Recreation Vampires: Blood is my wine

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by VampirePrincess, Aug 11, 2002.

  1. GenericHero5

    GenericHero5 All Ska Super Star

    Nov 5, 2001
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    Vampires are great...I feel they have a tremendous appeal solely for their enigmatic ways though. :p
    Anyway, a bit of a self vampire...i usually lick my wounds till they stop...kinda wierd, but, hey, i wont catch any BBV's!:D
    (BTW, Vamp, that is a kickass Gif you got of the best parts of VHD!)
  2. rei

    rei New Member

    Jun 26, 2002
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    is licking your own wounds odd?? ive always done it.. i always thought is was like some kinda of animal instintic.. eh i dunno. i couldnt be a vampire though, although it would be rad.. i couldnt drink blood, i dont even eat animals.. let alone just drinking the blood. if you dont mind my asking. how do you come across the blood? friends? i heard that there are actual donors and stuff. i must seem like such a square but hey, how should i know any of these things, no vampire wants to hang around with a vegan with anemia, we make boring dinner dates i suppose.. hehe.

    *heart* rei
  3. VampirePrincess

    VampirePrincess New Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    I am a vegan myself... I only drink human blood when I need too. lol... There are donors. But they most be tested fro any dieses. I mostly use my b/f and he uses me. lol. Thats how it works for me and him. *smiles*
  4. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Ouh, vampire thread! I never really believed much of the stereotypes. So I adapted them and I'm writing my own story! And then I dragged my brother into writing it along with me.

    I broke things down and explained them now and again, such as crosses and holy stuff doesn't bother them. My vampires are living in a cathedral.

    And as for the whole sunlight killing them, it doesn't kill them but it gives them one hell of a sunburn thanks to low blood circulation.

    Then I mentioned that there was an actual disease, but said it wasn't really as bad as a true vampire's.

    I gave them transforming powers, but that doesn't mean they only transform into bats.

    As for dying, meh vamps are immortal, but if somebody shoots them in the head, they're gonna die, (duh).

    Anyway. ::Shifty eyes:: patent pending. No touchy meh story.

    I think vampires are cool, but I don't consider myself a mortal vampire or anything. In my humble opinion, ^^;v, vampires are cool.
  5. VampirePrincess

    VampirePrincess New Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    I am also writing a story about vampires... Actually in truth they are not vampires at all... They are another species that man did not understand....

    Holy stuff doesn't bother vampires... Common myth.... Like gettings tab through the heart.

    In my story they can't be destoryed very easily and if they are killed (well not killed liked dealth) then they will rise and take revenge. Its kindda cool. They are not zombies they just gain their strength to rise again from the earth.

    I like writing stories. I hope yours turns out well. *smiles*
  6. c0ke

    c0ke New Member

    May 15, 2002
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    Vampire stories are cool. Those sterotypes do suck, why is a vampire so afraid of crosses or anby other holy item, they're not demon. anyways, hope your stories comes out good.
  7. VampirePrincess

    VampirePrincess New Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    Vampires are demons in other ways.... Well kindda. The reason for the crosses and other holy symbol was do to the fact that well people thought vampires were evil... Only in truth they were misunderstood.
  8. rei

    rei New Member

    Jun 26, 2002
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    vegan?! wow that rad.. and i thought i was all alone on this board.. hehe. thats kinda morbidly sweet that you and your bf do that. or at least i think so. some kid at my school talked about being a donor, although i think he was full of it, i thought it was a cool thing to do.. i guess. well anyway, its nice to meet you.. this place is blooming with diversity, its a beautiful thing.. ^_^
    *heart* rei
  9. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    Umm Is Vin Diesels actual Name Richard B or did you get the name wrong??

    Anyway I like to read books on vampires.. Just to see the different view points.. I wish i could read the Vampire hunter D Novels.. but they are not translated,... "I am Legend" is a cool book that has a different aproach to the vampire idea.. But the Idea of vampire get me interested just because its fantasy and i love thing that are not real.. As far as wanting to be a mortal vampire.. Sorry to say this but no one realy takes you serious in this world when your dressed like a Goth. Dont get me wrong I hung around with a Goth but was not my style...

