actually.

    Er... aren't those harpies or something? ._. I KNOW THAT YGO CARD WAS BASED OFF SOME KIND OF STUPID MYTH DON'T LAUGH AT ME!

    They turn you to stone.

    Remember people, about a 100 or so years ago the gorillia was thought to be a myth. And let us not forget that weird deer animal found in some part of Asia a couple years ago. (what was it called? i forget.)
  11. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    Actually, I believe that the call of the Banshee is a preminition or whatever it is called; it's believed that the wailing voice of the Banshee is a warning of an impending/speedy death. Though I Could be wrong. Harpies are bird-women, but Sirens were also known as part-bird, part-humans too but there are also some myths that declare them as part-fish, part-human (though these are rare).

    I have a question, let me see what you people think... as we (may) all know, a Pegasus has wings, a Unicorn has a horn. Now, a friend of mine is a fan of Unicorns and a question she brought up got me wondering too; she's found pictures of horses with both wings and horns... would these be classified as Pegasi or Unicorns? Or something all on its own? I have read on Unicorn sites that, although uncommon, Unicorns were known have wings, too, sometimes, though have yet to read something about a Pegasus having horns... so what do you people think?
  12. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Ohhh yeahhh ._. that's what they do. ._. I forgot about that. Don't know how I got mixed up, been a long time since i started thinking about banshees, might've mixed them up with that hellraiser Medusa. :p

    As for your questionn, well that stupid Pegasus in Sailor Moon had a bloody horn but that doens't matter. That's just the stupidity of the producers. :p
    Hmmm..... I don't think there really is a difference. Both Pegasuses and Unicorn myths originated in different places (Pegasus originated in greece, can't remember Unicorns, but I think they originated in stories like King Arthur but I've never even been sure where THAT originated. ._. yup, it's offical, I'm an idiot. :p) But they may ahve a category to themselves, like pegacorns or unisus. :p (eww... both names sound ugly)
    There's also the fact there was only one Pegasus in Greek myth, and it was born out of Medusa's blood.
  13. Nakoruru

    Nakoruru New Member

    Aug 17, 2003
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    Here's my imput, but it might be kinda yea....I play too many games, and watch too much TV, this is what Final Fantasy does to you.

    Mermaids: I believe they exist, they just hide away because people see them sometimes, and they don't want to be bothered. Pics and others stuff have been found about them, so that's more proof for ya.

    Bigfoof/Yeti: I believe they exist, they just run around the mountains, or where ever they live. Bigfoot runs around forests and steals camper's food and other stuff too live, people just don't believe because they piss their pants running away, if they want to find out for sure, they should stay and actually look. Yeti, same as Bigfoot, runs around the snowy mountains and does stuff to hikers.

    Jersey Devil: Never heard of it.

    Siren: I believe they exist, that's why so many ships crash. :D For reals now, Sirens just hang around the ocean place, and drag males to their watery deaths, no one comes back, unless they did and I don't know, so no one knows for sure.

    Fairies: I believe they exist, they are too small for us to see, and probably a lonog time ago, we humans know about them, but since we suck, we forgot.

    Banshee: No imput.

    God: I believe NOT! God is fake. I think, a long time ago, a man walked the earth doing good deeds to others. Word spreaded to some king, and he though if he could make a belief about him being an all being, he would gain more support, so the king made up a story about him being a "God." That's what I believe.

    What about Medusa, Magic, Ghosts, and the Leviathan, if that is a myth, Dragons, Wizards,Witches, and time travel, if that is a myth also. This my friends, is what Final Fantasy does to your mind, it fills your head with this stuff.
  14. Ryokos_hellyen

    Ryokos_hellyen New Member

    Mar 15, 2003
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    ok what about centures(or how ever you spell it )
    ,taros,dragons,vampires, werewolves,
    griffins, zombies, phoeinx, gargolyles,ghosts

    explain thoes lol thoes have been around just as long as mermaids and or big foot if im not mistaken werewolves and bigfoot came out at the same time

    and the story about sirens is that the sailors jumped off the boat to swim to the island but never made it because they were killed by the rocks and current
  15. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    Taros, I don't know what they are, and Centaurs I don't believe are real or were. Dragons perhaps could have been at a time. I believe in Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies and Ghosts. Gargoyles are a good possibility too. Gryphon/Griffins I'm not too sure about and I think the idea of the Phoenix was some tall-tale of a real bird that was stretched out over time.
  16. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    People, people, people one myth or legend at a time please :D

    As far as a "Lost world" that I could think of would be in the Bermuda Triangle. It would explain why we have not seen it yet.

    Medusa would explain for all the lawn gnomes :D Nah I think it could be true. No one has seen her because she turns them to stone. She is waiting in a cave maybe in Greek or India.

    Ghosts are so true. There has been a lot of proof of the paranormal. Unsolved Mysteries is one of the best shows for this. Does anyone know were some really good ghost hunting places are? I have also seen a ghost. After I saw it my sis and I found some old magazines and my parents sold them for money.

