RPG Archives BattleShip - PK4

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Lance Avalanche, Dec 15, 2002.

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  1. VM1070

    VM1070 Let's Go Voltron Force

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Hearing this news, Cmdr. Mandio tapped his combadge,

    "Yui, report in!!!!"

    "Security to crew deck, we may have another possible intruder. Axel, get your med team ready in case Yui needs help."
  2. The Jackal

    The Jackal New Member

    Sep 16, 2002
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    Yui stubleed around the empty ship, "HELLO?!"
    "oh please someone be here, please be here, please," she muttered and hobbled into the main area.
    quiet, empty,
    "AaaH!!" Yui screamed, "NO I WON'T STAY HERE ALONE!!" she ran around a bit more, the pain getting worse 'till she fell over, a black line was forming on her leg, it reached from her ankle to her knee.
  3. VM1070

    VM1070 Let's Go Voltron Force

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Cmdr. Mandio: "Captain, sensors are showing the entire deck is infested with the virus. There is no way for us to enter the area to search for Yui. What do you suggest we do, I can't leave a crew member like this."
  4. The Jackal

    The Jackal New Member

    Sep 16, 2002
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    Yui found an abandoned com-radio, hoping it was working she picked it up,
    "HELLO?! Where are you?! Can you here me?" after a couple of minutes she put the radio on a ledge and looked around, there was no way she was able to walk anywhere,
  5. VM1070

    VM1070 Let's Go Voltron Force

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Cmdr. Mandio: Yui, stay where you are, help is on the way!!!!!

    Security, full combat gear, I want Yui recovered now.......
  6. The Jackal

    The Jackal New Member

    Sep 16, 2002
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    Yui heard a fain't crackling, the com-radio!
    "'stay where you are"', she heard, the rest was blurred out, she looked around, nobody in sight, she didn't know whether It was an enemy of a friend talking to her, but she couldn't go anywhere anyway and the sharp pain had reached her waist now.
  7. VM1070

    VM1070 Let's Go Voltron Force

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Cmdr. Mandio reached the area that Yui had been wounded in. He ordered the security team to stay sharp. The virus had spread to most of the deck, containing it would be difficult at this point. His main concern now was to get Yui to sickbay before it was too late for her to make any kind of recovery.

    The security team blasted open the doors and laid out cover fire in the direction of the virus spores that engulfed the room. Mandio charged in under the phaser fire and grabbed Yui. He noticed her lower body had been completely infected by the virus and hoped the Medic could help her.

    Mandio: "Axel, I'm coming in with Yui. She is in really bad shape, have your Med team ready--I will be there in two minutes." "Captain, this entire deck is infected. We may not be able to contain it to this area only."
  8. cpt avalanche stood there, with his long black cape flowing in the wind from theair conditioners, he was a captain, and he had to do something...

    "Theres only one thing we can do..............That planet, there is a planet near by, we should land imediatly and evacuate the ship, we should think about our problems..."
  9. VM1070

    VM1070 Let's Go Voltron Force

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Cmdr Mandio: "Captain, we need to send a call for help to the federation. Once we land, we will be very vulnerable to the origins of this mystery attacker."

    Cmdr. Davis: "Captain, we are losing structural integrity on the outer hull plating around the infected areas. It looked like they are eating their way through the ship. I don't know how long the ship will stay together."

    Cmdr. Mandio: "Sir, we may need to use the escape pods if the situation gets worse."

    Cmdr. Davis: "Captain, if I can get enough time, I may be able to genison the infected section of hull plating. We need to get this ship on the ground very soon."
  10. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Jan 14, 2003
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    cmdr mandio, If we don't land the ship soon there won't be enough space in Sick bay to keep the ill people so we'll have to evacuate another part of the ship for the ill one's.

    soon later,
    cmdr mandio, have you made up your mind, we need to land the ship before its to late and someone dies.
  11. theres only one thing to do.......

    go in for a crash landing, and hold on tight !
    and i dont want any arguements, just land this thing !
  12. Shadowhawk

