Current Affairs US "Sex Bomb" Weapon

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BakaMattSu, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    that is what i would have said if you hadn't said it first....

    must we remember that there are women in the war also.

    this bomb has to have been thought up by some man lol ;) j/k
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  2. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Male love...Man and woman love...All the same in love and war....XD
  3. Vicious

    Vicious Revolution...Revolucion!

    Apr 23, 2003
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    For some reason...I still think it is horrible. I mean this most be someones petty attempt to literally bring Love and War together. I mean...weapons like this? C'mon!
  4. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Vicious, would you rather get blown up or know.....^_^;;
  5. Vicious

    Vicious Revolution...Revolucion!

    Apr 23, 2003
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    Yes...Ima guy that would rather get blown up. I always preffered to have a quick and less painful death. And no...I dont know lol what are you trying to say there...?
  6. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Then let you plead ignorance on the grounds of a naive youth...Better not to know until you hit puberty...^^
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  7. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Umm... he's 16.

    I can't say I'd like to see the results of one of these, but hearing about them might be a laugh. I think it'd be a pretty good non-lethal weapon, if it were used by the military, and not by lonely college boys. ;)
  8. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Yeah, because explosions are always instant death, and homosexual flings ALWAYS create slow, painful de-... wait. Oh right! You don't die right after sex! And... and explosives - THEY can cause extraordinarily slow and painful deaths if you aren't in the center of the blast radius! Oh, it all makes sense now!
  9. Jedimdo

    Jedimdo New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    You should know Nephilim, no, you know what would happen in this case. If this 'explosion' had a so terrible effect to hurt enough somebody and killing him, the pain, the inability to help yourself would 'shutdown' this feelings and activate the most primitive part of the brain. Even if it doesn't, something like an unstopable bleed or similar, at least you know what's going to happen. It's not like the lack of power to control your desire for your partner's body. Between two really bad things, which would you choose? The one with a definitive end, or the one without it?
  10. Vicious

    Vicious Revolution...Revolucion!

    Apr 23, 2003
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    Also you probably wouldnt understand the humiliation that would happen in this case. I mean...they are just watching you doing some definetly XXX rated things ON THE BATTLEFIELD!! I mean...what do you think will happen to the mental part of the do realize that we could get hurt emotionally and physically right?

    Also, most likely you would get captured after that so its not like it has a good ending anyway. So which choice is better still.....?
  11. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    So you're asking me if I'd prefer to lay on the ground with my intestines falling out because I no longer have a lower half while I scream out for my mother, or if I'd prefer a quick, relatively pleasurable experience and capture?


    I may not be gay or even bi, but come on. I wouldn't need to feel shame because it was pheremone induced and hence beyond my control, and other than not being able to sit down comfortably for a day it doesn't sound that bad.

    Look at it this way.

    Bomb = dead.
    Involuntary sex = Probably captured, which means I'm both alive and could theoretically fight again.

    Why would I feel shame for something beyond my control? So sue me but I think getting off is a lot more fun than getting your head blown off. That having been said, hey Lucky, want to come over and test out our own sex bomb? :D

    Edit: I must say I love your "ON THE BATTLEFIELD!!!" though. It's right up there with other catchphrases like "OMG ATOMS" and "FIVE GOLDEN MANBABIES FOR THIS THREAD"
  12. Jedimdo

    Jedimdo New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Sure. Do you think that I've not thought in that too? But there are other things. In fact, there are too many things that it is not possible to come in a conclusion here. Well...

    Bomb & Involuntary sex = Dead anyway. I'm not the one that wants to live more than 100 years in a chair.

    And the is more. Who knows how really dangerous is this bomb? I mean, it could hurt as so much as the Explosive bomb, but to the mind. It may have some irreversible secondary effects that may make you like what you were doing then. Even if it does not hurt you may start liking it anyway.

    I'd prefer more to die than to start doing this stuff. It could also turn me apart of the one I love. It's too risky.

    It's great that the project seems to be rejected :p .
  13. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    What? If you mean "get old and unable to do anything" who said I wanted that? I'd just rather not have my organs strewn about as I die.

