Current Affairs PeTA has crossed the line

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by wertitis, Oct 22, 2005.

  1. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    I know I'm running off into another direction.. but I remember a while back,
    a Newspaper covered two stories that happened at the same time: an owner throwing her dog off a 6th floor blacony and killing it, and parents killing their baby. Guess which story got two full pages and the other a small corner article?

    It's pretty sick when some people are more concerned over animals than they are over human life.

    Of course, I don't wish this to become a debate thread, some animals have been classified as food, while others as companions, it's great that people are doing things about endangered species. I won't be joining or agreeing with Peta on this fish crusade until there are only 500 or so fish left on the planet.. aren't I cruelle.
  2. Tar.Aldarion

    Tar.Aldarion New Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    Just because you can digest animals does not mean you are supposed to. You can digest cardboard. That does not mean you should eat it. And it also does not mean that you digest it well.
    "The human body was not designed to catch or eat animals. You have no claws. Your teeth do not rend flesh. Your mouth can not seriously wound nor is it made to really get a good bite into an struggling victim like true carnivores can. You are not fit to run fast to catch prey. Meat-eaters have fast enough reflexes to ambush or overtake a victim. You do not. Try catching a pig or a chicken with your bare hands; see what happens."
    as for teeth,read and physiology-read the table in the link for info.
    If anything our teeth are much more suited to plants.

    What you quoted of mine is to point out todays many misconceptions about diets being unhealthy.I'm not making allusions that people didn't kill,they still do!i'm saying that the diet has always been healthy though most people though it wasn't.
  3. Tar.Aldarion

    Tar.Aldarion New Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    It's pretty sick when some people are more concerned over humans than they are over animal life. ;)

    Sorry couldn't resist :)
  4. Dante

    Dante New Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    What I'm most surprised about is how Neph turned down the opportunity to point out that YET AGAIN someone compared something to Adolf Hitler.

    Anyways, I have to agree with PETA... PETA still is the People for Eating Tasty Animals, right?

    Seriously, though... we already know they're putting cats in Chinese food, so...

    Gah, there I go again with not being serious!

    ANYWAY... I'm just waiting to see how long it is before PETA decides to start petitioning against lions for their cruelty to zebras and gazelle and such.
  5. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    You're forgetting one important thing: There's no people in the Lion/Zebra conflict. What are they going to do? Go into the Lion's den and chain themselves to the Zebra to protect them? Hope the Lions will understand?

    Now, I've always thought that once a week zoo keepers should spice up the lives of the Lions. All they do is sit around in the sun and sleep. There aint much to do in those dens except sleep and eat, right? It's unhealthy.

    So why don't they spice things up and provide some entertainment for the guests at the Zoo?

    I say once a week they should throw a live goat into the Lion's den; you know- to give those Lion's some excercise. Do you know how many people would start coming to the Zoo to see the Goat Hunt? It'll give the lions something to do as well. The best part about this? Carnivore hunting herbivore: It's perfectly natural!

    But I guarantee the first time this goes down PeTA will be there in their lion suits protesting the cruel treatment of the Goats: They have feelings too and don't like being hunted by the lions... Sheesh.

    Not so much dude. As much as we love animals, your own species should come first. Human beings should worry and care about one another more than any animal in existence. Once we're all fat, dumb and happy with ourselves we can start looking to the animal kingdom.

    I'm not going to get into a debate over the evils of eating meat in this thread, but if you want to start a debate in the debates forum we can holler and yell about it all we want.

    Until then down with PeTA.

    1 person likes this.
  6. Tar.Aldarion

    Tar.Aldarion New Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    Ok this is not a good thread for this and tbh I hate debating on the net...I'll just take my sorry ass back to literary and debating society....down with PETA.Up with mini skirts.
  7. Roffey

    Roffey I'm As Free As A Bird Now

    Mar 27, 2003
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    Tar.Aldarion and wertitis:

    I generally don't like to call sources biased, but all the same...


    Absolutely no one will believe a fact taken from a site entitled "Peta Kills Animals".


    a site that is titled "Why eating meat is unnatural"...

