Recreation Life after Death and God...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KaMeKaZi, Jul 11, 2002.

  1. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    Arch; The theory (or belief, whichever you'd prefer, sorry) about the relation between Jesus and Muhammad (I prolly spelt it wrong too) is very interesting, never really thought about it. The thing about cursing is probably true, that it was such a big defoulment to one's self and soul, but now it's just no one cares anymore really, everyone curses pretty much (well, you know what I mean, slight exaggeration). The other two seem to be pretty much karma and rebirth which is a interesting concept. Anyways, I just wanted to comment on the Jesus/Muhammad relation was really interesting, and felt the strangest urge to atleast say something 'bout the others. But, 'tever.
  2. Stardust Phox

    Stardust Phox Such a Taurean I am!

    Mar 11, 2002
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    Point one:
    I've read that even a child that young can do a good deed, enough to earn him/her the right to the world-to-come. ^^;

    Point two:
    Yes, 'damning' someone is 'cursing' them. Curses are when mean, nasty things are activated to work against a person. Humans have the power to curse others. They can be broken, though, if the person cursed becomes aware of the curse...

    Hope that helps. ^^
  3. GenericHero5

    GenericHero5 All Ska Super Star

    Nov 5, 2001
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    I think that Children, until they learn Right From Wrong, (Which can take a me...)are inherently good, and will go to a good afterlife.

    (That was in one of mine...i just dont knwo how to quote people right...)

    And about the curses, i really dont mind, i quite frankly encourage others to put their own morality on the line when deciding whats appropriate ^_^=

    Ark, Im glad to share my ideologies! Thank you for actually reading all that!
  4. Stardust Phox

    Stardust Phox Such a Taurean I am!

    Mar 11, 2002
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    Yes, they are VERY INTERESTING concepts...

    I shall say no more. ^^
  5. Kenshin

    Kenshin Commander *nix

    Jan 17, 2002
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    In that case would it be ethical to kill young children if your religious belief would guarantee him/her a good afterlife? Imagine, someone crazy man doing a massacre because he wants to guarantee that lots children will be happy for all eternity in the afterlife... I don't think that makes sense either... hence my atheism/agnosticism :)
  6. Kenshin

    Kenshin Commander *nix

    Jan 17, 2002
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    How is that possible? A child that was just born performed a good deed? What about a child that dies before being born? From what point in time can a human embrio perform a 'good deed' that makes him worthy of eternal happyness in the afterlife?
    I'm sorry for the skepticism, hope I'm not offending anyone :)
  7. GenericHero5

    GenericHero5 All Ska Super Star

    Nov 5, 2001
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    Wow...I really dont know what to say to that...except that there will always be religious extremists, no matter what culture, be it Christianity or Islam, and I cannot account for the actions of others, but merely offer my opinions and beliefs.

    >>Damn sig! I really need to change that sometime, so i dont have to keep clicking edit...<<
  8. Wolfwood

    Wolfwood New Member

    May 19, 2002
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    Ive never experienced a miracle, theres always a better explanation (brakes spring to mind....)
    I guess ive experienced some favours but then again, maybe not...without scientific evidence it may just be luck...but whatever y'know?

    Someone asked why God didn't help the Jews, well, though it may just be because there is no god, or he's lazy but if he did exist he'd have some conflict, as Hitler was a devout Christian hensforth, if God was playing a part in the war, he was on Adolfs side (you can see why gods envolvement in ww2 is rarely mentioned-it doesn't go down well, okay so Hitler lost in the end, but he came bloody close to winning)

    Also, I dunno if its changed but the old old oooold bible had this section talking about how true believers would be rewarded but all others (jews included) would recieve punishment, again an unpopular theory.

    Finally, Luvweaver if that is the sad story you were talking about when you mentioned true lonliness and a sting in your heart that never goes away (see "lets face it....)
    You have no right to tell me what lonliness is.

    Luvweaver is allowed to get annoyed and possibley will, the rest of you outraged masses should notice in advance that my above statements are facts cold clear facts. So with all respect, dont even THINK about getting on my case about it.

    Have a nice day.
  9. GenericHero5

    GenericHero5 All Ska Super Star

    Nov 5, 2001
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    You have a good one too!
  10. Kenshin

    Kenshin Commander *nix

    Jan 17, 2002
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    Sorry for that twisted example ... I regret posting it now :)
    You'd think that more Christians would be pro-abortion if that automatically sends them to heaven...
  11. Odango_rose

    Odango_rose New Member

    Apr 4, 2002
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    babies and children go to heaven, because God watch's over them with special care.

    Over all I haven't really determind what I think about religion. I mean I believe that there is a god, and a devil, and Jesus saved us, but I don't really know about the bible. Because you don't really know if it's all true.
  12. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    I too believe people are inherently good, ie little children who die go somewhere good. But, it would not be ethical to kill them, because life is also a good thing. Killing them may send them to somewhere better, but they are deprived of this earthly life and all the experiences to be gained here.

