Recreation "Nice Guys" gather round

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mad_Hamish, Aug 16, 2002.

  1. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    tooms: thanks. I am less than knowledgeable about certain things.

    Still, it seems to me, if one hangs out with bad boys, hows a nice guy going to decide to talk to his parents and get the ball rolling?

    Anyway, an interesting system, it has its merits.
  2. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    Now, I don't consider myself a "bad boy" or a nice guy.
    And if you reversed the situation, with a bad girl and nice girl.
    I mean a bad girl sounds like a hell of a lot more fun to be with.
    I've never had a "bad girl" girlfriend, all these nice girls are just way to bland. Maybe it's just our idea's of fun are too different.

    And the whole settling down with a nice person just sounds like a cop out or something. I wouldn't want to settle down with someone I'd be board with.

    And don't expect any different from girls really. I wouldn't settle for someone I'd find boring. I don't expect them to do any different.

    Unless there was a nice girl exterior but a bad girl inside. That would be interesting.
  3. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    sigh.. I find some women, beautiful women, are very insecure. When I was working at Taco Hell, most of the crew were dating each other. it was pathetic actually. but this one girl was dating this guy who was a jerk. he'd always swat our butts with a towel. So many times she'd be crying. I mean, she'd buy him an 80 dollar pair of 'cool' jeans and all this other crap with her money she made, (he wouldn't buy her anything mind you). This girl was so pretty but so daft and really really insecure. She didn't think she could do better when it came to guys. He played these psychological mind tricks on her, making her feel like crap, that she couldn't have anything better than him.

    the same thing happened to my sister. She's really beautiful, a great singer. She met this guy in high school. She would see him at lunch time, and all they did was play cards with his friends. She slowly lost all her friends. She didn't think she could do better cuz he too played psychological mind tricks on her. Then she got pregnant, and he took off to another city and didn't support her or her child at all. He was still in the picture, she didn't want to realize that she had to dump him cuz he was no good. She cried saying she couldn't do better, that she'd be all alone forever...kind of crap.. (she found someone else, married him, and now they have 3 kids, including her fist kid).
  4. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    One thing i noticed in High School was the so called Cool crowed. AKA Jerks would start dating all the first year students Grade 9 in high school.. So bassicaly by the time the grade 9's got to grade 12 they had serious issues. do to the fact that these guy treated them like **** so they themselves would look cool.. Its a sad sad cycle of things..

  5. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    my brother was always mad cuz the girls he liked in High School would always swoon for the 21-22 year old sleeze-bags. He got so mad with High School period, that when he finished early in January, he didn't even bother going back to School for the graduation in June.
  6. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    Tooms to the rescue!

    Thanx tooms, I was thinking how can I say that..:sweat:

    And when i said hang out with, I didn't ment as a boyfriend, I ment as a normal friend.. :)

    And I am so sorry for your sister Seraphim..:(
    But it was so nice from this guy who accepted her 1st child..such a sweet guy..
    I hope they live happly till the end.. :)
  7. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    It is kind of strange because most girls do seem to go for the type of guy that is a "bad arse" just to look cool. But as well, in my opinion from observation, a lot of girl's think that all guys are sleezy and there is not one nice guy on the planet. I hate to make assumptions, but all of the nice guys are the ones who are shy and who have been picked on in their life, these guys know what it is like to feel hurt and would not want to have their gf's/ life partner to be hurt. And I know Nee chan, bro was really ticked off at everyone by that point... I'm extremely ticked off at how most guys treat girls as well, it's not right to say that you love anyone and then hurt them :(

    From what I've seen as well, the type of guys that are nice guys want to have serious relationships and most girls can't handle this right away. Where the bad guys mostly just want to have fun >< It can be vice versa probably too.
  8. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    I guess that nice girls should be with nice boys and bad girls should be with bad boys. Because both of them (the two bad boy and girl) they want to have fun, not a serious relashion ship..