    No chance that could be biased.
  8. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    That's why I stuck three others one there including one that is nothing more than a collection of PeTA anti-pet quotes. :D

    Of COURSE they're going to be biased. They're anti-PeTA websites. If they weren't biased then they wouldn't be actively working against PeTA to stop thier non-sensical rampage.

  9. Dante

    Dante New Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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  10. Tar.Aldarion

    Tar.Aldarion New Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    I'll admit that sounds pretty damn biased :p
    but from the facts on the page i linked to i don't see anything that isn't true or that could be considered such?
    Really the site is called that,haha...ill be sure to make it sound less biased in the future...
  11. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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  12. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Poor comparison. Pure, primitive carnivores are not the same as tool using omnivores. In fact I think it's baboons that kill, and eat, intruding baboons? Chimps routinely kill and eat other animals.

    Another fallacy in that argument is that we're inherently going to try to chase animals. We're pack ambush predators, and this leads to very different tactics than "ONE GUY RUN AND CLAW".

    Humans are oppurtunistic feeders. We're equipped to eat, and digest, anything we need to to make it through life. Your link does make many poor comparisons (for example, the intestine length) while omitting other aspects. There's also no comparison with a true ominvorous animal in your link.

  13. Jackabee

    Jackabee Captain Jackabee Sparrow

    Jul 19, 2005
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    YAY!!! Oh sorry... it brings up points that I was going to.

    What I wrote before reading it:
    Let's see now. What about all those bugs that go SPLAT on your windshield? Better stop driving. What about the animals that were killed and displaced when your home was built? What about the animals that lost their homes or died all for the sake OF THE VERY PAPER PETA PRINTS THEIR PROPAGANDA ON? Hmm... Those don't count? Oh my bad. That food you're eating might have been some other animal’s source of nourishment. The very fact we exist affects animals okay. If PETA wants to stop effecting animals then the best way to do that is to stop existing. The problem is that even killing yourself would effect animals because... your rotting corpse would serve as nourishment for some level of life form, be it maggots, ants, beetles, worms, you really can't escape it.

    Oh yeah, you know the FDA has a limit to how many bug parts can be allowed into you food varying on what the food is. Finding a whole bug would get a company in trouble, but little ground up bits and pieces, those are okay just so long as there aren't too many. How's that for food for thought?
  14. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    It's a little off topic, but I believe the FDA only allows like two rat hairs or so per jar of penut butter and only so much rat poopie per pound of penuts. Lemme scrounge around the internet and see if I can find where that info is posted.

    We've been eating bugs and other nasty things in our food for a long time, however insecticides and such help keep the number of insects in our fruits and vegitables down. PeTA wants to ban all insecticides and the results would be less productive crops and more insects in apples, peaches, pears, oranges and such.

    It's not ok to kill insects in our crops but it's ok to eat them, or slaughter them in our own homes.

    I just want to see a little continuity out of them, that's all.