    Shadowhawk New Member

    Sep 10, 2002
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    Needle got up the moment her arm was in a sling, and her shoulder had been knotted in a tornequet (sp?) to slow the virus and hurried to the main control room. She looked at the Captain, he ordered for the ship to crash land.
    "But we'll never break through the atmosphere!" protested Needle, "And we don't even know if the sick people'll be any safer there! And we can only find Phungorium to cure the illness on one planet in the universe!" But the ship had begun to break the atmosphere, and was being thrown and tossed about by the pressure, spinning this way and that. Needle grasped a chair that was nailed to the floor and prayed as hard as she could.
    Then all the lights in the ship went out, they were in complete darkness. The silence was broken by Needle's cry of pain as the black line of virus tissue reached kneck.
  13. VM1070

    VM1070 Let's Go Voltron Force

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Cmdr. Mandio: "Emergency lights!!!!, security--get Needles back to sickbay--this time post a guard on the door. No one is to leave the area until further notice. Captain, the ship is taking a lot of damage on re-entry. We may not be able to lift-off if this plan works."

    The ship continued to spiral towards the planet surface. Shields were completely gone at this point. Engineering reported power lose to warp drive and minimal reserve on the impulse engines. If their thrusters failed them on landing, the ship and all Her crew would be destroyed in the wreckage, and the virus would be stopped at the cost of the entire crew.
  14. (the ship got faster and faster, as it spiraled towards the plaet, crew were sitting in there quarters praying, holding hands with some of there family, it was terrible, the order that a captai would give, it could kill thousands, if there enemy or ally.)

    (Lance stood there, thinking)
    (suddenly the ship stoped to a thump, everyone o ndeck fell a few feet foward............they were alive, the ship had made it, the crew were celebrating, the familys were kissing an huging, they made it.......)
    (as lance told Cmdr mandio to put the projector on, the faces of the crew changed)

    (the ship hadn't landed, it was floating, they had hit a force field, it was protecting the whole planet, and still the virus was eating away at the ship, they didnt hae much time.....
  15. The Jackal

    The Jackal New Member

    Sep 16, 2002
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    Yui slowly woke up, unable to move from the pain of the virus,
    "There's a blue button" she said absent mindedly, "a blue one beside the keyboard"
  16. (a few hours later, after yui had said about the button she had gone, but the captain was here again, as she woke)
    what is this, about a blue button ?
  17. The Jackal

    The Jackal New Member

    Sep 16, 2002
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    "It's a panic button" she said, and looked round,
    "where? what? I, oh...." Yui smiled faintly and repeated,
    "It's a panic button, emergency bubble-shield type thing, hasn't been tested, but its supposed to be able to penetrate other shields, as well as protect this ship..."
  18. Shadowhawk

    Shadowhawk New Member

    Sep 10, 2002
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    (meanwhile, in the sickbay...)
    Needle twitched and moaned as the black line worked slowly towards her heart, she was starting to forget things, as the pain and the virus slowly ate away at her mind.
    The doctors were doing everything they could, but Needle has less than an hour left before her body mutated into a living corpse, kept alive only by the virus.
  19. VM1070

    VM1070 Let's Go Voltron Force

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Cmdr. Mandio: "We need to get this ship on the ground before we crumble to pieces in space. Helm, full thrusters---Lets try to push through the force field before it is too late. All hands, brace yourselves!!!"
  20. VM1070

    VM1070 Let's Go Voltron Force

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Just as Commander Mandio gave that order, the ship began to spiral into the force field. The friction from the impact cause explosions throughout the ship. Damage reports start flying in from all stations.

    Suddenly, there was a massive explosion on the bridge. Commander Mandio was at the Engineering station with Cmdr. Davis at the time. The explosion torn a gapping hole in that section of the bridge. The end result was the lost of both Mandio and Davis to the vacuum of space.

    There was nothing any of the bridge crew could have done to prevent this horrible event. The security officer was able to get the protective shieldings in place before the entire bridge got sucked out through the hole.

    "Bridge to Captain Avalanche, there has been an accident on the bridge. Commander Mandio and Commander Davis have been killed in an explosion. Please report to the bridge immediately."
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