Debate Religion What is it????

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dark_Dreams, Sep 30, 2003.


Religion is.........

  1. The most important thing ever how dare you question it's importance

    9 vote(s)
  2. Church

    3 vote(s)
  3. the thing my parents make me do

    6 vote(s)
  4. Crazy Lunatics singing and mumbling

    12 vote(s)
  1. Dark_Dreams

    Dark_Dreams New Member

    Jul 16, 2003
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    To some it is the largest case of mass hysteria in history to others it's the most important thing in the universe. Your Opinion???
  2. Baphijmm

    Baphijmm Kunlun Knight

    Mar 8, 2003
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    Well, my opinion is that some people need some sort of faith basis to go on living. I, however, am not one of them. Religion has no effect on me, and I tend to question it often. There are those, however, who must have it. I will not stand in their way. Fanatics are real scary, especially in large groups.
  3. seraphinx

    seraphinx Oy, Artista!

    Mar 5, 2003
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    Having faith is okay, but it's ironic though, how some of the worst people I know are the ones who go to church the most. They act like they're getting all this love and guidance from above, but their lives still suck, and their personalities are just like any other ghetto kid from the projects. Like this one guy who is a friend of my friends, he pressured his lil girlfriend for sex, smokes an insane load of pot (goes out of his way to get his hands on more money to buy it), is always harassing friends and strangers, yells perverted things in quiet, public places, etc. Yet he's the only one who attends church regularly, praising the lord with prim & proper old ladies. Then there's this one girl I knew, she was really into church (couldn't have a conversation with her where she didn't say something about God), but she was known as the girl who went through 2 boyfriends in the same week (and had the most total boyfriends of anyone I've known), she betrayed the friendships of lots of friends, is a big hypocrite, hurts people's feelings, is rude to nice people, etc.
  4. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    I believe in God, let me say that first. I have been raised by a Catholic mother and a Protestant father, and most of my friends have always been Christian. Now that I've said that, on to the opinion bit.
    I said that religion is basically a bunch of gibberish. I used to think the idea of abolishment of religion is stupid, and I still do, but the fact of the matter is that every religion basically says the same thing: be good to each other, don't be a **** all the time, and in the end you'll get yours. The whole idea of what goes around comes around.
    Buddha and Jesus both said the same thing. You'll also find the same deal in the texts of Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. I think I covered the bases of the "major" religions of the world, but if I missed you, forgive me.
    I believe in a God. I have very strong faith. I nevertheless avoid going to church as much as possible, not just because I think it's boring and the only church around my residence is from a different denomination. I don't go for all the ceremony that religions these days seem to be based on.
    Last year, when the Pope arrived in Canada for that whole World Youth Day thing, so many people I knew wanted to be there just for a chance to see this man, and were shocked that I refused to have anything to do with the whole show. I tried to profess that the Pope is just a man, but to no avail.
    I would feel the same way about any other major religious figure. Unless they're like the second coming of Christ or something, they're just another person.
    Anyway, people should have the choice and the freedom to believe whatever they want (so long as they don't violate the choices and freedoms of others), with respect to their faith and religion.

    Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about faith for a minute. Faith is a belief in something. While I say I disagree overall with religion for various reasons I don't think I'll mention tonight, I stand by my faith intensely.
    Faith is built upon something you feel, know or believe deep down inside the core of your being. This isn't something easy to shake, barring some kind of momentous occasion resulting in a total paradigm shift of sorts.
    I have faith in two major things, with respect to religion and all that:
    1. That there is a God. Don't even try to debate this with anyone, because you'll never get anywhere. And us monotheists and atheists can get along just fine. Some of my better friendships are proof.
    2. The "natural law" of right and wrong. Sure, we can be total jackasses at times, but deep down, most people have some definition of what is right and what is wrong. It's in human nature somewhere. We all know that taking something from someone else is wrong, that stabbing someone in a dark alley is wrong, and that betraying a friend is pretty low. It's just a question of whether you choose the right or the wrong in any given situation.

    To conclude, tying in my bit on religion and my bit on faith, I will say this: The majority of us are born with the freedom to choose our own beliefs. We have at least a little bit of options regarding how we behave, and how we treat those of different faiths than ourselves. It is really a matter of accepting each other to overcome our differences. To quote the old maxim, united we stand, divided we fall. Each religion of the world is like a colour of dye, and each believer is but a single thread. It is only together that we can make the beautiful tapestry known as humanity.

