Recreation Life after Death and God...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KaMeKaZi, Jul 11, 2002.

  1. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    Something to stir things up a bit..

    Is there and God and Is there life after death...

    These are just ppl opinions and should not mock other people's religions...!

    So what are your personal beliefes!

  2. rei

    rei New Member

    Jun 26, 2002
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    uhm.. im agnostic.. i have NO idea.. i cant say that i believe in a higher power or after life, nor can i say that i dont.. i just dont know. which is odd cause im the only person i know in the middle of the road, most people who dont know usually are leaning in one direct though.. they have some idea. but im lost. i dont mind though. because it gives me a chance to soul search. ive taken many world relgion classes.. and actually am enrolling in more.. i hope ill settle some day. but today there are too many moth*holes in religion, and not enough stability to hold my soul of eternity.. i hope that made sense.

    *heart* rei
  3. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    Ive been reading a fantasy book about King uther and Merlin, the age before Arther.. Anyway it deal a lot with Religion.. And its Theory is that All religions are Actualy linked and believe in the exact same thing.. and Savior May his Name be Jesus or whatever.. And Ive been Like Rie for Age in the middle of the Road...

    But now after much soul searching i think ive finally figured things out.. but still need to explain them to myself.. a lil more.!

  4. Energizer Bunny

    Energizer Bunny i wuv you

    Nov 17, 2001
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    i do believe with all my heart that there is one and only one God and that his son Jesus Christ came to the earth and died on the cross to save us from our sins so that we would have life after death in heaven... that basically answers the questions so
  5. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    this is a very deep topic Kame. I am Roman Catholic. I believe Jesus is the second person in the Holy Trinity. He is God and became flesh and blood to destroy man's bondage to original sin, thus allowing us to enter Heaven. I believe there is a Heaven, and Hell, but also a Purgatory, where one goes to purify their soul, if not already purified, before entering Heaven. The soul is eternal. Because of my faith, I believe there is a purpose to my life, why I am here, and I have a goal to achieve a place in Heaven.

    It's all about Faith, Believing in Something that cannot be Seen. And its about Hope.

    "Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet Believe."
    John 20:29
  6. rei

    rei New Member

    Jun 26, 2002
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    that way cool that you two have strong faith and the kame is on the verge of it, hehe.. yay for you!
    hmm.. do you mind if i ask.. did you find the faith yourself? or was it given to you by your parents?

    *heart* rei
  7. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    I would say my parents were a bit lukewarm. somehow all of us, one way or another became stronger in our faith 6 years ago or so. I would say it happened to my family about the same time, so I didn't change becaus of my parents, but the foundations of my beliefs I was raised. I look up to people who have seeked for the truth and have converted. It takes a lot of time, understanding and effort to figure things out for yourself in relations to faith. It also takes a lot of moxy to hold true and faithful to the faith you were raised. Many lose hope.
  8. Stardust Phox

    Stardust Phox Such a Taurean I am!

    Mar 11, 2002
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    Hm... I never thought this topic would be discussed... ^^;

    I'm Jewish, though I've been practicing the culture and beliefs for a year, since we (my mother and I) discovered our Jewish roots recently. And I must say, I embrace it heart and soul. There is but on G-d, as says the prayer recited at morning and night, the Sh'ma: "Hear, oh Isreal, the L-rd is our G-d, the L-rd is One." (It's hyphenated because the Name is not to be pronounced by just anyone. That's how sacred it is)

    This topic is actually quite mystical. ^^ Jewish mystics are meant to be studied by people ages 40 and up, since at that age, you probably know the things you need to know before moving on to mystics. It is considered the highest level of knowledge. (My mother has always loved mystics. ^_^)

    I could say a lot of things, but I'm just afraid to. I can tell you that I believe the soul is immortal, escaping death. The afterlife... is a rather complicated topic. Every soul has a mission on this Earth. Your place after death is determined by whether or not you fulfill that mission. Some say you have three other chances to fulfill it (three more lives), while I've heard elsewhere that you have as many chances as necessary. If you're really really bad, then your soul, after judged, is basically condemned. If you fulfill your mission, your soul rests. (I'm not 100% certain if you get to enter the Gan Eden (Garden of Eden) of Earth when you fulfill your mission; it's more of a 65-70% sureness. I have to ask my mother. ^^)

    Jewish mystics are incredibly intriguing, and I could still say more. (But I'm not very fluent with it all, and I'll probably end up cluttering up the boards or going out of the scope of the topic)

    Oh, and, salvation-wise, ... like I said, it's complicated. But it's all related to G-d's infinite mercy towards His creation.

