Anime being an anime fan

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Sachiko, Dec 26, 2002.

  1. + annovachan +

    + annovachan + New Member

    Oct 5, 2002
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    i know what you mean. but, even if i didnt watch anime, id still be considered crazy, because...really. i am. im told it alot. but, whaddya gunna do?
    we are loners. if you get a whole bunch of anime lovers in one room, you're going to get a bit controversy.
    "Love Hina is the best anime!"
    "Nuh-uh! Magic Users Club is!"
    "I think the manga kicks tooshy!"
    "DBZ rocks!"
    (the last one isnt an anime fan, he may have only been visiting)
  2. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    Well, lets see, 2 years ago, me and Tooma knew about Rurouni Kenshin, but before it was Street Fighter, but as long as SF was old, it was known, but not much as DB .. -.-

    Anyway, that time, the only place we can get anime was the internet, wich wasn't availbe easly or much..

    Then, DVD rental stores started, then they started to bring anime, till now they brought the whole RK series!! :D

    It took me 2 years to see the whole Kenshin, -not yet though :sweat:- but it was -and will be- worth it!! :D:D:D
  3. Sachiko

    Sachiko happy SMJ shoujo ^_^

    Feb 3, 2002
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    :confused: But isn't grouping up as an anime group a joy for anime fans? Everyone gets to share their thoughts and joy!
  4. Odin

    Odin Member

    Nov 26, 2002
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    Quoting Mad_Hamish:

    I disagree entirely, and to put it bluntly, you're wrong.

    Loner: a person who remains alone or avoids the company of others.

    There aren't many anime fans I know that would turn down the opportunity to be sociable. I go to the University of Cincinnati's anime club, and (for lack of a better way of expressing this), they're a great group of people to be with. Actually, some of the most approachable and friendly people I've ever met have been at anime conventions (though the opposite can almost be said, but that's beside the point).

    And that's my two cents.
  5. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    I wasn't being totally serious about it. I guess I didn't make that too clear. But anime fans are few and far between. And it is a fact(at least here in Ireland) that fans of anime are less socialble than most people. However there are exceptions to every rule. And this rule pretty much applies to all fan bases of things like anime, like gaming and a host of other things. They seem to attract the same kind of people.

    Oh and also the fact that anime fans need a convention or an "opportunity" to meet in groups and be socialble is testament to my point. Gaming, anime, video games(hardcore gamers), star trek fans, all convention worthy.
  6. Odin

    Odin Member

    Nov 26, 2002
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    I guess it depends where you live, since Ireland is quite a distance from Ohio. A lot of the anime fans I know in the states aren't much less sociable than others. Then again, maybe it's just me, and I'm the exception.

    I don't like blanket "rules" like these. They don't serve much purpose. It is impossible for all anime fans to be loners by nature. Yes, there certainly are anime fans out there who happen to be of the loner quality, but this is not true for everybody. I'll grant you the fact that maybe this is the case in Ireland, but as I stated before, it's no so in the states (at least, not in my area).

    Anime fans don't NEED a convention to meet in groups nor to be sociable. It is simply a gathering place for people of the same interests - like anime or star trek. The same thing could be said about a concert of any sort, be it N'SYNC or Slipknot, which is an opportunity for fans of the band/artist/thing to come together and enjoy their similiar interests with each other. I can go out and do things with my friends, whether they like anime or not.

    I'm sorry if this writing makes me appear as an @$$ (which it probably is). But I refuse to be seen as a part of this "loner" stereotype that you seem to identify with with anime fans. I don't hate you, I don't want you to hate me, and I would like things to end with that.

    Actually, I have to agree with you there! ^_^ With my experiences with anime fans (and being one myself), a LOT of them like to be "random" or "crazy" and take pride in "not being normal," though there really is no such thing as normal.

    Ugh. Again, I'm going to apologize, Mad_Hamish. I enjoy being argumentative, and that's something I wish to change in the future. It creates too many problems when I'm less capable of controlling it.

  7. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    Eh well I'm argumentative too. And we all know what happens when two argumentative people start talkinging. And most net arguments are just a result of misscomunication.

    Well I did say that there are exceptions to every rule. But I still believe that most anime fans are far less social than your "average" person.
    Generally I think that most large internet comunities(such as anime) are made up of people that are less sociable by nature. Their interests differ to that of most of the population and therefor have less in common. Now I know that common interests are not needed for friendship, but more often than not it is the starting point for most.

