Debate Justice for Kurt Cobain.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Odango_rose, Dec 8, 2003.


Do you think Cobain killed himself?

  1. Yes, he was suicidal

    8 vote(s)
  2. Yes, he just overdosed

    3 vote(s)
  3. No it was set up

    7 vote(s)
  1. deathfly

    deathfly New Member

    Feb 7, 2004
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    ohh ya kurt cobain killed himself.. and im a mummie right.. nope.. u know what.. there is so much proof that kurt could of killed himslef.. but he was in the middle of signing devors papers .. so that way his greedy wife would't get a thing OR THEIR CHILD...he caired so much for his lil girl and he would give the world for her.. and he knew that courtney would just corrupt her.. she was the worst person to really put francis in care of.. kurt knew that.. so he was QUITING THE MUSIC BUESNESS SO THAT HE CAN BE A FULL TIME FATHER TO FRANCIS.. you can not say that he wanted to kill himself... look at the writing on the "suiside note".. its not even kurts hand writing if u get down to it.... i have his journals.. i have the "suiside note" i looked througout the book.. and the A and G"s didnt match the onces at the END of the note.. the beguinning of the note.. it was saying in the beginning of the note that he was quiting the music busness b/c he didnt want the fame anymore..
    MEEP ..............Amanda...... i gota give out a rasberry to those who think he killed himself to ~rasberry~
  2. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    And where did you hear this?

    Then show us. Prove it.
  3. Baphijmm

    Baphijmm Kunlun Knight

    Mar 8, 2003
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    My opinion on the subject:

    Kurt Cobain died, suicidally or not, in 1994.

    It is now 2004, ten years later.

    Let it go, folks, let him go. He ain't coming back, so let's move on.
  4. deathfly

    deathfly New Member

    Feb 7, 2004
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    u wantt me to scan page by page of the not??!! and the note??!! i dont have that much time on my hands.. its a book of all of kurts journals.. and a copy of his note.. i can tell u where u can get a copy.. but thats bout it...
  5. Billy277

    Billy277 New Member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    Sorry, pal, but it ain't going away anytime soon. JFK died over forty years ago and people are STILL making theories about it.
  6. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Well to be blunt its either show us relevant sections or give up. I could easily say I have a note from Kurt himself proclaiming homosexual fantasies involving my father, but unless I showed everyone and it was confirmed from him, it would not be considered actual evidence.
  7. Baphijmm

    Baphijmm Kunlun Knight

    Mar 8, 2003
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    Aye, they should. Here's an example of my history class:

    Teacher: "JFK was assassinated, they think it was this guy, but some think it was that guy over there."

    Me: "Ah, so he died. On to LBJ."

    In other words, someone dies, it's no biggie to me. I move on, barely leaving time to mourn. That's just how I am. I lost four people in one year who all had a close relation to me, all to some form of cancer. There's nothing I can do to bring them back, so I move on. I did not know Kurt Cobain at all, so I would be expected to mourn less, so I did. I didn't really know he existed until three years after he died, so I never cared. I just can't see how people can care that much when they were connected to him in absolutely no way.
  8. Blue Crow

    Blue Crow New Member

    Jan 5, 2003
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    I read a book they published a few years back about the mystery surrounding Kurt's death,and it was very interesting.

    They mentioned that at the time of his "suicide",Kurt was actually coming off of all the drugs he was doing.He started to feel better about life,and realized that Courtney was just leeching on to him for his cash.So,he started to cut her off from all her profits she was getting from Nirvana.This,obviously didn't sit well with Courtney.This supports Raven's theory of Courtney murdering Kurt.Also,witnesses to the crime scene state that the gun used to kill Kurt had suspicious wiping marks on it.As if someone wiped the gun clean after using it,so no finger prints could be found.It would have been easy for her to get him drunk,lead him out to the greenhouse(which is where I believe his body was found),kill him,wipe the gun clean,leave it next to the body,call the police and act surprised(keep in mind she was an actress.A lame one,but an actress none the less),and pay off the guys that found the gun with all of Kurt's money.She's such a ruthless *****,she would even deprive the true Nirvana fan of Kurt's legacy of unreleased music.She's so damn selfish. :anger2:

    Of course,I don't have any written articles scanned off hand to prove any of this.Believe me or don't,I know what I belive to be true.

