RPG Archives RPG Inu-Yasha: In Game

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Basher, May 17, 2004.

  1. Rune

    Rune New Member

    May 27, 2004
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    *getting agravated with that condamedable dear, then figures something out, so he runs to kikyo and puts up a spitiual barier* Kikyo can you fire your bow? *not waitng for a responce he picks a long blade a grase and uses it as a whisel, blowing on it useing the same ability he uses to creat purification arrows he purifys the demonic flutes sound.*
  2. Suzu

    Suzu 7th Seat Shinigami

    Jul 19, 2001
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    The 3rd clone was defeated by the Kaze No Kizu.

    Meanwhile the 1st clone shouted to Bambi "We are obviously outnumbered, we should retreat!" The second bursted into bats, which flew away, retreating from danger. "Bambi?!" Shouted Akako (first clone)
  3. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "Yes for now we better." Bambi played a note and a tornado appeared. It engulfed the bad guys that remained. They were tooken far away into a cave. "i cannot believe how bad we were beaten." Bambi was out raged.

    Inuyasha watched as the demons escaped. The villagers fell over. The trance which held them was broken. The fight was over for now. He turned to his half brother. "Sesshomaru what are you doing here?"

    "That is none of your concern."

    Inuyasha grawled at his brother ready to fight if needed. But instead his brother turned and left.
  4. Kos-Mos

    Kos-Mos New Member

    Sep 13, 2002
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    Kikyo slowly stood up, feeling alot stronger now that the music had stopped, or nullified. Which one it was, she didn't care. She could stand again. And she could also leave. hat was what mattered.
    She walked up to Kikyku quietly, carful not to bring attention to herself. She placed a hand on his shoulder, standing behind him.
    "I think it is wise that we take our leave as well." She whispered.
    From behind him, she gazed at InuYasha for a moment. For a moment, standing there, he looked strong. She turned awway, not wanting to wait for Kikyku. But her, being in the polite mood, didn't move.
    Kagome glared at him.
    "Don't be foolish girl. I can destroy that bow before you can pull back the string. I am here for my own reasons. If you want to live stay out of my way."
    That had made her angry.
    "You can try!" She shouted, aiming. But, as usuall, she was wrong. When she looked for him again, Sesshomaru had already lept into battle. She stoof there for a moment, agitated.
    :anger2: What a jerk! she thought. But it wasn't time for that.
    She let her arrow down at her side and ran the rest of the way after Cookie.
    Herself being human, there was no way she'd be able to keep up very well anyway.
    But what she saw made her stop in midstep. For a moment, she felt her jaw drop, but emidiatly, she shook her head mentally and stood straight.
    Kikyo was here.
    As if her being there was a trigger, Kagome felt her surge of confidence escape, and all she could do was stand there.
    Why is she here? she found herself thinking.
    She looked at InuYasha. He was too busy dealing wih the demons. He hadn't seemed to notice her yet.
    As if by reflex, she dropped her bow and stood there for a mintue.
    No! This wouldn't effect her.
    She stood up straigth and sighed. Looking up, trying to look happy, she said, "Nice job, InuYasha! We'll gettem' for sure next time!"
  5. Rune

    Rune New Member

    May 27, 2004
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    of corse *gathers his things quickly and joins Kikyo* shall we then? *smiles, and turns to look at her* but first, are you feeling better, you look alittle week yet.
  6. Tomoe Himura

    Tomoe Himura New Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Cookie stood there as the demons left astounded that she didn't get to fight. She looked at the woman named Kikyo and thought 'Who is she? She smells as if she is living, yet she has no life force. I wonder what her connection is that keeps her in this world...' she then snapped out of her thoughts and said "Who's that?" she pointed to Kikyo and looked at Kagome, she then yelled "Oh my goodness! You and her LOOK alike! Whats up with that!?" she stood there and looked from Kagome to Kikyo and back again, waiting for an answer.
  7. Suzu

    Suzu 7th Seat Shinigami

    Jul 19, 2001
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    Back at the cave...

