Video Games Xenosaga

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by KaMeKaZi, Mar 14, 2003.

  1. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    Maybe The Next FF gern!

    Well Just rented this game.. its only been out for about a week.. and I Have mixed feelings so far.. Realy great looking and neat story line.. BUT because of the extreem amount of cut scenes it makes you wonder if you are just watching a movie or playing a game.. So far ive had about 10 of play at the most without a cut scene.. and that was just then learning how to battle.. the rest you get about 3 min of walking around play, then another cut scene pops up.. and some of them are pretty silly to even bother puting in...

    So i hope that after a while more play less stupid cut scene's unless they are realy cool!

    Anyone else thoughts?

  2. Cunning Servant

    Cunning Servant New Member

    Feb 16, 2003
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    Try playing Xenogears instead of Xenosaga. It was for the PSX, yet the quality of it surpassed a lot of the later Final Fantasys in my book. I'm not sure what Xenosaga is about, but I KNOW it is related one way or another to Xenogears. A lot of storyline, very few cutscenes in mid-game, and any cutscenes shown are either anime cutscenes or 3d fmv's and are really awesome. The battle system is a little simplistic though.
  3. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    Ummm Actualy Xenosaga is made by Monolith productions and Im not sure but i dont think its related.. But I could be Wrong i did not realy look into it..

    Story is great.. just to MANY cut scenes..

  4. Cunning Servant

    Cunning Servant New Member

    Feb 16, 2003
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    Yeah, but the rights of the Xenogears franchise was sold over from Square to Namco, then Xenosaga was made.
  5. DrunkLeprachaun

    DrunkLeprachaun Tetsu Oushi

    Dec 15, 2001
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    Actualy they are related. Square for some reason gave up the rights to the Xeno series, and they were taken up by monolith. The makers of Xenogears weren't completely happy with how it turned out, so they decided to make a series of games for it. Xenosaga is the first, it's a prequel to gears, I think gears is due to be the fourth.
    I've not played either though, neither have been released in this country.
  6. Stos

    Stos New Member

    Oct 19, 2002
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    I have just bought XenoSaga a couple of weeks ago. I think it is a great game. I do not mind the cut scenes. I have been playing Legaia 2 for the past couple of months on and off and that game has no cut scenes. There movie scnenes are seen within a boss battle. So if you want a RPG with no cut scenes I would highly recommend Legaia 2. But yea XenoSaga is the best RPG I have played in a long time. I think after you beat the first "real" boss you will see how great a game it is. What I mean by "real" is the first boss you encounter is while you are in VR or whatever they call it while training with KOS-MOS. I am talking about the "real" boss fight after that.
  7. wolf_of_mibu

    wolf_of_mibu New Member

    Sep 18, 2002
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    I played Xenosaga only recently. Unfortunately, I don't have a PS2 and I play at a rental. Too much cutscenes really hurt for me, as it consumes too much time. But to tell the truth, I didn't care. The cutscenes really kicked-@$$ and made me feel like I was watching a movie. Especially the part where KOS-MOS awakes for the first time, and she kicked arse with her dual gatling guns. Real wicked stuff.

    P.S. Xenogears was supposed to be the fifth of this 6 episode series.
  8. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    In No way am I saying the game is bad. But there is a lot of cut scenes that realy did not need to be there.. and a Lot of Game reviews say the same thing.. But its actualy not till much later that you realy get to play more game and less watching.. and as far as real Hard Boss goes.. Wait till you meet the Gargoyle.. That is the first real chalanging boss.. up till that point the monsters were frankly to easy.. The game is Good, and the story line is fun.. BUt Id not say its the best game ive ever played..

    But i still recomend any RPG fan to play it..

  9. Guts

    Guts 100 man slayer

    Feb 7, 2003
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    I just recently rented and I fell in love with the game.Good story line and everything.But Kame is right there are some cut scenes that really don't matter but you know you could always skip them.I would say it is the best RPG game I have played so far.
  10. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    Skipping a cut scene is alright if you Die and have to go back and see it again.. but one never knows how much you will miss you just start skipping everything..

  11. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Another FYI from Izzy...

    Japan had a special edition PS2 out when Xenosaga was released. Probably heralded by the popularity of XenoGears and its fanbase. It came with a special edition box, a secondary disk (i don't know what's on it though...), keychain, special game box, XenoSaga bible, and a Kos-Mos figurine. If you want to see a picture... .here

    Heh, I haven't beaten the game yet, as Final Fantasy Tactics takes up more of my time currently. But, I'm close. I can feel it! Too bad Ziggy sucks, and Jr. sucks. Gimme Shion and Kos-Mos anyday. Whip a boss into shape (whether disintegrated or not...) in SECONDS.

