Recreation Vampires: Blood is my wine

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by VampirePrincess, Aug 11, 2002.

  1. VampirePrincess

    VampirePrincess New Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    Anyone into vampires? I am one of those girls who have been into them for so many years I can't even remember... From myth to fact to books to subcultures... I have seen so much in my life you will be shocked on what I become. I myself am a mortal vampire. One who drinks blood and has a mind set of a vampire. But I controll it. I was born like it... Atually I have proof on that through doctors I have seen and my parents. I got better over the years but every once a month I have a thrist and I do drink blood to quence it. lol... Anyway besides all that... Probably scare you alittle lol... I am also into other things as well... But I am good at answering questions on vampires and the occult. Any questions just tell me.
  2. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    Sweet, I'm a bit of a Vampire fanatic myself, although I don't go through the process of drinking blood, though differentiality in beliefs and actions is no real reason to bash, so the fact that you are a 'mortal vampire' as you put it isn't bothersome, or scary (as long as you aren't one of those mass-murdering ones who claim to do it in the name of Count Aliafgandalikd the Seventeenth or something :p). Anyways, everyone has a right to their own beliefs (ideas, or facts as some would like to call them, I know some people get uppity about practices being called 'beliefs', whichever you prefer, not really sure how to refer to it). Now what's scary is an incest-promoting, bisexual Luciferian. ::shifty eyes; cough:: :p Anyways, I don't have any questions at the moment, but if anything comes up, I'll be sure to ask ya'. Nice to meet you.
  3. sailorvenus

    sailorvenus 24 days to go...^^

    Jun 3, 2002
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    I love Vampires!!! I have a lot of vampire books, like Anne Rice's vampire chronicles and others. I love collecting them! I even love watching vampire movies. I don't know, there's just something about vampires that fascinate me....:dizzy2:
  4. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    I never understood the attraction to vampires.
    Anyone want to explain it?

    Oh and what kind of blood would you drink?
  5. sailorvenus

    sailorvenus 24 days to go...^^

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Well, I really can't explain my fascination with them...maybe bec. they're so eccentric...I don't know....I've been fascinated by them eversince I was in Grade 4.
  6. c0ke

    c0ke New Member

    May 15, 2002
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    As a fanatic of horror, I love Vampires (of course not as much as Zombies). My favorite thing about vampire is watching the many different way they die (Yes you can call me sick) and how a certain authors changes their attributes. Take Dusk til Dawn for instance, the mere sight of a object that looks like a cross effects them, they melt into a puddle of ooze when stabbed in the heart. Now look at Hellsing, Vampires can wear crosses, enter churches, anyone they kill without their consent, turns into a ghoul slave instead of a vampire, and when stabbed in the heart, they turn into dust. I could continue with other vampire movies/anime (Good or Bad) but I think you get the picture.
  7. VampirePrincess

    VampirePrincess New Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    I was born with the fasination to vampires... I learned so much about them that sometimes I even forget what I learned but don't worry I remember when the question comes. My memory does that. lol. Anyway vampires were never romantic cretaures. They were created in the fear of the dead and created by actually people who done crimes that might be consider demonish and devilish.... Eventually over time Bram Stroker made Dracula more of the romantic flare and from then on vampires were known as suducers. lol. Even the mortal ones were effected my this curse of being suductive... Though I never consider myself any of that. lol.

    I myself am an Anne Rice fan. I love her work and charictors. *smiles*

    Oh the blood I drink is human... I do not take any blood without permission of the owner... Which in this case is my b/f. We also test for dieses and other elements that can make me sick or even him sick. He also is a mortal vampire.

    There is also psy vampires that take energy from people and not blood. I was kindda one but lost interest quikly.

    Lucerfarians are my people... No kidding I am pagan but still they amuse me... Anyone who deals with the devil amuses me. *smiles*
  8. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    Zombies!!! Now there's undead.

    Mind you, both vampires and zombies make good movies.

    One thing about vampires that irritates me is their stereotypes.
    They just bore the hell out of me.
  9. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    Paganism huh
    A buddie of mine is into that.
    Him and his friends are all pagans apparently.
    He was telling me a load of stuff that happened to them, that made him become one.

    I don't really believe in all that though. I just think it's all in the mind. The brain is a lot more mysterious than the spirit world in my opinion.
  10. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those all black-wearing, lip-stick wearing, pentagram drawing all around Satanists that try to summon the unholy, evil power or anything. o_O (Basically the stereotype). I don't praise Lucifer or anything, I am simply more in his favor rather than God. Like Richard B. Riddick of Pitch Black said... "I absolutely believe in God. And I absolutely hate the ****er".
  11. VampirePrincess

    VampirePrincess New Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    I am druid to really put an idea what gods and goddess I focus on. lol.

    You are a LeVayen then... Meaning you don't beleive in anything but yoru self. Self worship..... Right... lol... Pentagrams are only used for black magick porpuses... More liked upsidedown not really pentagram just using negative energy.

    Zombies and vampires make the best movies. lol. I got to agree with you there.
  12. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    Well that's a bit harsh.
    Sure I don't Believe in spirits, souls or any of that.
    I'm kinda a scientific person.
    I believe in people I guess. Not in that corney way though.
  13. VampirePrincess

    VampirePrincess New Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    Not you.... Sorry I meant ArkAnjil. Satanist don't worship Satan they worship self. Sorry if I confussed yeah.
  14. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    Looking back at the posts, I really don't know why I thought you were talking about me.
    Knee jerk reaction. I'm kinda used to it.

    Time to defend yourself Arkanjil
  15. VampirePrincess

    VampirePrincess New Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    I wasn't really affending her... I have alot of respect for Satanist. *smiles* I was just curius wether or not she is a LeVayen actually.
  16. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    First of all, I'm a male ::doesn't really know what gave the insinuation he was a female, but anyways:: I wouldn't go as far as to worship myself, I don't really worship anything. I just believe Lucifer got a bad rap and God is really a stuck-up, jealous, attention-craving, lying ***hole. ::nods:: Much like myself, but that's beside the point. :p And no, I wasn't offended. The only real feelings I hold towards myself are extreme self-loathing and self-destruction as well as self-pity. As the guy said in Thirteen Ghosts "I've been looking for a reason to like myself". Hope that sorta sums it up. :dizzy2:
  17. VampirePrincess

    VampirePrincess New Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    I said her... Never meant too... I think I am up to late... Sorry... My fault big time...

    Anyway yes I agree with you about Lucifer. I have the same feelings about him. But I don't believe in the christian god. Lucifer is just really misunderstood.
  18. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    Eh no worries, everyone makes mistakes. :)
  19. VampirePrincess

    VampirePrincess New Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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  20. rei

    rei New Member

    Jun 26, 2002
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    mm vampires. i used to stay up late watching old foreign vampire movies.. heaven.. hehe. but im afraid i dont know much about the subculture, except its rather active around LA or so ive heard. some guy that was all into vampirism and such used to talk to me online.. it was weird he would talk about things like we were they only ones who understood it.. strange.. i was even going to go to some party.. but didnt.. i didnt want to seem like some square.. but the idea of a vampire is very seductive and has alot of sex appeal. could this be why im drawn to it?? maybe? hehe..
    anyway.. i think thats rad so many other people are drawn to its apeal as well, although its not surprising..

    *heart* rei

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