Current Affairs Homosexuality within Society

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Engel, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. Roffey

    Roffey I'm As Free As A Bird Now

    Mar 27, 2003
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    I liked neither guys nor gals till I was in 8th grade, and that's when I realized I was gay, but still pursued relationships with girls to "fit in." It didn't work out.
    I'm pretty happy with my boyfriend now and pretty comfortable with the fact that most of my school knows.
  2. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Very true. I'd love to start a "white heterosexual male" club. I'd tack "Christian" in there too but I'm not one. Within three days I'd be getting letterbombs. Or even just "white club" or "heterosexual club" or "mens club". They'd all be accussed of racism, sexual orientation discrimination, or sexism in mere moments.

    I really don't see why, since the club would be harmless. It being a white heterosexual male club, every meeting would eventually focus on the aircraft and tanks of World War 2, the merits of beer and how much we adore women.
  3. Roffey

    Roffey I'm As Free As A Bird Now

    Mar 27, 2003
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    User18: Suppose your absolute best friesd of all time told you he or she was gay or lesbian? And also, do you support war? How about corporal punishment?
    Killing is against the church you know.
    And supposing the new pope decided that all true Catholics had to chop off their right index finger. Would you? The church does insruct it after all.
  4. Fujimiya Aya

    Fujimiya Aya New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    I don't feel that homosexuality is a good thing, but I won't discriminate against homosexuals just because I don't agree with their lifestyle. That's just wrong.
  5. Peachy

    Peachy ☆liberal HMod☮

    Mar 29, 2005
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    That's your opinion..And to most people it's not and it's good you don't descriminate!
  6. yakamashi

    yakamashi New Member

    May 18, 2003
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    that happened to me before. (except she wasn't the bestest best friend. just a really good one.) she told me that she was a lesbian, and that she liked me.

    i'm not bi or anything, so i had to tell her that i didn't like her like that, but that i was really glad that someone in this messed up world actually cared for me.

    it appeared that it took a lot of guts for her because she wasn't sure if i'd even accept her being a lesbian or whatever, so she even thought that it would've ruined our friendship.

    but of course it didn't

    though what i have a hard time taking in, was that she was so afraid of telling me who she really is, that she'd be shunned from those people who she grew to love, but they hate lesbians/gays. (didn't make sense.) i find that really sad. that you have to hide who you really are, just to get people to accept you. that's just terrible.

    but then again, that may be the only way to be kept alive. i had another friend who was gay, and um, lets just say he wasn't that afraid to show it. all these other guys/girls (these poplular people) kinda beat him up because they thought that he was disgusting. gawd, i cried along with him when he came to me all hurt. but lol. that made me have an even BIGGER reason to settle a score with them.... *growl.* lol.

    he's happy now though. at least i hope. he's been rambling on and on about this guy he likes for the past few months. it's getting really annoying actually... but so long as he's happy.

    and i know that i wrote this before, but i don't think that homosexuality is a bad thing. i mean, they're regular people, who just have different taste than others. but we're all the same. maybe not on the outside, but in the insides, we are.

    but hey, that's just my opinion.

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