RPG Archives Sailor Moon rpg

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Kos-Mos, Sep 30, 2002.

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  1. Kos-Mos

    Kos-Mos New Member

    Sep 13, 2002
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    hey every body!

    Guess what! It time for me to pass out the awrds for the rpg now, so if you want one and I cant e-mail you from manga to anime.com send me a pm and I'll send it to you that way, but you better hurry!

    P.S. Only the members who were in the first rpg will be getting award at this time.
  2. Kos-Mos

    Kos-Mos New Member

    Sep 13, 2002
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    Hey guys. I desided to tell you all why Alesie is so...um...well, you all know her. You know what I mean. But any way, I'm not gonna use any names, just so you know.

    Once on a star far far away, there lived a lovely, happy princess. She was riased happily in her home castle, next to an ocean(Ok, I know, theres no oceans on stars but I'm being creative. It's a special star. : P). By the time she was 14, she felt she could do anything. Even marry.

    One day, she met a young prince. The prince fell inlove with her just as quicly as she did him. As they danced durring a ball, she was happy, happier than she had ever been before.

    But all was not well. The night after the ball, an invasion began. She knew only that her prince was fighting. She wouldn't let him die. She ran to his side in her first and final battle.

    Her prince protected her in the battle, untill the final strike. As a soldier aproaced, he threw her in the way of the sword.

    As she fell to the ground, her prince grinned in shadow. But she did not die. Hours after she fell, she arose up from the ground. But she was not the same princess. She was angry, and filled with sorrow, and hate. She vowed she'd get the prince for betraying her. From that day on, Princess Alesie Maza trianed, and grew heartless.

    The end...

    Well, there it is. I still haven't figured out what the prince's name is and all that junk, but I just figured you'd all like a little info.

  3. Kos-Mos

    Kos-Mos New Member

    Sep 13, 2002
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    So what do you who have been reading but not posting think?
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