Paranormal Ghosts

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by me_dreaming_zzz, Jul 10, 2005.

  1. me_dreaming_zzz

    me_dreaming_zzz ¯\(º_o)/¯

    Nov 6, 2003
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    Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever met a ghost? :eek: I havent met any, but some people photograph ghosts(well they claim that those weird lights or bubbles on their pics are ghosts). I might post some ghost pics here later.
  2. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Ummm...of course!

    Yeah *sniff* so, i met a ghost once. Yeah yeah, it was cool. We had like cookies and sang songs, it was a great time. I took a picture with him, but he came out all blurry. No one belived me....

    Come on, are you serious? How do they know that they're taking a picture with a ghost, or OF a ghost? I think it's all ridiculous, if they're were ghosts,why don't they come? Like a man said when Jesus was resurrected, "I won't belive it 'till I see it..." I don't want no phony light crap. Sorry, but that's just the way i see things....

  3. Kagome's Arrow

    Kagome's Arrow Princess of Unicorns

    Feb 20, 2004
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    This may just be an automated skeptic response, but to me ghosts (and most "supernatural phenomenons") are just the products of an overactive imagination and/or LSD-induced hallucinations. I once stumbled across one of these hardcore "ghostbusters" and eventually befriended her, but while I love her very much, she is superstitious to the point of absurdity. I recall one incident that took place during a rather heated game of "light as a feather, stiff as a board" (yes, it's juvenile and not at all "spooky". Stuff it, I love cliche slumber party games ^_^) when she insisted that we record the next round on videocasette to see if any spirits were lurking about, and although we chided her for being paranoid, we decided to humor her. Coincidentally, my camera chose that *very* moment to produce some odd lighting effect (which I still claim was the result of my push-down lamp, but there's no reasoning with her), and she was elated at the prospect of finally making contact with "the other realm". I'm not B.Sing you guys, she was utterly convinced that ghosts had decided to haunt my living room, of all places, and she spent the remainder of the night with her flashlight propped up beside her forehead so she wouldn't "miss any of the excitement".

    My surprisingly insightful younger cousin made an interesting observation on the subject. I think he said something along the lines of, "If everyone who has ever lived became a ghost, the world would be really crowded".

    Amen. Just imagine...Earth would be like one of those game show contestants who are sidled with the task of compacting marshmellows(or ghosts, in this case) into every microscopic airspace their mouths can provide...*imagines Earth annually spitting out spirits and starting over fresh ^_^*
  4. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Ghosts are just like aliens, another brand for people to talk about, and for movies and animes to be made.....Seriously, we're talking about it now aren't we?

    Also, There's one thing i don't get though, who came up with the "they can only be "seen" on camera devices". How can we know that's true? The way I see it, it's all lies, until they actually come, blow the crap out of our planet, and prove me wrong in the process....

  5. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    I think that idea came about with the old native american belief that having your picture taken on film means your soul is stolen, but I could be wrong. It's a wild guess on my part.
  6. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    what about the stuff not caught on camera...

    i used to believe in them, now im a skeptic
  7. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    I was responding to that statement. Thus, only those supposedly "caught" on camera would be applicable.

    As for actually seeing ghosts... well, i think the human imagination can do some amazing things, and if you try hard enough, you can really imagine almost anything. It's easy to let your mind wander, and not pay attention to the surrounding area. And it's when you're not paying a lot of attention that you "see" "ghosts" isn't it?