    Hmm, DL, Xenogears is actually episode 5 in the series, according to Monolith. And I had heard that Monolith is the same group of people who made XenoGears in the first place...but having been extracted from Squaresoft
  12. femme_fatale

    femme_fatale New Member

    Jul 12, 2003
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    I went through the whole game with chaos, KOS-MOS, and Shion... they were my little "dream team". Heh. Now I'm wishing I had that little KOS-MOS figure. :( Can't wait for XS II! The character designs are supposed to be less cartoony in that one.

    Currently noticed that Xenogears Perfect Works can be bought on for around fifty dollars. Interesting.
  13. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    The card game is too freakin' addictive! I swear, I've spent as much time playing the card game as the actual story.
    chaos (note the lowercase c) is about the only character in the game I don't like. Sure, he's powerful, but his voice is just too annoying. And don't even get me started on his personality, or that bulge they put in his pants for whatever reason.
    My group is, ideally, made up of Shion, KOS-MOS and either Ziggy or Momo. I think the only reason I like Ziggy, though, is that he reminds me of Volt from The Bouncer ... similar hair, same personality, both total badasses.
    For some unknown reason, I continually refer to Virgil as Tyler. I actually had to take a minute to think of what his actual name is before I could even write that sentence.
  14. femme_fatale

    femme_fatale New Member

    Jul 12, 2003
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    I found it funny that chaos has the most obvious/pointless opening lines in a fight. Fighting a boss, it's something like "Be careful, this is no ordinary enemy!" DUH. Usually I got "I won't let anyone die!" which is great, since sometimes at least one of my characters would die once he'd said that. chaos pulled the "this is no ordinary enemy" line DURING THE LAST BOSS FIGHT. I had to pause for a few minutes to stop laughing at how stupid that sounded. Hm, it's only the last boss, and someone's telling me that it's not like those easy little things we fought waaay back at the beginning...

  15. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    It could be worse. Momo sometimes begins with "Why are you doing this?" and ends with "Are you okay?"
  16. Star Princess

    Star Princess Haters are retarded.

    Mar 30, 2003
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    I love Xenosaga. Nice battle system (and battle music), great story line, great soundtrack, and great characters. I don't mind the cut scenes at all, but what bothers me about the game is that sometimes, the bosses are unfair cheaters.:glazed: Yet above all-it's a great game. It has STRONG heroines for once too... I love KOS-MOS especially. She kicks serious @$$.
  17. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Actually, I think the characters themselves are pretty nasty cheaters. Especially with the Boost +1 Skill. I mean, STARTING the battle with Shion's Rain Blade at Level 15 and having a boost of one starting out...that's pretty cheap.

    And yes, strong heroines. I love that too. It's one of the few where they vastly out-power the men. With the exception of Breath of Fire II's Katt, I don't really know any female characters that are pure the top of my head, at least. ^_^
  18. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    My room mate walked in once when I was playing the game, and he said Shion doesn't look like a main character. I had to explain that not all heros are muscular oafs with big yellow hair and bigger swords (the only RPG he's played is FFVII).
    Anyway, I like Shion as a heroine because she really breaks the stereotype. She's female (obviously), not physically powerful, and is extremely intelligent. She's kind of a nerd, though (not that there's anything wrong with that).
    Of course, KOS-MOS steals the show. Her completely flat and bland personality makes for so much comic relief it's unbelievable.
    I saw this picture on the Internet where KOS-MOS was dressed up all cute style, and she said "My external appearance is down 90%. Shion, I need to be cleaned ... with fire." Classic.
  19. femme_fatale

    femme_fatale New Member

    Jul 12, 2003
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    She did that to me at weird moments... including one hilariously inappropriate moment where she said "Are you okay?" after my party whupped the second to last boss in the game. Those of you who've gotten that far will know why it was so inappropriate (even though it would have been in any boss battle, it was worse here). :p

    Last boss. KOS-MOS. R-DRAGON, X-BUSTER, and F-SCYTHE. Oh... yeah.

    I just love how she's so calm and cool about everything. "Hey! It's a huge monster! Yeah, okay, whatever." All she worries about after a big fight is that her appearance has gone down 5% and she needs to be cleaned. :)
  20. Kamui

    Kamui X//1999... best anime eva

    Mar 30, 2003
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    Xenosaga is sooo awsome!!! I love this game soo much it is a realy fun RPG. Hard to get into in the begining, but after that, you cant stop playing it. I really love it!!!!

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