    I kinda painted a bad picture of Irish anime fans here. The other guys, would kill me if they read this. We're really just like any other anime fans. Just more drunk.
  8. Odin

    Odin Member

    Nov 26, 2002
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  9. blood_pheonix

    blood_pheonix New Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    i love anime, and i am not a loner. i have heaps of friends, most whome have never even heard of anime. but then, fate can go against you, and u will end up like that peom/loner girl at my school.

    ps, oh and k0gepAn_LuFF3r, u r scaring me. jk. i dont mind poems of me, as long as its from attractive females (note the keywords there are ATTRACTIVE and FEMALE):p :p :p
  10. Zeon_Zum_Deikun

    Zeon_Zum_Deikun New Member

    Nov 15, 2002
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    Most people here (and people I've talked with on chat rooms) either don't know what anime is, or just know Dragon Ball Z (and some don't know Dragon Ball Z is anime). It's pathetic. There is more anime than just DBZ! C'mon! :)
    Anyway, none of my friends know what anime is, correction, they didn't know what anime is (I have no friends now :( ). If I could only meet someone who knew what anime was... *Sigh*
  11. Hikaru

    Hikaru New Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    I agree with Odin. So stop thinking you guys are loners!
  12. blood_pheonix

    blood_pheonix New Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    yeah, if u really r loners, and the bad rep u have is only at school, go hang with people OUTSIDE of school.
    no one is a loner if they try hard enough not to be.
  13. The Jackal

    The Jackal New Member

    Sep 16, 2002
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    My 4 best friends know about anime, 2 not so much fans as just not bothered, but that's it, in all of scotland, everyone else I've met (mostly in school) was a sl*t or a wideo...
  14. blood_pheonix

    blood_pheonix New Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    also, i dont think it is the fact that u r an anime fan that make u loners, it is your self confidence.
    u ADDMIT that u r loners, that just makes it worse.
    u know?
  15. Zeon_Zum_Deikun

    Zeon_Zum_Deikun New Member

    Nov 15, 2002
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    I must agree... I am a loner because I admit I am a loner. I'm a loner by heart, it's the way I've always been. I'm just a shy person by nature. I'm not sure here, because I know I have something in comon with others. I'm not shy on chat rooms, or The Sims Online because...well...I don't know why. But though I know I am stand-offish, t would sure help to know people who like anime... which would give me an extra push to say "Hi".
    Ohh well. Back to the chat rooms :) (where I still don't have any friends who like anime).

    Though I must ad one thing... A quote that suits this. I don't remember who said it. "There is nothing to fear but fear itself."
  16. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    Jeez you people are saying loner like it's a real awful thing.
    Some people just prefer to have a small group of friends and a lot of time to themselves rather than knowing everybody have spending every waking minute around them.

    Some people are just overtly friendly and just seem to want to keep making more and more friends.
    Some people just have enough friends.
  17. blood_pheonix

    blood_pheonix New Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    u have friends then?
    ur not a loner then:confused:
  18. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    A loner is someone who likes to spend most of their time alone. It has nothing to do with the amount of firends.
    Every one has friends sometime in their life unless they're total introvertes or some kind of hermit.

    Humans are still social animals. Total isolationists usually have some kind of serious psycholocal problems.
  19. + annovachan +

    + annovachan + New Member

    Oct 5, 2002
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    Pronunciation: 'lO-n&r
    Function: noun
    Date: 1947
    : one that avoids others.

    OK! there we go! i guess you can be a loner and have one or two real friends, because you dont have to talk to them all the time!
    You could sit in the corner of your room and draw! (that was me 2 years ago)
    alright. there.
    but, in a sense, all anime-lovers are loners. despite if they have friends or not, they are kind of alone in the world, due to the fact that we're surrouded by ignorant-non-anime lovers.
    ahhh, whatever. im trying to stop this loner thing.
    obviously it didnt work.
  20. Odin

    Odin Member

    Nov 26, 2002
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    This is false.

    If you like something and people around you don't like it, that has nothing to do with being a loner. All it means is that you are different from those "ignorant-non-anime-lovers."

    You even stated the definition (as I did previously). "One who avoids others." This has nothing to do with your statement's support.

    The first part of the definition which I stated before, "a person who remains alone," COULD be interpreted to mean a person who is not surrounded by people like them, and thus they are "isolated," but coupled with the second part of the definition, "or avoids the company of others," the emphasis on physical people shows.

    BLANKET STATEMENTS CANNOT BE MADE CONCERNING THE SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF AN ANIME FAN. If they are, then anime fans become a stereotype. Stereotypes sucks.

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