RPG Archives just an rpg...a plain ol' rpg...

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by + annovachan +, Dec 1, 2002.

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  1. Mika-chan

    Mika-chan New Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    "YOU IDIOT!!! Don't worry about me! Pay attention to Tailki!" Mika landed on her knees behind Ryo, lowly growling.
  2. Tailki

    Tailki New Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    ooc:I like this one better you are not yelling at me!
    ic:Tailki slowly moved toward Ryo while he was watching Mika, he still wasn't sure of what he was about to do but he needed to please his queen. Tailki raised his fist behind Ryo and slammed down on the back of his neck causing him to fall to the ground, while Mika yelled for him while trying not to fall. Tailki looked up at her then back down at Ryo who was to awake at any moment. Should he go after her? If he did Ryo might wake up and it would be two against one and even if tailki some how won this fight how would he bring both of them back to his queen, he can manage one of them. He looked back down at Ryo. Yes he can manage one of them. Tailki grabed Ryos' body by the arms and began to drag him quickly back to the hidout. Mika couldn't climb down fast enough and Tailki got away with Ryo.
    "My queen! My queen!", Tailki interuppted the queens cerimonys.
    The queen turned to him with a very annoyed look on her face, "Tailki, what do you think you are...", the queen then noticed the body on the floor which was now beginning to stir, "My beloved Tailki you brought one to me!! Hurry chain him before he wakes, hurry. Yes I can use this man...my leagion of the dead hasn't reason yet, I can use him to make them stronger when they do!!!" The queen cackled as Tailki joined hr side after tieing Ryo up. He was pleased to have pleased his queen but as he looked at Ryo he felt a haoorible feeling in his stomach, in his heart, what has he done?
  3. Tailki

    Tailki New Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    OOC:ummm I still managed to hit you...you guys wrote that while I was typing...
  4. Tailki

    Tailki New Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    ooc:I was ganna stop posting but I thought of something good to respond.
    IC: The queen was off preparing to raise her stronger army with Ryo's help. Tailki watched Ryo as he pleaded to him.
    "...I ...I didn't mean to...I mean my queen...She...she said to. I must obey my queen. ...I...I am sorry..."Tailki said not knowing what he was feeling as his mind filled with thoughts and emotions, he thought of the girl he saw in the window, was she one of these powers? Would he have to caoture her as well? He can't disobay his queen, he couldn't, could he?
  5. Tailki

    Tailki New Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    ooc:for some reason it didn't log me out so i'm going to post.
    ic: Tailki looked at Ryo as he was dragged off he thought of what he said, he looked to the other room where the queen was, he looked back down the hall. Help him...that would meen betraying his queen, which would meen she would kill him the next chance she got. He remembered the girl, if he had to capture her would he? Maybe since Ryo is one of the powers the queen wants and the girl is as well, he'll know where to find her. Tailki wanted to see her again more then anything, that he knew.
    Tailki looked back at the queen, "Forgive me my queen."
    He ran down the hall to where the queens men brought Ryo, they weren't around any more, Tailki didn't know if they took the blood needed from Ryo to make the zombie army stronger. He entered the cell. Ryo mumbled thank yous as Tailki unchained him. Tailki leed him out off the queens lair. Sneaking pass other men, one of which almost caught them but Tailki grabbed Ryos' chains that were still attached to him and the guard beleived that Tailki had the prisoner under controll. The two found the exit.
    The queen needed Tailki's help putting together her new spell to call her new and improved army. "Tailki. Tailki? Tailki!!" He was no where to be found. SHe found one of the guards who saw him go by. The queen was ferious. She demanded the guard to check the cell. He reported back that it was empty.
    "Yo will be sorry Tailki, you will not get away with betraying me!", the queen screamed.
    Tailki and Ryo began to look for where they left Mika.
  6. Mika-chan

    Mika-chan New Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Mika reached the bottom and grumbled. "Great. Now he's got Ryo... Damn.... that's never good." She began to walk through the cave following a tunnel to the right of her.
  7. LiLd3vil4u