  9. Dr. Nick Rivera

    Dr. Nick Rivera New Member

    Oct 5, 2002
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    Well, although it doesn't matter that much to me, and as much as I hate Courtney Love, I think he killed himself. I don't have that much inoformation on the subject, but from what I do know, he killed himself.
  10. Mordeth

    Mordeth Mordeth Vult!

    Jan 12, 2002
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    the police were paid off..
  11. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    Well while i need to think people need to bring up old topics i just also think that this case should just be left unsolved, i think he was a wonderful man but finding out who really did it could ruin lives, and i think its better left a mystery. people are always wanting answers, some things just need to be left alone.
  12. Mordeth

    Mordeth Mordeth Vult!

    Jan 12, 2002
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    i personally think he was a mediocre artist who's fame is directly linked to his death and the manner of his death.

    but then again I'm a cynic.
  13. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    Ahh but hes a great artist!
    have you heard his 'smells like teen spirit' aye?
    its the best blooody song out there! (well not really- but you get my point- aye?)
  14. Charlie

    Charlie Guest

    It's not an open and shut case, but I think it's likely he felt messed up enough to end his life...actually, I remember reading an article by a guy who had bad experiences with prozac, and he suggests Cobain may have become suicidal after using this controversial drug for a while.
  15. Blue Crow

    Blue Crow New Member

    Jan 5, 2003
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    Amen to that,brother.

    In fact,I think you're the first person to see it my way.His music wasn't really that great.Dave Grohl is 10 times the artist Kurt could've ever hoped to be. :rolleyes:
  16. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    We say aye here a majority of the time because most of us are canadian or irish- aye?
    Second of all i may be the only person here who really liked him? Cuz why did nirvana then make such hi places on rolling stones top 500 list
  17. Billy277

    Billy277 New Member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    No, I really liked them as well, chiquita, so don't worry. :) The reason they were on so many lists for best group is because they signaled the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. 'Nevermind' singlehandedly destroyed the 'Hair Band' genre of men wearing makeup, growing their hair down to their asses and singing overly raunchy lyrics. Nirvana came along and changed all of that. Now it was about self-reflection, cynicism and angst. An army of grunge bands came after Nirvana and solidifed the movement, keeping it alive for several more years after Cobain died.

    I know people who say they love Nirvana and could only name two or three songs from them. They're more in love with the IDEA of Cobain and his image - He's the classic tragic artist, giving his life for his art, or at least he is in the minds of a lot of kids at the time (Certainly my eldest brother).

    That said, I'll also agree with Blue Crow - The Foo Fighters rock ten times better and Dave Grohl is the best musician of the '90s. He was one of the very first defenders of Napster, which told me that he was an awesomely cool guy as well. :)
    1 person likes this.
  18. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    I still really like the foo fighters, just i think they can get very annoying b/c sometimes they are overplayed.
    I love david grohl as well the prob is i just need to buy a copy of a new CD..
  19. Tanuki

    Tanuki the wizzard of oz

    Apr 9, 2003
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    you're not the only one. there's a thousand and one mediocre artists who's death made them famous, cobain is just another one of them. his image and his death led to fame, nothing else. As for the string of grunge bands that followed, they didn't keep the genre alive, they just tried to cash in off nirvana's new fame.
    his songs have nothing special, he showed no flair for writing, and was an average performer at best.
  20. Raven

    Raven Fuhrer

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Why does everybody say that!? Kurt was great and he deserves more repect. He changed rock and roll and started a whole new trend. He was an incredible performer with incredible songs.

    *sniffle* Ah, at least some people like him at least.

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