  10. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    Anyther Idea about the Holy symbols as fear. the Book.. "i Am Legend" said that Vampires did not like the cross's and what not because Before they become a vampire they worshiped such and such a religion. and when they became a vampire there mind turned and hated the symbol which they worshiped, and feared it.. But only that certain religion... thats the idea out of that book anyhow..

  11. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    I said Richard B. Riddick because it was a line from the movie, so I figured it more appropriate to use the character line rather than actor, seeing as no matter who played the charater, the line would be done, even if it weren't Vin Diesel.

    Also, if you watch Dracula 2000, it gives nice reasoning for why vampires could be effected by crosses and such..

    (Movie spoiler)

    Just incase some don't want to go see the movie, the Dracula in the movie was actually Judas, the Apostle who betrayed Jesus. When it shows him hanging himself in the movie, the silver coins he was paid to betray Jesus fall from the pouch and such, and I think the cross is pretty self-explanatory. (He betrayed the 'son of God' after all).

    Note: This doesn't really mean that those are my opinions and how I feel why there are such stereotypes or any of that, I just thought it was sort of interesting and all.
  12. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    Ohhh i get it know.. I thought you meant Richard B, played reddick.. not as in his full character name...


  13. VampirePrincess

    VampirePrincess New Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    KaMeKaZi: Thats odd... All well... Its not like that in real life. People may have their feelings about one relgion or another but to actually hate something were you can't look upon it. I read stories like that and laughed. I think its funny all the common myths. Some are cool some are just stupid and others can be true. Garlic is kindda true. Some vampires like I have a strong sence of smell so we can be irritated by garlic. It bothers me so I never use it.

    rei: Its odd to say I am a vegan... but its my destiny. lol. Well i believe in animal rights and I stick to them pretty well... My b/f is a morbid person by birth. What I heard from his family and friends at 15 years old he ate someone... Or ate something with human flesh. I never asked why I just laughed. He is kindda a vegatarian but he does eat meat. I don't say anything cause its not right for me to impose my beliefs on anyone. Thats my philosphy... But his mother is a vegan. Me and her get along well... His father scared me well at first but he is cool. His family is semi normal he just grow up very wierd. lol. All well. But he was born vampire as well as decendents through time. Me I am not sure of any of my past like that.

    Comment on Vin Diesel... I use to like him in Pitch Black (I think he was in Pitch Black) but in truth he stinks!
  14. rei

    rei New Member

    Jun 26, 2002
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    thats way cool that your mother was vegan.. my mother goes on a limb sometimes and stops eating red meat.. but other than support for me that about as far as it. thats cool that you dont impose it, niether do i.. although it would be nice if my family had one other vegan member.. family gathering arent exactly fun..
    i guess that would be rad to have been something like a vampire by descendents, kinda like a form of nobility it would seem.. maybe? i dunno.. hehe..
    and i argee.. vin disel isnt all hes cracked up to be.. he does stink

    *heart* rei
  15. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    Vin Diesel was only good in Pitch Black. XXX is just pushing it, and The Iron Giant? Please, what the Hell was he thinking?
  16. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    The stereotype vampires I was talking about were their personalities. They're all the same. Mysteryous, romantic blah blah blah I wanna see a big ugly redneck vampire. Now that's not a vampire stereotype. All the vampire romanticism gets old real fast. If I was one I'd wear hawian shirts. I'd steer away from any black item of clothing.

    The whole weak to holy symbols and getting staked and all that never bothered me. Sh*t they're fiction, ye are all talking like they're real.
  17. rei

    rei New Member

    Jun 26, 2002
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    good point.. a big fat redneck vampire would be a refreshing sight.. i guess.. to break the spell of tall dark and handsome coming along to romance the blood outta you..

    *heart* rei
  18. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    Watch From Dusk Til Done, see biker/trucker/strip-dancing ugly vampires there. :p That good enough distance from the stereotype, dark, pretty-boy, romantic vampire?
  19. rei

    rei New Member

    Jun 26, 2002
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    yeah.. im not really a fan of modern horror/vampire movies, so i dont think ill ever sit down to watch it, although trucker vampires would be classic to see, and its cool that the movie wasnt swarming with dark pritty boys..
    but still.. dark, romantic, pritty boys.. *swoon*

    *heart* rei
  20. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    Although sort of a stereostype, the pretty-boy vampires are sort of a staple, a necessity, everyone loves seeing them at one time or another. :) That's what I think at least, probably wrong as always. -_-

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