    LiLd3vil4u New Member

    Oct 8, 2002
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    ooc: wow lots has happened while i was gone...o well.:D

    ic: Keeping to the shadows she followed the one called mika down the dimly lit hall. After watching the events on the mountain side she was curious how this would turn out. She could still feel the sickly aura coming off the half demon on the hill side. She shuddered involunterily, strange emtions for a demon, even if he was only half. Being careful to stay a good distance away from mika she shook off her self musings. In here I need to be as carefull as possible, this is the last place I need to be discovered. She followed mika's limping form around the corner, and was shocked to see both Ryo and Tailki running towards them with several guards trailing. So much for staying inconspicuous she thought grumpily. Ryo ran by picking up Mika as he went and all three of them ran past her, she kept hidden in the shadows like a cat waiting for its prey. She pulled three daggers from inside her shirt and was thankful she remebered to grab them. When the guards reached her she wasted no time and threw each of the daggers with practiced ease aiming them for the jugular vein on the guards necks. Three of the guards dropped instantly the other 2 stopping to stare dumbfounded at their fallen comrades. They werent the only ones however who stopped. The 3 escapees who were running down the hall screeched in their steps when they heard the thumps of three bodies hit the floor simultaneously. Turning in unison they watched as a lone figure emerged from the shadows swaying like a cat toying with its prey. She grinned mirthlessly at the two guards remaining.

    Celeste: "slightly unfair odds dont you think? Five guards against a man, an injured girl, and a half demon?"She clucked her tongue and shook her head back and forth at the guards.

    Guard:"And who may I ask are you?" He looked her up and down nervously and eyed the bodies from the corner of his eyes.

    Celeste: "Lets just say I'm the weight that tips the scale."

    Taking her oppurtunity she pulled two more daggers from her cloak and glided behind the two guards slitting both of their throats in a single movement." She pulled her daggers from the fallen guards and ran down the hall to the three gawking figures.

    Celeste: "I suggest we keep moving, there are not only 5 guards in this demon infested hoard." she cast a sympathetic glance at Tailki. "No offense. Now lets get out of here before more decide to show up."

    She took off running down the hall, praying that they would follow. The soon pitter patter of feet on the marble floor behind her meant that her prayers had been answered.

    ooc: Mika, I wasnt quite sure if you were human or demon. So I just put girl, hope thats ok. Gomen if it isnt.
  8. LiLd3vil4u

    LiLd3vil4u New Member

    Oct 8, 2002
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    Celeste turned her head to look at Ryo. "It was nothing really, I figured I owed it to you after practiclly knocking that rock down on your heads." She grinned when he looked at her in realization. "Yea, that was me. You all can call me celeste by the way."

    Stopping dead in her tracks she stared over the cliff and the the hundreds of guards and glared at them. Thoughts running through her brain wildly she turned around to look at each of them. "Okay this is what were going to do. On the next ledge above this one, there is a small cave that is my home. I will be able to put a barrier around the entrance that will look like just another part of the mountain, it will also keep out the prying eyes of the queen. You must get there quickly though, I still need time to set up the barrier. There is only one problem with this, in order for this to work in time, I am completely immobile." Sighing in resignation she turned to each of them. "All three of you start up the ledge, I'll stay here and begin to put up the barrier, if I die at least it will be an honorable death."

    Prepared to give up her life to help them, she sat down on the ledge and looked out over the guards begining to make their way towards the mountain side. "Go now." She closed her eyes and allowed a single tear drop to slip down her cheek before starting the chant she had been taught. Her mind became a blank void, nothing but darkness. 'fill the black with light and become one with the earth'. Finding her center she blocked out all thought and slowly slipped into that blissful place between dreaming and waking.
  9. Tailki

    Tailki New Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Before Tailki followed celestes plan he looked at the guards that were advancing, so many of them, has the queen been able to use Ryo's blood to make this army of the dead sronger than he's known it. He looks at celeste, she is sacrificing her life to save him and his new friends, he then relised something, the queen would never had done this for him, but he would for his queen, and now he saw that these people would all do it for each other. He didn't feel so afraid of leaving his queen. He felt a sence of belonging and friendship. Things he's never felt before. Mika and Ryo were yeling for him, they have already started climbing the cliff, Tailki took one more look at the army then at Celeste and noticed a tear, he looked at Mika and Ryo and ran after them.
    OOC:ha ha cloud, I did what you said and set you free.
  10. Tailki