    By complicated, I don't necessarily mean hard to understand. It just involves a lot of things. ^^

    The edit: I wrote "I embrace the" instead of "I embrace it". ^^; My bad. I mess up like that sometimes.
  9. rei

    rei New Member

    Jun 26, 2002
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    good points seraphim. and stardust i didnt ever expect there to be a subject such as this either, but i think its cool cause it just proves how different, yet the same we all are. in religion and our taste in interests. the jewish faith has alway been interesting to me. im gunna go to temple with my friend sometime. she makes it seem like a party sometimes. haha..

    *heart* rei
  10. *Fabee*

    *Fabee* Retired

    Jul 15, 2001
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    I agree with you that people's opinions and own beliefs should not mock by others. I'm a muslim and I respect all the religion that people tend to practice to get closer to God. In Islam we believe that there is only one God and Prophet Mohammed was sent by god to help guide others in selecting the right path. The Prophet Mohammed was the last of Prophets, which means that there were other prophets that game before him. For example, Jesus, Mosa and others. There may be many differences between our religions and yours, but we all share one similarity which is the belief of a higher existence. Many people think that all muslims are like the extremests like the muslims in Afganishtan who force their woman to wear the (hejab) Its like a scarf that is meant to hide the hair. "O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believing women to draw their outer garments around them.That is better in order that they may be known (to be Muslims) and not annoyed..." (Qur'an 33:59) A Muslim woman who covers her head is making a statement about her identity. Anyone who sees her will know that she is a Muslim and has a good moral character. Many Muslim women who cover are filled with dignity and self esteem; they are pleased to be identified as a Muslim woman. It also shows that the woman does not depend on her looks to be recognized, but she has her manners and her faith. There are many benefits from the hejab and many of those who does not know much about Islam think that the Muslim women does not have any freedom! We are an understanding group of people that devoted our lives and souls to God. There are many things that I wish to explain to you, but I'm really going off the topic, but I hate it when some people think that we are terrorists when they find out that we are muslims. It just p***** me off!
    Anyway, I believe that there is Heaven and Hell. To those who have commeted sins in their life, they'll be send ot hell where they'll have pay for the things they have done in their previous life.
  11. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    I was raised in a Catholic family, to believe and worship God, but when I was around 11, I sprung off and formed an opinion of my own. I believe in a God, and I absolutely hate him. At points I even think that Lucifer had a point and is much like me; just getting ****ed over, and just might be that way for eternity. Though I don't hate or disrespect anyone that worships/whatnot a God, of any sorts, everyone has their own right, their freedom of religion. And, of course, freedom of religion means all religions. So, unless you try to convert me, I've got no beef. :p
  12. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    I was born catholic.. But mom and dad did not make us go to church.. actualy the family never went to church because it was forrced on my parent when they were small.. so they did not want to do the same... but the past year ive gone to church with my grandperents a few time just because ive been searching for god... But I did not care for it. why i think some of the thing they tell you have been warped to death and its more of a tall tale..

    But the good thing about any religion is that it teachs good morals and to be good to your friend and strangers. So any religion that tell your to be kind and strong is a good religion..

    But in my opinion we are all worshiping the same god.. just if different ways....

    hope that made sense..

  13. rei

    rei New Member

    Jun 26, 2002
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    born catholic. raise generic christian. hated god. got over it. was a non*conformant christian. gave that up. tryed many faiths. still confused. everything is scarey, yet seems to be built out of fear. the fear that we are nothingness waiting to blinked out of eternity. so the metaphysics are those of a loving yet vengeful figure to give all the little things we dont know make perfect sense and our beings meaning.. this is how ive come to see it.. strange.. but the figure that has been constructed in our minds doesnt seem all illusion.. maybe, maybe not..

    *heart* rei
  14. Wolfwood

    Wolfwood New Member

    May 19, 2002
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    I believe there may very well be a higher power, although there is no scientific evidence. I am of the opinion that being a good person is more important than being a good christian as the two dont always go hand in hand. I believe theres something afterwards something appropriate for the person (what they want or what they deserve, depending) That or reincarnation. If i am reincarnated, Id like to live a simpler life (j\k, my life aint rough)

    But I refuse to believe that our bodies just stop. My mind boggles at the concept of absolute nothingness. Yeek.
  15. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    I was raised catholic, but my family wasn't very devoted. So i was your typical "craddle catholic" who attends a Mass but has absolute NO FREAKING IDEA of what anything meant.

    5 years ago i fell in love and she dumped me. I felt lonely, and in my loneliness i asked God to give me strength. Then everything changed. I fell in love with him, and now I can't live without him. He's so kind with me... why it happened to me and not to others? I don't know. I just wish everybody felt the peace that i've felt... Seraphim quoted: "Blessed those who believe and haven't seen." Well, I have seen, so i don't think i would be a good example of faith. Because i know who I believe in... because I can feel His love and His comfort, specially when I'm sad, or depressed.