    I don't know if what I just said made any sence!! :sweat:
  9. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    What, you can't have fun ain a serious relationship?
    Okay I know I'm probably twisting your words.
    BUt I don't think things are as black and white as everyone is making them out to be.
    Nice guys being sensitive, devoted martyrs.
    Bad guys being selfish, uncaring louts.
    Come on, I mean they're pathetic stereotypes and both repulsive people in my opinion.
    One a posesive, clingy little wimp and the other a violent, arrogant *******.
    Lets be a little more realistic here. I don't think everyone's seeing the whole picture.

    I hate to make assumptions, but all of the nice guys are the ones who are shy and who have been picked on in their life, these guys know what it is like to feel hurt and would not want to have their gf's/ life partner to be hurt

    That's a big assumption dude.
    I could make the assumption that all shy people lack confidence, therefor all people with confidence aren't nice people.
    But I know that is toatl *******.

    [BMS Edit: Please watch your self-censoring. It is still visually offensive minus one letter.]
  10. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    Yeah I sort of see your point there Mad, that was just a theory of mine >.< Of course you can have fun in a serious relationship, but in my opinion that is not the main basis of a serious relationship... The main basis is to be there to help the other person, and to be with them through any situation and to love them. But I guess that this brings happiness to them as well so of course there is fun. I think I'm just confusing myself and others ><

    And I do see what you mean with the confidence thing as well, but I have seen that people who know what it is like to be picked on in the past know not to do these things to others as well... But these people can have confidence as well @_@x
  11. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    I'd recommend you guys watching this movie with Drew Barrymore:

    Driving in Cars with boys

    It's about a girl who gets pregnant by a guy she met - the point is, he SEEMED like a nice guy. But in the end he's a complete irresponsible and nearly ruins her and her son's life.

    So in general, you should really be careful who you hang out with. As a hint, don't sleep with him/her until you're sure (s)he's the love of your life. (I would prefer not having sex before marriage, but that seems too hard to acomplish for some people, but anyway)...

    The problem about hanging out with people, is that sooner or later the relationships grow. A pal becomes a friend, a friend becomes a girlfriend, and a girlfriend becomes a lover. So, it's really difficult to choose a "nice guy" or girl to marry if all the people you hang out with aren't exactly nice.
  12. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    Some people don't see it as an acomplishment.

    And if she got pregnant well that's tough ****, should have been more careful.
    (edit: hmmm....I wasn't clear here, both people should have been careful)

    And all this choosing the nice guy thing.
    What if the guy you choose doesn't choose you?
    It's all one big search and you learn things along ther way.
    And you know what they say about experience being the best teacher.

    [BMS Edit: Please watch the offensive language!]
  13. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    There ain't no proof positive way you're gonna now you're totally in love with someone. If there was, there wouldn't be no one-night stands, no single mothers/fathers, and part of discussion would be moot.

    Ya find "true love" in the wierdest of places...and I happen to think that relationships that grow from friendships (that work, anyway) are some of the strongest couples you'll see.

    I'm pretty sick and tired too of people telling me "who to hang out with." It's freaking sickening.

    Gah, anyway, I'll agree with that guy! Relationships aren't all about funnest one gave me the biggest heartbreak. However, when you both work at it seriously, there's fun in the process too. It's about growth with that person, I guess I'm saying, not just to smile because you skydived or had "relations" (hehe, too shy) or anything. Izzy's babbling again, time to shut up.
  14. Naru

    Naru New Member

    Jul 31, 2002
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    A bit off topic ^^;;