    Let me leave you with these two quotes:
    "I don't believe in religious people, and I don't believe in political people, but I do believe in humanity."
    -Carlos Santana-
    "It is faith that gets us there."
  5. Baphijmm

    Baphijmm Kunlun Knight

    Mar 8, 2003
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    Seraphinx, you should watch White Oleander. It describes exactly what you just said, only in a movie. Well, one of the scenarios does, anyway. And it's a good movie nonetheless. This lady adopts the main character, and she's a diehard Christian with some serious jealousy issues, and family problems, and such. Anyway, what you said reminded me of it, so that's why I said that.
  6. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Religion is useful but its frighteningly manipulative at times and far too many people have abused that power to manipulate others.

    I have no problem with a religion until it actively harms others or tries to force itself on others.
  7. *Fabee*

    *Fabee* Retired

    Jul 15, 2001
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    To me religion is a very important part of my life. It helps guide your life in the right path. Even when you question something you'll find the answer to it in the Quran, Bible and other holy books. All religions have are different, but it also shares many similarities. The believe of a higher existence, dedicating our lives to Allah, the afterlife ... etc

    Ever heard of Speaker corner in London? I've been there and its a great place to be at. There was once a guy speaking about islam. A guy in the crowd kept yelling 'Terrorist', but the english people were the one to shut him up, because they want to hear. They want to understand more about this religion.

    Its better to gain knowledge about something you dont know, instead of assuming.
  8. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    And yet they say ignorance is bliss.
    Out of the darkness of ignorance can only come fear, hatred and, ultimately, pain. Is this the fate we would wish on the world? I pray not! It is for the good of us all that we educate ourselves in the ways of other religions, and therefore other cultures, thus focussing ourselves on the ultimate goal of universal oneness.
  9. Shen

    Shen Indefinately away

    Nov 23, 2002
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    I believe in science. Where all the answers are held and are waiting to be discovered. Nevertheless I respect religions but I don't agree with some of their views.
  10. DarkNd Destiny

    DarkNd Destiny New Member

    Jul 22, 2003
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    I am a Catholic. Religion is important to me. Somehow knowing that when I pray someone hears me, makes me feel happy. I like believing in something. Going to church isn't the best but I still go.
    I have faith in my God. Until I die, then maybe I'll be able to prove to myself that God really exists and that he's been hearing my prayers. Even though some might say religion is dumb, I think differently. In a way they might be right that religion is only used to keep people from despairing but then. . . Isn't that a good thing. . .if it gives people hope?

    [berry]edited cause not every sentance deserves its own line. and i will do this to every post i see done in a systematic was. thus is also why the smiley is's in everyone one of your posts girl, knock it off[/berry]
  11. Kos-Mos

    Kos-Mos New Member

    Sep 13, 2002
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    I'm pagan. My friend calls the certin type...Ecliptic. I think it was. In other words I have my own beliefes. I've been called a steriotype before because I get all mad when some one tells me I'm crazy for not believing in god, but believing in greek gods and such. I'm not quiet sure what I am right now but I know for sure it's not Christian or anything in that sort of group.

    But anyway, religion isn't a very major part of my life. The only time I think about it is when some one tells me I'm wrong about mine, but others, it's a very big part of there life. I'm happy people live on morals like religion, although I myself dont. It's nice to have order among groups, though it's still ok not to have a religion. The only bad thing is percicution. That's what I think.
  12. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    That's one of the biggest loads of total balls I've ever heard. Who's telling you your beliefs are wrong? No one has the right to do that. I'm sure if we got right down to it, I probably would think you're full of crap too, and you'd say the same about me, but I'd still respect your beliefs.
    Honestly ... tolerance!
  13. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    i honestly have no problems with any religion out there. i just can't stand people who blindly follow because that's what they were taught to do by their parents. you should understand and actually believe in your faith if you're going to have one. i've never been strong into it as well, i've never felt the need for something like that. it's a comfort thing for me, so i treat it as i need it.
  14. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Attending church in and of itself does not equate to good faith. The purpose, of course, is for spiritual enlightenment and a community gathering and ceremony. But anyone can sit through an hour a week and not necessarily get anything out of it. Obviously, the two cases you present are examples of this. They're adamant enough to participate in a religious gathering, but not enough to carry those teachings outside of it. If you go to church and don't take it to heart(i.e. "My parents make me"), you aren't getting a thing out of it, and it is a waste of time, in my opinion.

    Novus made an excellent post some time back, with some very important points. I've known him to be quite thorough and critical about religion from the past, so his post is founded on quite a bit of pondering and discussion.

