Square Enix Kingdom Hearts!!!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by User18, Nov 3, 2002.

  1. Guts

    Guts 100 man slayer

    Feb 7, 2003
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    people who judge Kingdom Hearts before they play are probably to lazy to even try the game,I played it and beat it and I thought it was pretty awesome.I still have to beat Sephiroth 2 more times though.
  2. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    No, they needn't necessarily have radar. While its certainly a useful tool, it is possible to build a spaceship with no radar. A pretty bad idea, but possible. Not to mention ECM and stealth technology can overcome radar. While I have no idea how a whale would get stealth technology, it HAS to have it. That, or the ship has no radar. That, or it ambushed them by hiding behind a moon, or in an asteroid field. Or maybe there was a systm failure. Or a certain range limit.

    I haven't played Kingdom Hearts so I don't know the specifics of the situation though.

    Now, as for how hard it can be to out'drive' a whale in space, consider: if this is real world physics, then it means that the ship is stuck with Newtonian physics in a zero-G enviroment. Driving that way takes a lot of getting used to. Its not like in Star Wars or Macross, where they manuever like fighters in an atmosphere. Its more like Babylon 5. Here is what would have happened if they were under real physics and saw the whale.

    "Oh no! A whale! Its gonna eat us!"
    "Lets get out of here!"
    *manuever rockets are fired, turning the ship 180 degrees, but not with too much force or it will just keep spinning. Gentle touches. And then thruster rockets are fired. Meanwhile the ship is STILL going towards the whale during all this. The thrust rockets would slow down the ship, but only after it slowed it to a stop would it then begin to accelerate away. So during that slow down time, it was STILL going towards the whale. Precisely how long this takes is dependant on the power of the rockets. Depending on how fast they were going, it could take several seconds to several minutes*

    Now, given how large space is, the whale is probably extremely tough, and has a high mass. It also needs to get to areas with whatever sort of food it needs. It would probably be very fast, given how empty space is, and whales need a lot of food. Large mass makes it more difficult to manuever, but it probably has an extremely power 'thrust rocket' of its own (not to be taken literally).

    Now, this whale is in SPACE, you say? And its sucking in?

    Probably not, since space is pretty much a vacuum. Odds are its somehow generating some sort of tractor beam thing.
  3. Suzu

    Suzu 7th Seat Shinigami

    Jul 19, 2001
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    I've bought the game recently; haven't touched it though ^^;... It looks wonderful, except those Disney characters. ^_^; I'm not a huge fan of disney, nevertheless I'll play the game.
  4. Kenshin666

    Kenshin666 New Member

    Dec 16, 2002
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    Whoa!! Crazy****

    Consider this "ship" being a little box with 3 people inside it.

    Yeah it's in space....clearly just floating around. But how can they NOT have radar, when you have too PRESS the whale on the map-thingy before you actually go to it?

    And for the stealth technology....sorry. I just can't make up a whale with stealth technology.
  5. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Radar doesn't always define what an object is, sometimes its just a 'blip'. Again, I haven't played, so I dont know situation specifics. Maybe they needed some magical item and that seemed like a probable place.

    As for stealth tech, I'm not talking about a cloaking device. I'm more referring to natural, accidental ability. Like maybe it magically absorbs radar signals or some dang thing.

    And the ship is a litlte box with three people? Odds are it has jack diddly in the way of manuevering thrusters and rockert thrusters. Probably not meant for a warzone. How the hell it would even work, I don't know, since you need some sort of aerodynamic chassis to be get into space, and back into Earth. Sounds more like a shuttle than anything else...

    But more importantly...

    You can have Donald Duck fight Sephiroth. Who to the what now?! I'm pretty sure Sephiroth never left the world of FF7. Timeline conflict. That alone kinda bugs me, and thats why Im hesitant to play KH if I ever get a PS2. There better be a good explanation...
  6. Kenshin666

    Kenshin666 New Member

    Dec 16, 2002
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    Look, You've gotta play the game to understand. KH is like a "tribute" to all FF games. You have Yuffie, Aeris/th, Squall (Now known as Leon), Cloud and Sephiroth. And i tell you, a little box. But hey...who said the game was reality based anyway.
  7. Suzu

    Suzu 7th Seat Shinigami

    Jul 19, 2001
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    LOL XD That is an insult to Sephiroth. The mighty great Sephiroth defeated by the Donald Duck or even Goofy, which is worse! :dizzy2:
  8. Tailki