    Ok well I the kind of girl that just keeps to myself during school...Its not that i'm eavesdropping just sometimes I hear these "bad boys" talking to these girls, showing off, and some are stupid enough to ask a girl to be a lesbian to turn them on...sigh well I'm actually glad that I'm quiet, because I have seen how creul some guys can be; actually having the opertunity to see who they are before becoming "involved" and I can tell which are nice or not...My first boyfriend (Musashi) is not exactly the shy type so I was afraid to talk to him at first...but anyways we are long distance now and he sometimes isnt the nicest guy, he is stubborn at times when i need to discuss things, but wat I'm saying is not every "nice guy" is what u think they are, no one is perfect...At one time I thought these "nice guys" were rare but I come on this and I realize that in a sence all guys are nice (confusing myself) its just that most guys dont like to open up and share thier feelings (talking to a friend about what is on thier mind) and by doing this they hurt people without realizing it...I believe there is always a reason why people pick on you...some times they are jealous (because u are smarter) so they try to bring you down to thier level, having a bad day, or just are bored and want to hurt people because they find it funny...I dunno its what I think...
  15. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    Nice guys are dellusional
    ******** are just honest

    heheh, just kidding.

    [BMS Edit: Again, please watch your language!]
  16. DrunkLeprachaun

    DrunkLeprachaun Tetsu Oushi

    Dec 15, 2001
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    Firstly, luv, I don't think it's very wise to base your life on a (bad) teenager movie. Secondly, I don't think it's right to be just stereotyping people, because they're shy or because they hang out with the 'cool' crowd. I don't know what the **** is like in america or canada, but over here, in any school I know, there isn't really a set crowd who everyone wants to be friends with. If that's what your school is like, I think it must be kind of pathetic. This thread is giving me a headache. Don't treat someone badly becasue someone said they were a ****, don't avoid them because they're shy or popular, just don't judge a person until you know them personaly.
  17. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    You can never know when the woman gets pregnant!! Even if she took the pills and and the know:shy3:..anyway.. what I am trying to say is that no matter what the couple do so that the woman wont get pregnant, she might evantually get pregnant..and the best way to not to, is by not having sex >.>..

    My whole point over here is related with having sex and ending up getting pregnant and then the huge break up!!

    In my openion, I hate people having sex before marry, cuz its like the man trying the woman phisicly and if he liked it he stays, but if not he will leave her..its just like trying an object..

    And even when they try itad liked it, they keep doing it till the man (or even the woman) get enough and wants to try others!! :bleed2:

    It's an openions..just an openion from many..if I made someone mad, please forgive me..:(
  18. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    Well to touch on something DL said in canada, in school you have your groups.. but thats like anywhere.. some ppl want to be punk and hang together some are Preps, skaters, Hockey players.. yada ya... But for the most part.. (where i was anyway) everyone hung out with each other at some point in time..

    But there was always the Group of the So Called Winners.. the Cool crowd.. or so they thought.. It was this crowd that had all the jerks and the girls who could not do any better.. It was these guys that cheated on their GFs, and oh yes the girls heard about it yet they still dated these idiots.. Why not sure. some sort of mental thing i guess..

    So in my opinion if you consider yourself some sort of Nice guy and go after these girl that are messed up.. you will probably loose most of the time.. thus finishing last..

    But in my case, I just have bad luck with any girl. Yes im shy.. But was i picked on.. at times but i always fought back, because i hate being pushed around... was i a nerd , hardly.. Do i have lack of confidence.. no i rarely give up at anything..

    But someday ill have my time in the sun.. its only a matter of time.. I hate every minute of it, but thats life.. no one said it be a walk in the park..

  19. Mordeth

    Mordeth Mordeth Vult!

    Jan 12, 2002
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    what about the woman wantying to try the man out? it's alot easier for a woman to please a man than the other way around :)

    and while I personally have nothing to do with it, I think sex can be a very healthy and fun part of a relationship, as long as it is done with respect and love for the other person *and yourself*

    sex before marriage isn't bad, but if the worst *well i just plain don't like children :) * happens, you should be prepared to accept it
  20. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    :sweat: I forgot to mention that in the begining, so I said it in the end.. :sweat:
    See.. :sweat: So that you wont tell me that I am saying that only men are bad :p

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