    Tailki New Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Tailki didn't reply to Ryo just gased at him for a moment. He then made sure that the two girls made it up the cliff then into the cave safely, he then looked out to see if Ryo and Celeste were alright. The guards didn't see where their hiding place was but could Celeste and Ryo get there?
  11. Tailki

    Tailki New Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    ooc:i keep forgetting to do this before i post what I say, No Cloud just suggested and I thought it was a good idea, oh and I don't know about my qoute thing, what do you all think? Should I not have one, leave it or change it?
  12. Mika-chan

    Mika-chan New Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    ooc: I'm acually a mixed breed.... I'm 1/4 Demon, 1/4 human, 1/4 Miyahshin, and 1/4 vampire. but I CAN go in light.^_^

    ic:"RG.... I'm not gonna......" Mika was mumbling sumthing to herself. She began to unwrap her leg and stand on it, causing blood to flow from it to the ground a little.
  13. Tailki

    Tailki New Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    ooc:I think I said girls before but it was just Mika, my mistake.
    Tailki looked at Mika standing on her wound,
    "What are you doing? You must stay off it!"
    Then someone came from behind Mika holding up something as if ready to strick,
    "Mika!" Tailki yelled, "Behind you!"
    Mika limbed out of the and the person in the cave said,
    "Who are you! What are you doing in my cave?! How did you get here!"
    Tailki tried to begin to explain but as soon as he mentioned Celeste, the woman got mad,
    "What did you do to her you demon filth!!"
    "...I...Nothing...She is outside..."
    "How dare you!", the woman then through what she was holding at Tailki which landed in front of him.
  14. LiLd3vil4u

    LiLd3vil4u New Member

    Oct 8, 2002
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    Ooc: lol Thanks Mika. I wasn’t sure so I figured I'd ask. Btw, I like you quotes Tailki, they’re nifty. : D

    Ic: Celeste: "Relax Ryo, with the second sight, I am able to detect traces of the barrier even if others cant. However I think we need to get moving a little faster or were going to get caught." Tossing a look over her shoulder she managed to catch a glimpse of a guard coming up on their backs quickly. Pulling a knife from her sleeve she did a 180 turn and threw, aiming at his throat, the guard fell to the ground motionless causing the ones behind him to stumble and fall. Grinning she looked at Ryo, "That should give us a bit of a head start, the cave is directly ahead of us, if we hurry, we'll make it before they manage to see us slip inside.” With a renewed since of faith they both bounded up slope turning to look once to see if they were being watched, assuming they weren’t, Celeste looked over at Ryo. “When we go in its probably going to feel a little weird, like walking through a wall of water. Once inside I’ll seal the barrier off totally so no one can get in. Prepare yourself.” Closing her eyes she grabbed Ryo’s hand and pulled him along with her. Icy cold temperatures hit them like a thousand knives even though it was only for a moment once on the other side they panted as though they had been in their holding their breath for hours. Heaving a sigh of relief, she turned and gave Ryo a speculative look, “Why did you come back for me? I told you to go ahead with out me and you didn’t listen, why?” Shaking her head and turning her mind told her that something was not quite right with her surroundings, lifting her head she turned to see that the other two people were cowering from the other occupant of the cave. She laughed and they all turned to look at her. “Relax Feeb’s,” she grinned looking at her friend, “They are friends of mine.” The one called Feeb’s turned giving her a dirty look. “But these two have demon blood, and I can smell its stench from here.” She snorted giving emphasis to her words. Celeste shrugged and looked at the raggedy old woman. “Well demon or not they are my friends and are welcome here, whether it is to your liking or not.” She gave her friend a pressing look and motioned towards the other three. “Sit, sit. You are in my home are you not? I’ll be right back with some water.” Making her way towards an opening in the wall she stopped momentarily beside her friend. “ Feeb’s, you try anything sneaky and ill turn you into a toad, mark my words I will.” Giving the other three a grin she turned and headed into the make shift kitchen closing the curtain behind her.
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