    I dunno, it's too late for me to be posting. 3:30 am... :dizzy2:
  8. me_dreaming_zzz

    me_dreaming_zzz ¯\(º_o)/¯

    Nov 6, 2003
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    well, surprisingly alot of people claim that they've encoutered a ghost, ive never seen one and neither have you, but alot of people say that they have. Like, for example, my friends mother believed that their new house was haunted so she invited a priest to sprinkle it with holy water and to bless it. I thought shes being a bit strange, but who am i to judge her?
  9. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    I have seen a ghost it was when I was growing up. I was sitting on top of the bunk bed my sister and I had and there he was. It was kind of werid because I wasn't just the only person who saw him. A few of the kids that were jumping on the bed stopped what they were doing. It may have been a good thing though considering the bed was near one of those metal hard heaters. I know someone cracked their head on it one time and the chances are that this guy stopped it from happening again. If anything I believe that people can leave a part of them behind. Otherwise we all will be forgotten at one point. Plus I am a fan of "medium" so I do believe in ghosts.
  10. me_dreaming_zzz

    me_dreaming_zzz ¯\(º_o)/¯

    Nov 6, 2003
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    Basher, could you describe how the ghost looked like? Was the ghost see through? Did it wear all white? Just wondering :sweat2:
  11. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    I believe in ghosts. Yes they are real, I used to live in a haunted house. One morning we (my family and I) heard some strange sounds comin' from my brothers room. We went to investigate only to discover his entire room, wall to wall, cieling and floor, were COVERED in wasps! We had to act fast (my brother was sound asleep, he was 1 year old). We ran in and grabbed him and ran out as fast as we could, we got stung but we didn't care. The weird thing is all the wasps were on the room walls/floor/cieling, but COMPLETLEY ignored my brother. Not one wasp landed on him. Talk about scary, we had the room checked out, and the guy said it was safe; no holes or cracks in the walls where the wasps could have gotten in. We moved out the next week...
  12. me_dreaming_zzz

    me_dreaming_zzz ¯\(º_o)/¯

    Nov 6, 2003
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    Oh, that is scarry :eek: I would move out too if something like this happened.
  13. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Honestly, I just saw him for a few seconds. He wasn't like casper. I was sitting at the edge of my bunk bed on the top bunk. I looked towards this window and I saw this man's face. The bed was against the heater the small way and next to the heater are these two large windows only a few inches away from the heater. The man was older and he had light blue eyes. His hair was grey and white. He was nearly bald. He was pale and I guess you can say see through. His face looked friendly but then before I turned away stern like he was scolding us. Not really in a mean way but still a little odd. I think he was wearing a suit. I could only see so much. Man it has been years. Anyway when I looked at the others they all had this look of surprise. They stopped jumping on the bed. We used to throw water on the mattress and jump around in it. One of my friends foot was hanging over the side and when she stepped down after the shock wore off she lost her footing luckily someone was there and see grabbed her. She could have fallen on top of the old heater. She would have cracked her head open. After a few seconds that we realized what happened we all went down stairs. We asked my parents if anyone came in. Of course that was a no. They were near the front door and the back door had a bell on it. I was near the window were that man was. So we all assumed it was a ghost. Honestly, I think it was. There wasn’t a way it couldn’t have been. We asked our parents if anyone died in our place. They said no. My parents used to rent the up stairs out before my brother came along. We thought it was that guy but he didn’t die. Never found out what or who he was. It could have been a ghost or something else. I thought maybe essence of someone who has been there. But who knows.

    A few days later a different friend who wasn't there said she saw our ghost. But she could have been lying. He was in the same place. We found these magazines the old couple who used to rent left behind in the attic. We did walk up but my parents didn't allow us to after a bit considering the floor wasn't thick enough whenever you walked up there cracks appeared on the ceiling.

    A few years later after my older sister moved out and I got her room. I awoke to foot steps in the attic. I could see the ceiling cracking. I got up and turned on the light. I walked into the hallway and turned on that light. I stood on this book shelf we had in the hallway to open up th attic. I dropped a few books and my sister and her friends came out. They asked me what I was doing and I told them. They didn't believe me and I told them to go see the new cracks on the ceiling. They saw them of course and we all asumed it was my brother or someone considering everyone that was in the hallway were the ones sleeping over. No one was there and no one could have left.
    I got to admit there was a few things that happened in that house that was strange. We did have a lot of fun with it.
  14. DevoVamp

    DevoVamp New Member

    Apr 18, 2004
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    I believe

    Hey guys! I KNOW that there are spirits in my house, and it goes far beyond strange noises, although we've had a few of those as well. Things get moved, often. A very heavy chair was moved a few weeks ago, placed on a slant, and neither my mother nor I had done it. And we're the only two people in the house! There's one that likes to turn my tv off and on while I'm watching it. I've had the set checked, and there's nothing wrong with it and it's not the cable box either.