  15. Jackabee

    Jackabee Captain Jackabee Sparrow

    Jul 19, 2005
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    Wait a minute.... they probably wouldn't eat too many breads since most bread type food stuffs have eggs or milk in them. How do they eat? The whole let's go back to natural farming has only recently become some what popular.​
    Also on that whole free the dogs, cats, domesticated animals in general thing... they aren't that natural any more. Stray animals already are screwing up ecosystems... Are they suggesting that we mess up the whole planet by letting these animals roam around? The domestic cat for example preys upon a greater range of species than any of the native predator species... What's worse is that you're typical house cat usually doesn't even eat the birds or small mammals it kills. Feral cat colonies can devastate song bird populations in an area. In Australia feral cats are not just a problem near towns and cities, but a problem through out the country side. I think some Australians got in trouble for introducing feral cat hunting. The world was like HOW COULD YOU KILL THE CUTE KITTIES.... Feral cats are not cute. They will gladly claw you to bits if you pick them up. They will bite. They can not be pets. They are not a natural part of any ecosystem because they are derived from domestic cats. So what do you do with Feral cats, leave them to drive natural species into extinction?​
    Then there are feral dogs. Many domestic dogs can not survive in the wild. They starve to death, die of mange, get hit by cars, get rabies and other various maladies, and I'm sure that some toy dogs... get eaten. oh yes such wonderful alternatives to death in the pound, and yet people 'set their dogs free' all the time. The dogs that do survive tend to form packs. They kill things from rodents and birds to deer and live stock. Feral dogs, particularly 2nd generation and on, are often unused to humans, so they don't make good pets. Dogs that are afraid(of people) will often act unpredictably thus they are a danger to have in a house. Would setting free all the poor oppressed dogs really benefit the animal populous as a whole?​
    Then there are pet snakes... particularly the case of the Florida everglades. People get the small little boas and pythons, but then when it grows to be too large to handle... they want to dump it. In the Florida Everglades these snakes are not only surviving, but thriving. Snakes up to ten feet in length have been reported. They are competing with the native alligators and in some cases even killing them. If these snakes are competing with one of the top predators of the everglades, just imagine what damage it is doing to the ecosystem. Yes PETA let's free all the pets so they can DIE or screw up the native ecosystem... yeah that's really caring about the animals isn't it.​
  16. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Paragraphs are your friends.
  17. Superfly

    Superfly Active Member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    Wow, can you believe I've never actually heard of that grouping before? This is the first time (hey I'm European ey..)..
    But let me get this straigth, yet basically put:
    10000 years ago (maybe even longer, but 8000 bC is still the basic "beginning of history" due to the "invention" of writing) man domesticated a wolf pup, which became a loyal companionship to man. This bond never changes for 10000 years, and suddenly, one day, a lovely bunch on nature lovers (extreeeeme nature lovers, so they proclaim..) decide we're evil beings for domesticating animals thousands of years ago? Agreed, now with the lizard hype which resulted in a crack in the ecosystem of the Everglades for example.. That's just a point of our own neglegence, you know crocs can grow to enormeous sizes!
    But dogs? Cats? Cats aren't even fully domesticated, they're still fierce hunters, but I've yet to see a cat which gives unconditional love. :p

    But **** that PeTA is the worst bunch of "animallovers" I've ever seen, their methods twisted, and their lies.. god the lies! I know what I'm gonna do when I get home: I'm gonna hug each and every one of my pets and tell them I love them. My dog, my cat, my turtle, and my goldfishes' bowl...
  18. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    this is a little off subject just a little though

    but why don't the Elf group complain when people eat fruits veggies and cut grass or trees they have feelings don't they.
  19. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Plants don't have a nervous system. They cant tell you that what you are doing is hurting it. That's why people don't pay much attention to them. Besides, eating plants is much better than eating artificially produced caloric supplements.

    That's exactly why they want to go genocidal on all those kinds of animals. Anything "tainted" by the touch of man deserves to be wiped out off the face of earth. It's unnatural.

    Now as they say that they eat fruits, vegitables and grains that have been genetically altered by hundreds of thousands of years of humanities selective crop growing. Do they want us to wipe out our crops as well and go to an all natural, untouched source of food?

    Hell no. There isn't enough food for the poor and homeless in the United States, much less the rest of the world. To burn our crops now would send us into a terrifying food shortage in the US. They don't want to go hungry any more than anyone else.

    So our "taint" all over the fruits and vegitables we eat is just fine. It's the stink of humanity that has warped all the things they DON'T eat (pretty much anything that poops) that needs to be neutered and neutered into extinction.

  20. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    See, the human race is by its very nature a parasitic race. In fact, everything that's ever lived or grown on this Earth is parasitic by nature. Groups like these fail to realize that, and they think we can live without leeching off other life-forms. This is of course impossible. The only way you can *not* live as a parasite is to die, and that's... well bad. :p

    PeTA and other groups don't realize this, they think we can live in a different way, a different way from our very nature.

    Still, genocide on animals is extreme. Horribly extreme, and I can't help but wonder what goes through the minds of the people who think it's "right."

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