    Leviathan of course are large creatures out there whales and what not. The bible version of a Leviathan maybe is not true unless I actually read into it more. I might change my mind.

    Dragons are true. There could be some left. My guess is that humans tired killing them off even if they were good. So they are in hiding. Or they could be in a parallel universe.

    Wizards are true. Merlin is one of the most famous of all. There probably is a group hidden away from this world like in Harry Potter. They don’t want to be hunted down for being different.

    Witches are the same as wizards.

    Time travel is true. There have been so many cases of deja vu. I think that time travel can be done within dreams. Some one had to look into this and found out how it’s done and are trying to make a real time machine. We don't use our brains nearly enough. The only way for us is to be at complete peace which only happens in sleep.

    That’s it Banshees are the sign of death when they call.

    Pegasus and Unicorns are one in the same. If it’s male it’s a Pegasus and female it is a Unicorn. So I have heard. Maybe they are real this whole planet has yet to be explored completely. And maybe witches and wizards keep them secret.

    Centaurs are so true. Probably doesn't look really human though.

    Taros probably all got killed off. And now all the bones that are left are said to be buffalos :(

    Vampires, Zombies, and werewolves are true. I just believe in them of course there have sightings.

    Griffins are a little made up. But it could be evolution working here. They are said to be part lion.

    Phoenix. They are hard to say. It’s probably just a story that came from a beautiful red bird that was flying. It was seen right when the sun came up and looked like it was on fire.

    Gargoyles. I think that they are true.

    What do you people think on parallel worlds (plains) to our own? Or the Bermuda Triangle?

    I believe in both. Maybe we did come from another world and the Bermuda Triangle is the place that holds the portal.

    Here are some a couple of missing airplanes or ships that are said to have vanished in the Bermuda Triangle. First ship is the Saba Bank. This one has lost over a hundred people. Another ship is the Samkey this one was headed towards the Bermuda Triangle and never seen again.

    Flight 19 had 14 men missing said to be the work of the Bermuda Triangle. The FT36 carried Edward Joseph, Jr Powers (as the captain) and Howell Orrin Thompson (staff sergeant) and George Richard Paonessa (radioman). There have been numerous amount airplanes and boats that disappeared said to be the work of the Bermuda Triangle. Of course we can’t forget how cruel the ocean can be so some could not be the work of the Bermda Triangle.

    There are very interesting theories with the Bermuda Triangle. One is dealing with the Shifting Paradigm.

    There have also been survivors of the Bermuda Triangle. A famous one was Christopher Columbus. His logs show the unexplained when passing threw the Bermuda Triangle and the Sargasso seas.

    Has anyone read any of Christopher Columbus’s logs from 1492? They are translated into English. Some of his logs deal with the compass acting up. Another one is that the sea had risen when the weather was calm on Monday, September 17, 1492. He actually saw a light on the horizon on October 11, 1492 which does remain unexplained today

    Has there actually been any bones found that have proven evolution is right?
  17. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    I dunno, there is a lot of "evidence" about the Bermuda Triangle, but something just seems a bit too iffy about it to me, I don't know. I don't see how Pegasi and Unicorns could really be the same as the myths behind them are completely different. I think that Wizards and Witches are different in that factual Wizards weren't, really, anything with magic but were more of Sages. If I remember correctly, Wizard comes from "wysard" which means "wise one". Probably such a degree of intelligence that it was believed they were magical or some such, and researched into magic. Witches and Warlocks I believe are, for the mostpart, as they are portrayed (correctly that is. Not that whole gender-specific thing).

    What about the mythicial Basilisk (the one that can kill or turn to stone with its breath or sight, not the real Basilisk) and the Chimera?
  18. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    I think ryoko meant Taurus. the almighty gigantic bull that made it's way into the heavens. it's my star sign :p

    I'm with Zack on Unicorns and pegasuses. They're completly different, from different origins, and there are said to be about a hundred unicorns and there was only one pegasus and it died.

    How? i cna't remember the myth entrily, but pegasus started helping this king win wars and stuff. But the king then wanted to take over mount olyimpus, but the gods stopped him (I think it was getting rid of Pegasus' flying abilities or something) so the two crashed to the earth and died.

    Basilisk... I love those things :p they're so cool...
    But I don't think they (or medusa and any other type of stone turning creature) are around. Or else we would've herad about people going missing and then finding life size statues of them with great detail. :p
  19. Nakoruru

    Nakoruru New Member

    Aug 17, 2003
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    Man, this is one interesting topic. I think there is another dimension, or a parallel world, yup I do, otherwise, why would we know so much about these "myths." I believe people in other worlds have these weird outta the world creatures. And people in this shitty world have seen them, came back and told us about it, and since humans suck, we didn't belive that person and kill him.
  20. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    sorry but i read this post and kinda laughed i thought i was the only person who believed that but i guess i was wrong

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