    I also saw 2 heavy cans of peaches fly (and I mean FLY) off a shelf to land on the floor. My mother saw it as well, and there was no wind, and no earthquake or anything else and I was standing 2 feet from the shelf. I was saying to my mother "it looks like someone whacked them off with their arm" and just for the heck of it, I whacked a can with my arm, and it flew off and landed right where the other two had. (In other words, that's exactly how the first two were pushed off, only I didn't do it.) A pillow flew across the sofa to land in my mother's lap. Cupbord doors are opened. Just last week an empty egg carton was removed from the top of the fridge, and placed up on it's corner (like a diamond on a playing card) between the fridge and the stove. The stove is on the other side of the fridge from where the carton was.

    And as if that's not enough, we've been touched. I mean, my mother was pushed back into a chair when she was getting up, and I was looking at her and there was no one anywhere near her at the time. I've been poked in the back, twice. Not hard, and not to hurt, but to get my attention. My dogs seem to see things, too. They often bark at things that I can't see, like the time my female started barking at something in the corner behind and above the tv.

    And this is the creepiest bit:
    I was in bed in the morning, not asleep, in fact I was waiting for my alarm to go off, when I felt my bed move like someone got in it. Then, from right in front of my face, I hear a MALE voice cough. Naturally, I snapped open my eyes and there was no one there. I was not asleep, and I was not dreaming.

    I'm sure a lot of you think I'm making this up, but I swear that this stuff is happening. I've begun keeping a written record of the things that go on in the house. What's really strange is that we're the only people to have ever lived in this house, and it's not on an old cemetary or something, so I have no idea why these things are here. :confused:

    Frankly, I really don't mind them. Unless they start trying to hurt us, I think they're just doing this stuff to get our attention. It works, let me tell you!! :eek: :D So, as long as they don't hurt us or throw dishes or something, I'm a little freaked out sometimes, but generally OK with sharing my house with them.
  15. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    Devo: Try calling a priest to "exorcise" your house. One of my neighbors had problems with smashed eggs (and noises) appearing in the walls. They called a priest, and end of problem.

    (It is my belief they're not spirits of dead people, but demons doing this stuff.)
  16. Fudge_Monkeys


    Mar 30, 2005
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    I think That Ghost could be real but they show them selves when they want to be seen.
    Luvweaver Did you just watch exorcism of emily rose ?
  17. DevoVamp

    DevoVamp New Member

    Apr 18, 2004
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    Believe it or not, I phoned a priest and asked him to call me back and he never did. My mother's sprinkled holy water around a few times, but it hasn't helped. A psychic we went to told me that they were there just to let us know that existance doesn't end with death, that we do go on. In fact, I think that one of the spirits might be my dead grandfather, who died at the age of 34 when my mother was a toddler. Another might be one of her late sisters, who passed away in a very confussed and angry mental state and may not have moved on to the light yet.
  18. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Beware the lords of hell, for they shall toss your peaches and smash your eggs.
  19. DevoVamp

    DevoVamp New Member

    Apr 18, 2004
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    ROTFLMAO!!!!!! You're right, though, it doesn't really sound like high grade lords of hell, but rather pranksters, doesn't it? LOL!
  20. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    In the living room? *Inside* the house? And no, I didn't watch that movie (The closest i've seen to a horror movie was a Quantum Leap episode about Stephen King :p )

    And sorry if the priest didn't call you back, some priests suck and should be removed from their parishes.

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