    In short, little children who die are not punished for dying, but they do miss out on a whole lot.
  13. Kenshin

    Kenshin Commander *nix

    Jan 17, 2002
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    And when exactly does a child become a child? When an embrio develops? Or when an ovum is fertilized? Does that buch of cells then receive the 'soul'
  14. Odango_rose

    Odango_rose New Member

    Apr 4, 2002
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    That wouldn't really be a child it would be a baby. I'm not sure when they atain souls. i know they do when they are born, maybe. I haven't really asked that type of question, so I can't say that I know the answer.
  15. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    Someone mentioned mistranslations in the bible.. I think that though God inspired it, men who have translated it and copied it have introduced errors. My favourite example comes from the book of Job (Hiob in german).

    In the original Martin Luther translation, Job chapter 19 verse 26 reads "Und werde darnach mit dieser meiner Haut umgeben werden, und werde in meinem Fleisch GOTT sehen" -roughly, 'and I will be surrounded then with this, my skin, and in my flesh, I shall see GOD'

    In about 1912, the Lutheran church of Germany introduced a 'new Luther translation", updated to use more modern speech. In this new translation, the same verse, Job chapter 19 verse 26 reads "Und nachdem diese meine Haut zerschlagen ist, werde ich ohne mein Fleisch Gott sehen" or roughly 'and after this my skin has been destroyed, without my flesh I will see God'

    In 1984, another version of the Luther was given out. This version reads "Und ist meine Haut noch so zerschlagen und mein Fleisch dahingeschwunden, so werde ich doch Gott sehen." or roughly 'even though my skin may be destroyed, and my flesh disappeared, still will i see God'

    The Einheitsübersetzung of the Bible (or unity translation), done in partial cooperation between the Catholic and Lutheran churches, renders the same verse as "Ohne meine Haut, die so zerfetzte, / und ohne mein Fleisch werde ich Gott schauen." or 'without my skin, which is so tattered, and without my flesh, I shall see God'

    And in English, the King James bible gives that verse as "_And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:"

    So quick review:
    original Luther: With my flesh I'll see God
    1912 Luther: without my flesh I'll see God
    1984 Luther: after my flesh is destroyed I will see God (dodges the issue imho)
    Einheitsübersetzung: without my flesh I'll see God
    King James Bible: With my flesh I'll see God

    Those don't quite match up.. someone translated it wrong :D
  16. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    LordOTerror- I don't know. That is why I don't feel like taking a chance.
  17. GenericHero5

    GenericHero5 All Ska Super Star

    Nov 5, 2001
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    Ah, you have me there...I can provide no answer to this, except moree of my theories and beliefs. Since God is everywhere, I feel that with their first breath, babies take in a soul as their own.

    (Gee that sounds stupid in writing lol)
  18. Kenshin

    Kenshin Commander *nix

    Jan 17, 2002
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    Ok, I just typed this pretty weird post, so dont read it if you want to stay sane :)

    I have asked myself alot of questions like that, and religions don't make too much sense to me personally...

    I guess this is because I believe that if there is a God, he hasn't actually touched anything in world at all, there isn't even remote evidence of him doing something that wouldn't have happened anyway. So if he exists, he is merely an observer.
    I believe that we are conscious, because the neural networks in our brains are so complex and evolved, and not because of 'souls'.
    If you accept this, then you can also accept that we think about the things we do, in the moment we do, because of the physical and electrical properties of our brain's neural network, and the input from our senses that affect it. So in a way, we are predestined by the laws of physics, which also guarantee that nothing random ever happens in the environment around us...
    So if you understand what I've said until now... you can deduce that if God is an all-knowing observer, he knows full well what is going to happen, and that it physically cannot happen any other way. Therefore, evil people cannot help being evil people and good people can't help being good people... since he possibly created the laws of physics and the big bang, etc, it is his own fault that people turn out the way they do, and at that point heaven and hell seem superfluous.
    That's one of the reasons I'm an atheist...

    Hmmm... in case it isn't already obvious, I'm pretty bad at expressing my existential beliefs... It's waay clearer in my mind :)
    I shouldn't write this stuff at almost 4 am... I have to get up to go to work in 4 hours... oops :)
  19. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    LOT: I understand what you are saying, it does make sense. I do take exception with one thing (aside from your general rejection of God hehe) and that is that we are predetermined in our behaviour by the immutable laws of physics. One word: chaos. Things are random. The world is so complex, I don't think you can look at a child's brain and say how they will turn out. Of course, all this means is that things are random instead of predetermined, so you could still use the argument that we can't help who we are. Emphasis on YOU hehe

    I still believe we have agency, and can choose for ourselves what sort of people we will be.
  20. Legato

    Legato Shakkin Daiou

    May 5, 2002
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    What defines a soul? Just wondering.

    I like to think that this is heaven, and that in life we were all some form of incapable of anything but the simplest of actions single celled life form, and when we die, we get to live in a world where we have complex bodies, and complex emotions, and can choose our own path, instead of floating around in some form of nutrient rich stew. Face it, to an amoeba, we would seem like gods. Once out time is heaven is over we dissolve and become the nutrients for the amoebas.

    I don't believe any of this, but I don't "believe" in anything really.
    I just like stories.

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