Recreation Life after Death and God...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KaMeKaZi, Jul 11, 2002.

  1. Odango_rose

    Odango_rose New Member

    Apr 4, 2002
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    How could that be true? if it would happen anyway, then how did it happen in the first place?

    This I think is true. If he exists around us he is observing to see if we are living the type of life that he wants us to. You know, to be good to others help man kind out. This however sounds like there is a right way to live. I, myself, am still confused on this subject.

    In my eyes there is a god, who created us. If there wasn't then how did we get here? I do believe that there is one true god who will rejoice with us when we die. This is what I think, I hope that it's true with every breath that I am taking. There has to be a better place than a world like this. A world where people are killed, where people hate each other over a stupid thing like color, or ethnics or anything of this sort.

    I don't want to think that my brother (older, died as a baby), passed out of this world at such a young age to go somewhere worse. As if the place we live in doesn't have enough sufforing and HATE.

    I know that there are good things in this world, this life. we all can try and make our lifes happy. By planing on what you will do with it. You MUST live it in the best way you can, Don't miss out on things. It doesn't matter how old yoy are!

    :dizzy2: :cool: :dizzy2: :D
  2. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    ahmen to that sister...cause personally, iv'e always been of the opinion, if there is a heaven, you have to go thro hell to show what kinda of person you are...but hey, it really can't get worse...all hell could really do anyways is just pick at your innermost fears..and well, humans seem to be able to ajust and over come severe stimuli after a period of hell as it may exist, would be kinda pointless...
  3. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Yeah. Take Dogma for example, God is a female there. In my humble opinion unless we find a way to track down god and ask him ourselves, we'll only have hit the tip of the iceberg with what His message means.

    And also,

    Children and Babies who die of natural causes, or accidents (car crash, plane crash) certainly go to a good place.

    They are still innocent, which is much more than 99.9% of adults can say, I'm sure. We've all done some things we regret in this life, and even if we've been forgiven for them, it's not the same as a child's innocence.

    Another thought springs to mind about an extremist killing a bunch of children.

    He's commiting sin himself.

    Also, the children wouldn't be happy in paradise, because they wouldn't know unhappiness, and so wouldn't know what happiness is.

    It comes back to my favorite philosophy:

    Without evil there is no good
    Without hate there is no love
    Without dark there is no light.
  4. Kenshin

    Kenshin Commander *nix

    Jan 17, 2002
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    I believe that the chaos you mention, is just really complex events that obviously follow laws of physics.
    If you flip a coin, the result seems random to us... but if you knew the mass of the coin, the exact shape of it, the initial speed and rotation, the exact density of the air at each height, the exact composition of the surface the coin bounces on, and how the coin will reverb, etc, then you can predict this 'randomness' with 100% accuracy. Other things that appear chaotic and random, could be predicted in the same way... To predict the shape that a cloud will take, you would have to know exactly where all the water and air molecules are, and their current speed / direction / rotation, etc...
    The human brain, (or the brain of an animal) follows the same laws of physics... Our thoughts propagete through the neurons when their electric threshhold is exceeded, and this happens through billions of them, which let you think, etc... I don't think there is any 'chaos' there either... or anywhere in the universe for that matter :)
    Hope I didnt bore you :)
  5. Kenshin

    Kenshin Commander *nix

    Jan 17, 2002
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    I'm sorry to hear about your brother, Odango rose... :(

    I agree that no matter if there is or isn't a God, the purpose of humans should be to be happy... preferably long term happiness...

    On a different note... it sounds egoistical that people just help others or do good deeds because they want to go to heaven themselves, or because they want to feel better with themselves... It's hard to think of anything that we do that isn't egoistical... What do you guys think about that?
  6. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Yeah, us humans are an egotistical bunch. But, even if we are, st least we're doing something good anyway for somebody else.

    The best we can do is try not to worry about the things that don't matter, about the things greed drives us to want: Fame, money, power...etc.
  7. Odango_rose

    Odango_rose New Member

    Apr 4, 2002
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    That is true, some people do that. I don't think that you shouldjust help people because you want to get into heaven. you should do it b/c you want to.

    thanx LOT ;)

    Meaikoh_Takashi you are true , there is always an equel balance of everything. if there wasn't that would mean chaos.
  8. c0ke

    c0ke New Member

    May 15, 2002
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    At the time I wrote that, I wanted to blaim my troubles at someone, and I guess I choose god. I'm gonna go to my brother's church this sunday, I hope my doings in the past can be forgiven, even though I'm not a christian.

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