    Afterlife? Yes, I believe in it. What can I say? I know God loves me, and I love him.

    In the end, it depends if we believe in the infinite love and act upon it. If we reject it, we give suffering to the world. That's it. Loving each other and throwing our selfishness away.
  16. Energizer Bunny

    Energizer Bunny i wuv you

    Nov 17, 2001
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    im liking this thread its really quite interesting to hear what everyone here believes in quite lovely
    to answer rei's question a while back i have always gone to church and such with my family and did all the things good little Christian kids did but i just kinda did it bc all my buds were and stuff then over winter retreat this Feb.*our youth group attended a Bible Conference-fun stuff* i really met the Lord for the first time and gave my life over to Him as luv said "I just wish everybody felt the peace that i've felt..." and the love and comfort etc etc i wish everyone could find that in this lifetime but im getting off topic so yeah i was brought up in the church but i made the decision myself, know? love yalls~~
  17. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    i will never say i'm a big one for religion. i love hearing about the beliefs and such. i'll tease the religions themselves but not the individual ppls worshiping them. (execpt my born-again step-grams...there is good me...) i was baptised Luthern, but never go to church. i've been to catholic sermons(one of the last latin ones too...that was weird...) and some evangical ones(THAT was an experience everytime i went... ;;; ) i don't know much about other religions. much less my own...*^-^*;;;
    i have my beliefs tho. i believe in evolutionism. i have no probs with it. i also feel we all have our own destiny in life and that what ever happens to a person, it is meant to make the stronger. be it just being a parent and molding the life of a child. i do believe that there is a higher power watching over us like the sheep we are. tho i don't think it controlls our lives or even anything like that. it will be in our lives when ever we call upon it for comfort or just want someone to tlak to when we can talk to no is a loving creature, not to be feared for its judgement. like a freind, ya know? lol i don't know what happens to you when you die, but i don't think there's an afterlife. i think you just get that last rest. tho, the idea of reincarnation is very neat.*^-^* if that is how it goes, i wanna be a squirrel...*^-^* be hyper AND have a cute fluffy tail...oro i guess that's just what i want, so i go with it...sounds kinda selfish, but it simply makes more sense to me...*^-^*
  18. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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  19. DrunkLeprachaun

    DrunkLeprachaun Tetsu Oushi

    Dec 15, 2001
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    Very good topic. I find it facinating to hear about people's beliefs like this. I was actualy at a museum a couple of days ago about different world religions(in the Chester Beatey exhibition in Dublin castle, it's good ****). I grew up in an agnostic family, although I was baptised to please onservative relatives. I think my parents brought me up that way becasue of the way they were brought up in strict catholic schools. Ireland is a bad place for religion. There are countless cases of abuse from preists from the past century and they are only just coming to light now due to the fact that in the past, no one would ever think a priest would do a bad thing. Some bad **** went down. Also, over here we see the violence that religion can cause, with the troubles in the north. People being beaten or killed just becasue of being catholic/prodestant. It's especialy stupid seeing as it originaly didn't have much(maybe anything) to do with releigon anyway.

    On the other hand, faith is a good thing, and I respect it. Although I don't agree with any of the organised religions I know anything about, I don't give a damn whether someone is a member of their religion, it'll have no bearing on how I view them. To me, much of the stuff in releigons seems prepsterous, but if you want to believe it, who am I to judge?

    I personaly believe whatever I want to believe. I like to believe that there is a higher power, I'd rather not call it 'god', and that there is some kind of afterlife. The idea of nothing at all after death just doesn't sit well with me. I reckon it'd be cool if everyone got what they expected when they died(discworld anyone?), and people who were evil could get into 'heaven', but they would have no urge to do what made them evil, and felt guilty for what they did(forced repentance perhaps). I have little faith in this, it's just a temporary thing until I decide something worthwhile. Out of all the religions I've seen, I like Buddhism the best. It seems the most peaceful and mellow. It's all just pretty much about enlightenment. I might become a Buddhist some day, if the opportunity arises. We shall see.
  20. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    In my opinion Buddism is one of the best religions.. you are not worshiping a god.. but actualy just trying to make yourself a better person and respecting all living forms.. And you can be buddist and catholic if you wanted to be..

    Last year me and a friend of mine from where i worked had a conversation with some born again christians.. And we are are prety much under the belief that anything is possible and God could actualy be an alien who came here once apon a time and started life.. (who knows its possible) Well never say that theory to a born again christian without being told your a ****ing moron..


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