    "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
    -Albert Einstein

    There are so many things science just can't explain. Trace back the universe, for instance with the Big Bang Theory. Everything started as one big mass, until boom. Well...sure...but what created that big mass?

    But religious writings are always debatable in so many ways. They're ambiguous, they're nonsensical, they're contradictory even at times. The founding principles are what is important. Things shouldn't be grasped literally - they need to be interpreted. What I hate is when religions get ballooned and built upon so far that they miss the original intent. The other extreme is becoming cultist. No thanks to either - it's taking personal belief and thrusting and warping it to become something else.

    Further: Religion, Faith, and Common Sense intertwine sometimes on the level that it's hard to keep them seperate, and are so apart at other times. I guess religion is more of taking your beliefs and actually follwing through on them.

    In the end, believe what you want to believe.
  15. Sesshomisao

    Sesshomisao Poison Girl

    May 5, 2003
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    I agree with Neph here...Religon is good untill they go to to force them selves on someone

  16. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    Religion: Beliefs vs Morals

    I think most people around get confused about religion, and this is because we mix up "dogma" (beliefs) with "morals" (right/wrong) and "church" (community).

    As humans we are in the position to judge other "religions". That is good because it's an expression of our freedom.

    The thing is, a religion should never go against the rights of people (human rights: liberty, choice, etc). And we cannot judge a religion because of what people in that religion do.


    people equally corrupt MADE UP that religion. I'm talking about cults. (I'm a cult researcher).

    But not all religions are cults. And not all religions condemn (send to hell) people who don't agree with them. Ironically enough, the Catholic Church teaches (in the Catechism) that people who are not catholic can be saved by obeying their conscience, and it was the people in the Catholic Church who started the Spanish Inquisition against the jews.

    This is an example of how complicated things are. But bypassing all that, christianity is about doing good because Jesus died for us sinners. (A good person dying FOR many bad persons... just think about it).

    And there are people who really care, (idealists) and want us to love each other.

    So, can we really generalize and say all religion is pointless? I guess not. We would have to judge every religion separately. Simply because there is more than one religion, we cannot generalize.

    Another curious thing.

    About 99% of the catholics in the world don't have the SLIGHTEST idea of the religion they claim to profess. And some of those who do, fail to apply what they know.
  17. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Re: Religion: Beliefs vs Morals

    I am inclined to agree with you there. The Church stated in the Second Vatican Council several points concerning the relationships of Catholics to people of other faiths. This statement, known as the Declaration of the Church to Non-Christian Religions tells Catholics to be respectful and appreciative of every religion as long as it promotes the greater good and love for humanity and all that. And yet there is so much prejudice among certain Catholics.
  18. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    I'd like to really emphasize this point.. Someone told me before that religions are good unless they become corrupt and force their people to do the wrong things. Though, I really don't think many "religions" would do this, if anything it's the people inside of the religion. Religion is a spiritual institution but it is run by imperfect people and these people are bound to make mistakes.

    Also, many do not see the point of religion anymore because they only revolve on physical things, things they can sense. Here's what Descartes said to that:

    In other words, senses can be misleading.. he used the example that when he dreamed there was no difference from the real world(he could smell things, see things, etc.), therefore he could have been dreaming at that moment. So how could he have trusted those senses to prove that God exists? Or if religion were true or false? He also went into how the only thing he didn't doubt was that he existed and that God existed(you'll have to research that on your own by reading Meditations on First Philosophy).

    As for me.. I'm a Catholic and try my hardest to be a good one too. I have had a Mormon tell me once that "all Catholics are hypocrites because they don't follow what they teach." And wow, what an overgeneralization that was.. I think that all humans are hypocrites at one point or another because we aren't perfect. That's a major reason why God is forgiving..
  19. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    You're right on with your first point, there. The fact that there are different sects within every religion (i.e. Catholics and Protestants) proves this.
    Now, as for your comments concerning "religion" as it were, I don't think you can really say religion is "true or false". I mean, religion exists, whether everyone likes it or not, so you can say right there that it is "true", but on the other hand, it is human nature to tend to corrupt things and just generally foul them up, so it's not really "true" in the sense of "true" being a synonym for "pure".
    By the way, you're about the only Catholic I've ever met who is truly free of the stigma of being overly judgemental.
  20. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    I believe it was Napolean that said this...

    "Religion is what keeps the poor from killing the rich."

    Yeah, that about sums it up for me for now. :)

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