Inu-Yasha Seshoumaru is Cool!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by inuyasha27, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. DevoVamp

    DevoVamp New Member

    Apr 18, 2004
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    Aa, but that's the fun thing about all of this, is that it doesn't really matter. That was a major stumbling block for me when I started studying literature, was the thought "how do we know that the author actually intended this, and that we're not seeing things that aren't there?" Then, I realized that what the author intended doesn't really matter, what we're dealing with is how the novel/movie/character is "read" and understood by the viewer. Therefore, our interpertation of "Frankenstien", for example, is going to be vastly different from what Shelly intended, but, as long as you can use quotes and elements of the book to support your theory and your theory/arguement makes sense, then it doesn't matter what Shelly intended. You also won't be "wrong", in the way you are when you add 2+2 and get 5. People may disagree with you, but it's not like getting a math question wrong.

    Anne Rice does this all the time. People will come up to her with an elaborate theory about one or more of her books, and she'll say "You're absolutely right, but I didn't realize that that was in there." Just because the author didn't intended for something to be read a certain way, or see that a particular image keeps reoccuring, doesn't mean that it's not in there.

    This is why I love studying literature. You get to pick books /poems/plays/movies apart and see how they work, and the more you see and the more you pick it apart, the more you realize how amazing it is that someone sat down and wrote the thing. And the best books will offer themselves up to be read and understood a million different ways. Everyone sees different things, everyone understands things differently and so everyone comes away with something different.

    Welcome to my strange little world.........! :anime: :rolleyes: :D :cool:
    1 person likes this.
  2. Kogarashi

    Kogarashi Summon of Wood

    Jan 13, 2003
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    And I find myself compelled to jump into the conversation (again?) on two points. ^_^

    First, the baboon pelt. If I recall correctly, in Asian cultures, especially Japan, baboons are evil (in fact, many apes and monkeys seem to be). The wrapping of himself in a baboon pelt seems to be a very strong indicator of Naraku's alignment, which is probably a very good reason Sango distrusted him the first time she met him, when he was "working" for the prince in the castle. The pelt itself was probably a very conscious inclusion on Takahashi's part, since animal symbolism is a strong factor in Japanese mythology.

    As for the hair colors, I don't think there's real symbolism going on there, for the most part. Yes, Kanna probably has white hair to accentuate the effect of her white kimono and dead eyes, but it's not the same for Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha. They have white hair because they're dog demons (or half-demon, in Inuyasha's case), and a lot of Japanese dogs seem to be white in color. It's a dog breed typical to Japan, if I recall correctly. So their white hair is an indicator of this. Few other characters seem to actually have white hair unless they're old. One of the others is Shiori, the half bat-demon, and her father, who was a bat-demon (and that was probably just a racial trait Takahashi applied). If you'll notice, most characters have black or dark brown hair. This is because most Japanese people have black or dark brown hair.
  3. DevoVamp

    DevoVamp New Member

    Apr 18, 2004
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    See? I just learned two things I did not know.
    :anime: I have never heard about baboons or monkeys being seen as evil in Japanese culture. It's cool that you knew that!!!! I'm going to have to remember that! I also didn't know that about the dogs, either. The only Japanese breed that I know of is the Shiba Inu, which are seriously CUTE dogs!!! But, the ones I've seen are light golden brown with white on their faces and chests.

    The more I learn, the more I realize how much I really don't know!! Thanks for the info, Kogarashi! Feel free to jump in at any time! :anime: :anime: :anime:
  4. tascha

    tascha New Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    IN the beging of the show I really hated sesshoumaru but when he brought Rin back to life and started taking care of her I didn't think he was all that bad even though he is a threat to the Inuyasha gang. I'm not a big sesshoumaru fan but I like calling him FLUFFY!!!!!!!!!!! fluffy. FLUffy!!! NO i'm not on sum thing....
  5. Miko

    Miko New Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    :sweat2: Thats pretty normal, calling him Fluffy. I've called him Fluffy-maru before, which had gotten a few interesting comments from other Fluffy lovers.
  6. wing_goddess

    wing_goddess Power User

    Mar 21, 2004
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    Dang, this calling Sesshoumaru Fluffy thing is something worldwide. Isn't he supposed to be this strong demon guy? Heh, ever since Rin came in the picture now it started to go down for old 900 year old demon Sessh starting with calling him Fuffy.
  7. Miko

    Miko New Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    You call him Fluffy-maru because of that big, fluffy.... thing on his shoulder.
  8. Kagome's Arrow