    Tailki New Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    ummmmmmm...like Odin told me, I really don't think your 'supose to think about all that, about the ship and everything. As for Sephorath-however you spell it, being there with a timeline conflict, it is a different world, dofferent worlds have different times.
  9. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Meh. If Kenshin666 is going to b1tch about one weird plothole, I'm going to rip that argument to shreds.
  10. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Or Minnie Mouse.:p
  11. super furi

    super furi New Member

    Feb 19, 2003
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    i beat it. i got all the pups,and locked every world, but i still cant get the extra video!!:mad: :mad:
  12. Eartz

    Eartz New Member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    I love Kingdom Hearts... the only problem was it was it was way too short! I only rented for a week or so and completed it... but I still bought it--and got the secret ending.
    I love the music, the choice of characters, the battle system... I cant seem to defeat Sephiroth though...
  13. Tailki

    Tailki New Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    The officiale Stratigie guide by Bradygames says:

    "To view a secret movie featurette, you must accomplish certain tasksbefore finishing the game. First, win the Hades Cup at the Olympus Coliseum. You must also release all 99 Dalmations. Finally, seal all the worlds' Keyholes, including that of the Hundred Acre Wood."

    THe book also tells you about hidden boss fights and if you beat the game on Expert mode you get a different piece of art on the "The End" screen. Also another illustration is there if you beat it on Expert mode and get the secret movie featurette.
  14. blood_pheonix

    blood_pheonix New Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    im up to the part where u finished the peter pan level, and get glide.
    but, its gonna be a long time before i finish the game, cause me old man said that "You should concentrate more on your school work" so now he only lets me play 1 hour a day on the weekends. same with going on the net for stuff apart from work (like this for example).
    oh well.
    i am trying to build a gummi ship. it is not going very well. the controls for that are really ****.
    and i am missing lots of blocks.
    heh heh.
  15. Kos-Mos

    Kos-Mos New Member

    Sep 13, 2002
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    I hate how that happens. My parents do the same thing, but only for the internet. So I get on when there both at work. They know I do, but hey, not much they can do about it, ah?
  16. blood_pheonix

    blood_pheonix New Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    i am now up to near the end of the game.
    but i ghot the haydes cup, and the ??? round. and i went into the ??? round and it was Spharoth.
    im like, cool. and then he hits me twice and i died.
    how do u beat him?
    like, i cant even get near him, cause his sword is so long. and if i get near him, he cuts me dammit.
    i need help here.
    oh, and im about level 60.
  17. Kos-Mos

    Kos-Mos New Member

    Sep 13, 2002
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    I'm not really sure how, but being at level 100 is recomened and you want to lock as often as possible.
  18. Tailki

    Tailki New Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    hold on I'll go look in my brothers Stratigie Guide...

    level 70 and up is recomended, equip Sora with Elixirs in all his slots, must have Second Chance ability equiped.
    First jump away from him and use Aeroga.
    Sephiroth starts with three attacks, he walk around slowly and quckly swings his sword. When he recieves too much damage, he teleports behind you and strikes. When he does this jump to avoid it. He occasionally emits a pillar of flame. If you get caught in it, use the Ars Arcanum ability to inflict damage while you're invincible. You can also use the Strike Raid combo from a safe distance to inflict damage. Because of Sephiroth teleporting, use the lock on feature to track him.
    When you start on his pink life bar, after the purple one, he will jump away and taunt you. Now he has another attack. After taunting you he teleports away and casts a spell, he says "Sin Harvest". It is important to lock on to him and use the Superglide ability so you can strike to stop the devastating spell. If you don't arrive in time, the spell will deplete all of your HP and MP, as well as Aeroga. Try to Superglide away and use an Elixir, because he will attempt to finish you off. At this point, it becomes more difficult to hit him because he runs and lunges a lot. After depleting the pink HP bar and about half of the orange bar, he will jump away and then execute a flying flurry of attacks, It's hard to avoid these attacks, so use Ars Arcanum or Sonic Blade to stem the tide.
    When he is at his yellow life bar he teleports repeatedly. This indicates that he's going for the ultimate attack. Heal yourself and cast Aeroga. You can't hurt him right now, so try to dodge the meteors. For the rest of the fight, he will attack with dark orbs of energy and a spinning aerial attack. Avoid the orbs and use Aes Areanum or Sonic Blade when he lands.

    I hope that helps you! It sounds really hard, I'm only at Neverland.
  19. blood_pheonix

    blood_pheonix New Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    well, i found that if u glide over his blade, he cant chop u. but i hit him, but it dosnt do anything.
  20. Tailki

    Tailki New Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    All I know is what I wrote from the book, I'm not that far yet.

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