    "I've told you before, it is not wise to attack during day light... We should have waited until dark" said Akako "That village... is so highly protected... I wonder why? I've never seen youkai and Hanyou's fighting alongside humans before... We could have almost finished off that undead priestess (Miko)."

    She sat down totally exhausted... "I have stolen some souls from her... Here eat up" A bat holding an orb appears, flyies towards Babmi to give her the orb. "I've trapped the souls inside"
  8. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Inuyasha turned away from Kagome. He was slightly pink from her encuragement. When he turned around Cookie had said something about Kikyo. There was a dead silence. Unfortinately for the hanyo he didn't know how to answer that question without getting Kagome angry.

    "Her name is Kikyo. Part of the undead so the rumors say," Kanta said. "Oh I am Kanta by the way. I am here with Souten to find Shippou."
  9. Tomoe Himura

    Tomoe Himura New Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Cookie still looked from Kikyo to Kagome her ears twichted when she heard Kanta speak, but made no other sign that she had heard him. She then said "Uh...Her name is Kikyo, and there are rumors that she is part of the undead, but WHY does she look like Kagome?!" she turned to InuYasha and asked "Can you explain this or should I seek my answers from Kagome?" she then stood there staring at InuYasha waiting for the reply.
  10. Kos-Mos

    Kos-Mos New Member

    Sep 13, 2002
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    Kikyo gazed at InuYasha, insulted by his lack of manners. She sneered. It was, of course, what she should have expected. What with that wretch, Kagome, around. But it still got to her. Has he not yet been able to answer her forever looming question?
    Does she mean more to you than me? she, like many other ocations, asked him mentally. She herself was beginning to grow weary of it, always stuck in her head with no answer. She held back the need to make an event of it, a desire that has pulled at her for some time.
    She sent one last glance at InuYasha, and then Kagome, before turning her back to them all.
    "You need not bother yourself with such complex questions, Demon." She said, smoothly, but with a sound just as sharp as her arrows-maybe sharped, "We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself."
    "Kikyku," She called, still annoyed, "I believe I'll be fine. I think we've out stayed out welcome." And with that she began to walk away.
    "Hey Kagome where is Shippou?"
    Kagome was snapped out of her cloud of thought. She looked up and weakly smilled at the little child, "He's in the village." She mumbled, but loud enough for Souten to hear. She pointed, "It's that way."
    She converted her attention back to InuYasha just intime to hear Cookie.
    "Can you explain this or should I seek my answers from Kagome?"
    Kagome didn't bother to aviod it. After all, she had to find out sooner or later about Kikyo. And Kagome could tell InuYasha didn't want to talk about it. Some times, she wondered if this was harder on him than it was her. Instantly, Kagome felt guilty for even thinking such a thing. Of course it was harder on him. He loved her, and had to watch the very image of the one he loved hurt him. Kagome wasn't the one who got hurt. But still...
    "No, it's alright InuYasha." She said, still a little quiet, "Kikyo is-" She stopped, wondering if is was still a good word for it, "-someone important to him. But..." She found it hard to explain, especially with both InuYasha and Kikyo both in earshot. How horrible this must be to hear for them, "Well, things happened, and Kikyo...sort of died. She's here now because a witch wanted to bring her back and use her for evil. It's safe to say..."
    Kagome looked at Kikyo, fighting the urdge to just stop, "That things haven't changed."
    The last part was a whisper, but everyone could hear it loud and clear. And the message it carried was clear.
  11. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Inuyasha watched as Kikyo took her leave. "What are you talking about?" Inuyasha heard the last part of what Kagome said and he didn't like it one bit. Inuyasha didn't have feelings for Kikyo atleast that is what he told himself. "Kagome is the reincarnation of Kikyo." He walked away.
  12. Rune

    Rune New Member

    May 27, 2004
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    Yes my lady *stands and walks away with her but not befor looking at the crowd of people being left behinde.
  13. Tomoe Himura