    Kagome's Arrow Princess of Unicorns

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Just out of curiosity, does anybody know where that nickname originated from? I mean, did Rin call him that in the series or something as an affectionate nickname, in turn causing thousands of teenaged "Sesshy" fans to say "AWWW, FLUFFY" and start using that term more often then his own name?
  9. Ice_blue_eyes

    Ice_blue_eyes New Member

    Feb 21, 2004
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    Sesshoumaru rocks, but I'm not a glomping fangirl type person when it comes to him. I mean, I consider him as my imaginary friend Sessha! He's fluffy and tall, and he's my friend!He's only my friend because he lost to a game of rock, paper, scizzors. See, if I won, he'd be my friend forever, if he won, I'd be his slave for eternity. And guess who won! :anime: Well, I like his poisonous claws and Tensaiga even if it is a girly healing sword!^^
  10. Ice_blue_eyes

    Ice_blue_eyes New Member

    Feb 21, 2004
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    The "fluffy-thing" is his tail, and to answer Kagome's Arrow's question. I'm guessing that the nickname fluffy just suited him since Rin called him that and due to his tail. I call him Sessha though, makes it sound more.... not-so-cute. Oh, and one more thing, I really like his dog demon form, he's sooo cute that way!^^
  11. DevoVamp

    DevoVamp New Member

    Apr 18, 2004
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    Hehehehe!!! I've got pictures saved on my 'puter labeled "fluffy1" through "fluffy4" because I couldn't remember how to spell Shessy's name!!

    Honestly, though, Miko, what does the "maru" on the end mean? Is that what the comments from the other Fluffy lovers were about? Just wondering.
    ;) ;) :) :rolleyes:
  12. Miko

    Miko New Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    The ending '-maru' I read somewhere is an honorific used by fathers to honor their sons. Obviously, Sesshoumaru's father wanted to honor his first born son. Somebody can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think thats it..
  13. DevoVamp

    DevoVamp New Member

    Apr 18, 2004
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    Aa, OK. Thanks, Miko!
  14. wing_goddess

    wing_goddess Power User

    Mar 21, 2004
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    I also searched for more info on the "maru"-

    "maru" has a few different "meanings". The two most relevant to this about 10 centuries ago or so, used as an honorific suffix in names (like -sama is used today) and denoted respect for the individual. Maru also associated with a circle. In this respect, it would symbolize "complete" , never-ending or whole. There was also the legendary blade 300 years ago, murasamemaru (I dunno if I spelt that correctly) which, if you possesed, you were destined to kill someone with. I'm pretty sure there are other meanings, it can sometimes be loosely translated as man and I'm aware of a few other instances,

    And while i was at it i found some name meanings:p

    Inuyasha = Dog Demon
    Miroku = Maitreya (a Buddhist priest)
    Shippo = Tail
    Sango = Coral
    Naraku = Hell
    Sesshomaru = Destruction of Life
    Jaken = Wicked Hearted
    Rin = 'Bringer of Light'
    Kikyo = Chinese bellflower
    Myouga = Divine protection
    Koga = Steel fang
    Kohaku = Amber (precious stone)
    Ayame = Iris
    Kirara = Mica (precious stone)
    Onigumo = Demon spider
    Kaede = Maple Tree
    Jakotsu = Snake bone
    Shikon no Tama = Jewel of four souls
    Tetsusaiga = Iron breaking fang
    Tenseiga = Heaven life fang
  15. DevoVamp

    DevoVamp New Member

    Apr 18, 2004
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    Hey, Wing_goddess!! Thanks for the name translations!!! Very cool!!

    You know, there was one character that I thought had a lovely name. It's the little girl that Kikyo was close to in the village that she was staying in after her rebirth. The little girls name (in the dubbed version, anyway) was Sayo, (I think that's spelled right) but it's pronounced "sigh-o". I LOVE that name!! It's just so simple and lovely!

    I also think "Fluffy" is a great name, and I'd love to get an English bulldog one day and name it "Fluffy"!!!!! :anime: :anime: :anime: :anime: :anime: :anime:
    Or, maybe I'm just mean!! hehehehe!!!!!!
  16. Kagome's Arrow

    Kagome's Arrow Princess of Unicorns

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Do you have any idea how many dogs are (unfortunately) given the name "Fluffy?" If you ever took "Fluffy" to the park and let him off his leash for awhile, then (half an hour later when you realize how stupid it was for you to let your dog off its leash) you start calling out his name, you could have literally dozens of "Fluffys" responding. :D

    Yeah, I really like Sayo's name too, and Wing Goddess, I love the name translations - though I noticed you included almost every character except KAGOME! *glares pointedly*