    ...So what's wrong with that? So what if somebody finds out they're homosexual? Congrats, they found out what makes them happy.

    ...Because, you know... dying sure won't seperate you and the one you love-...wait. Oh snap, it would. And forever at that!
  14. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Remember who would be their primary target at this point? Essentially, people who are deeply rooted against homosexuality, due to their religious beliefs, and their upbringing. I think, if such a weapon were to be used on them, and they enjoyed it, (and they would), they would feel shame. I'm betting some of them would be so hurt, emotionally, and mentally, that they would not be able to go on with their lives. I've seen very similar effects. People get so scarred by something that they can't live with it. It's not a very fun situation.

    You should know what he means. Yes, dying would separate them, but, at least, in death, they would both still love each other. In the other situation, I think he's worried that either he'll stop loving her, or she'll stop loving him. To me, that alone, would be a fate worse than death.
  15. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    You also have to consider the fact that this bomb forces you to have sex. As a woman who is entering the military, and still a virgin, if this ever were to be approved it would scare me. A lot of time bombs are misfired and land on their own troops and i'd be scared of losing my virginity in a fight/ while tending troops.
  16. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    But it wasn't their free will to have that sex, so theoretically they should be ok in the end. Furthermore, war has these problems all the time. (see Shell Shock)

    Until she moved on and found someone new.

    If they couldn't understand that you were involuntarily driven to lust and what effects the bomb might have, were they mature enough to handle you in the military anyway?
  17. Vicious

    Vicious Revolution...Revolucion!

    Apr 23, 2003
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    At least in death, he would know that he loved her as she loved him. I think that if I would die I would want my loved one to move on instead of living on with pointless sorrow.

    As for everything else that has been said...

    I have no comment... have shut me down once again lol
  18. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    You realise he's basing his argument on permanent sexual change, right? But that's not what a pheremone does. It's temporary, and if you end up turning gay/bi from it, you had a subconcious liking for it to begin with.

    Besides, if you love her for her personality and not her sex (AM I RIGHT GUYS) than you can easily overcome this problem via strapons.

    Concession Accepted.
  19. me_dreaming_zzz

    me_dreaming_zzz ¯\(º_o)/¯

    Nov 6, 2003
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    I just thought about it again and i realized how danderous that "US sexbomb can be". If it makes enemy soldiers extremely aroused, to the point that they start having sex with each other even thou they are not homosexual. if people are very aroused and are having sex, it makes them very vulnerable. American military can easily kill them because they will not be able to protect themselves in that state(who said that US troops will take them hostages? they might, but u never know 4 sure...) And i think that "US sex bomb" is also a scare tactic. What i mean by this is that 4 any muslim man it is considered honourable to die in the battle protecting their homeland or their religion. So, they might not be scared of death, but they will be scared to fight if they find out that there is a bomb that will make them having sex with their comrades. In mustim religion homosexuality and sex outside of marriage means eternity in hell.

    I think that this bomb can be useful if USA wants to win the war. However, u can win a war by taking smart military decisions and negotiating. I just dont see the need for such a weapon, unless you cannot win any other way. Also, if you want to make your enemy unable to fight, why wouldnt u just invent a weapon that makes enemy soldiers paralyzed for some time, why it has to be a sexually arousing weapon?? :confused: I really think that "US sex bomb " is a weapon specifically designed to scare religious muslim soldiers. I mean, If alot of muslim people are not afraid of death but are afraid of hell, then this bomb might scare them out of fighting.
  20. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Thank you neph for spilling th honest truth about spilling your intestines....XD
    Ok, I think the weapon idea is more helpful then some may admit, and if you are afraid to lose your virginity, or do not want to have sex with someone of your same gender...Tough. I'd deal with alittle blood, and bad sex over Being blown up, or shot or anything that would paralyze me anyday. Don't be dense people. Sex is not Death....Sex won't leave your entrails everywhere, and your limbs scattered. Well, not sex that I would partake in atleast...XD

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