    Tomoe Himura New Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Cookie looked at Kagome and twitched her ear to hear what InuYasha had said, then said "So, Kikyo died, Kagome is her reincarnation, a witch brought Kikyo back...So...Kikyo isn't on the same side as you and InuYasha...Right?"
    She stared still a little confused.
  14. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Bambi ate the souls that Akako gave her. "Thank you. Hanyos and youkai shouldn't work together especially working with humans." In her mind a plot was forming. "The dead miko should be leaving the others soon. I say we attack her again and finish her off. But we need a good plan."

    "Could you take me to Shippo, Kagome?" Souten asked.

    Inuyasha walked to Kaedes hut. He didn't say a word to anyone. He just sat down and thought about what had happened.
  15. Kos-Mos

    Kos-Mos New Member

    Sep 13, 2002
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    "What are you talking about? Kagome is the reincarnation of Kikyo."
    Kagome looked up at him for a moment. Was he about ti disagree with her?
    Kagome looked down at her feet, a little dissapointed. She was upset now, and that was the ;ast hing she wanted...not that it was InuYasha'a fault. She doubted he even knew about-well...about the way she felt about the subject.
    "So, Kikyo died, Kagome is her reincarnation, a witch brought Kikyo back...So...Kikyo isn't on the same side as you and InuYasha...Right?"
    Kagome nodded, "She's the type that seems to have her own plan. She looked up at Cookie, "Don't worry 'bout it, K? Everythings fine now."
    That was a lie...
    "Could you take me to Shippo, Kagome?" Souten asked.
    She nodded, "Yeah, come on." She smiled fakily and began leading her to the village.
    Kikyo stopped when Kikyku glanced behind to InuYasha and his clan. She glared behind, "Leave them be. They're nothing to us." And she simply continued walking, with out waiting for his answer.
    1 person likes this.
  16. Rune

    Rune New Member

    May 27, 2004
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    If you say so *turns back around and catches up to Kikyo befor asking* Did you know any of thouse people?
  17. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Souten and Kanta walked back with Kagome. They were almost there when something got Kanta's attention. "I don't think it is safe." A cat youkai was standing on the hill. It growled and leaped on the path. Kanta grabbed her sword. "Are you friend or foe?"

  18. Kos-Mos

    Kos-Mos New Member

    Sep 13, 2002
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    Kagome stepped back as the cat youkai approached. She gripped at her jewel shards, a little tired. She really wasn't in the mood for a fight right now. And she doubted InuYasha would come for her after that little episode.
    Then suddenly, Kagome thought of going home. She was a little shocked at herself for thinking so off subject. She shook her head.
    Concentrate, dummy...
    She gazed at the Cat girl.
    "Who are you and what do you want? Is it the jewel shards?" Despite how tired she was all of the sudden, her voice was just as strong as it ever was. She backed up a bit.
    "Souten, you should get out of here." She didn't know if this demon was evil or not, but she didn't want to risk Souten and her friends life over her uncertainty.

    "Did you know any of those people?"
    Kikyo didn't turn around to face him. She was little bit annoyed that he would ask such a foolish question. But then, to him it wouldn't be so foolish. He hadn't known them. She sighed, knowing it was her own aggravation with InuYasha and that girl that made her so fitty. She gazed ahead of herself.
    "They are the ones who haunt my every thought and movement. It is as simple as that. I do not dread on the matter, and I try to avoid them. I would advise you to do the same."
  19. Rune

    Rune New Member

    May 27, 2004
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    *smiles* I see, I will take your words to heart my lady *smiles and continues to walk* are you hungry, I have some food with me, it isn't much, but it is a least something in your stomach *smiles*
  20. Tomoe Himura

    Tomoe Himura New Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Cookie looks at a tree and punches it, she thinks with her fist still in the crater where she struck the tree 'Why is it that no one talks to me much?'

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