    And honestly, if any of Sesshomaru's glomping fangirls got within three feet of him shouting "FLUFFY!" he'd probably kill them.
  17. Genghis Khan

    Genghis Khan New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    The only reason he doesn't kill Inuyasha is because he can't. There is always some twist of fate which prevents him. His personality (you would realize this if you loved him as much as you profess to) prevents him from killing him when he is a "full" demon, true. That is only because Sesshoumaru is a sadistic ******* who wants to kill his younger brother when he is fully aware of his defeat. This same personality stops him from, say, kidnapping Kagome (which he could easily) and demanding that Inuyasha give up fighting or she would die. It bugs the heck out of me when people try to give characters like Sesshoumaru attributes that they in no way posess. Stop it. Now. Jaken is useful. For the moment. He takes care of menial tasks which are beneath the Great Lord of the West. Rin is a constant, breathing reminder that his father did give him power, the Tensaiga. The instant either one of them stops being useful, he will dispose of them. They are ants beneath his feet.
  18. Genghis Khan

    Genghis Khan New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    I distinctly remember reading a translated Rumiko Takashi interview, in which, when asked what Sesshoumaru's . . . thing . . . was, she said, "No, it isn't his tail. When I was drawing the character designs, I drew it and decided it looked cool." Something close to that. Also, if you look at his dog demon form, you will note that his tail is completely different looking. He is a heartless demon who likes boas. Sorry, Glompy Ones. Deal with it.
  19. Kagome's Arrow

    Kagome's Arrow Princess of Unicorns

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Wow, I get the opportunity to do Sesshomaru defending. This should be fairly interesting since I don't particularly like Sesshomaru, but I think you misunderstand him a bit Genghis Khan.

    That was obviously an excuse made by Sesshomaru to keep up appearances. I mean, what would you expect him to say? "No, I can't kill Inuyasha because I actually possess feelings and can't bring myself to kill a measly hanyou because I happen to be related to him?" Hellllllllz no, Sesshomaru prides himself on apathy, and for him to admit that (even for a moment) he might actually be developing feelings (not THOSE feelings ya pervs) for his younger brother was probably an astounding realization, and probably not one he particularly wanted to clue Inu and co. in on.

    That or he hasn't thought of it yet. But honestly, I'm not sure I understand the point you're making Genghis. You're saying that Sesshomaru is a sadistic bastard because he doesn't want to kidnap the woman his brother's in love with?

    Jaken is Sesshomaru's willing servant, and it's fairly apparent that (beneath his intimidating demeanor) Sesshomaru rather likes having him around or he would've disposed of him ages ago. Though I'll admit that I was rather surprised when Sesshomaru tested the Tensaiga out on Jaken, I forced myself to realize that while Sesshomaru isn't as malicious and cruel as you make him out to be, the guy's not a saint. However I seem to remember him bringing Jaken back to life with the Tensaiga after Kaijinbo killed him, which shows that (while his motives are rather questionable at times) he's still loyal to his teammates.

    No, he saved Rin out of a momentary burst of gratitude for visiting him in the forest and making an attempt to tend to his injuries. I might be more inclined to believe your theory if Sesshomaru had not (in later episodes which I haven't gotten the opportunity to see, therefore cannot give you the full story) gone out of his way to save Rin's life on numerous occasions.

    And I counter this by saying (which I've stated before) he's saved both their lives countless times, so why would he dispose of them? Honestly Jaken's not useful for much other then lugging around a staff and babysitting Rin, and Rin's not very useful at all (keep in mind that she's an 8 year old girl who probably hinders Seseshomaru from time to time), so what other logical explanation is there other then the fact that Sesshomaru genuinely cares for them?
  20. _meow_

    _meow_ New Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    Wow, I never realized. ^^ That's saying something. Just kiddin', I don't know. Anyway, thanks wing goddess! I still wonder why the heck they named her Sango if it means "Coral"... Oh well, still a cool name ^^

    Haha, I sometimes forgot how to spell Sesshomaru [Did I spell it right? lol] so I used to cover it up by calling him fluffy, too. Nothing wrong with that, that's why nicknames are developed anyway, right? *looks around to see if anyone agrees* Oh well, that's what I thought. Anyway, I like his character. He definetly adds a bit of spice to the series, with the relationship between him and Inuyasha. He's isn't really a vital character[? I'm not sure], but all the same, he's a great addition to the cast. I used to think he was just some heart-less guy with issues until I saw how he puts up with Jaken [Dang he would be dead by now if he was with me..] and Rin [awwwwwww]

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