Anime Most Overrated Anime Series?

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Star Princess, Sep 22, 2003.

  1. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    When did they gte it? o_O whoa, well I don't even get CN to begin with, i gotta travel all the way to my uncle's house in Ontario to watch it. Yargh, bad reception in little ol' hick town...

    Anywho, i was gonna go back and edit my last post (it was made at the end of class! Frogive me for it being short!) but I migth as well, finihs what i was saying now.

    I just have to sya soemthing to MO, that i hope he doesn't take the wrong way, I'm not arguing, just genuinly curious. What about a person (like me) that has a wide variety of animes? Do i fall in the same category as Basher because I stand up for YGO? :confused: bah.. whatever.
  2. Okita

    Okita New Member

    Aug 4, 2003
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    Yes, Gundam is probably indeed overrated, but not Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W, which I believe is what Mobile Suit Gundam Wing is called in Japan. That's a really good anime.
  3. ZakoSoldier

    ZakoSoldier Zeon Commander

    Aug 13, 2003
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    First of all in Japan it is called New Mobile Report Gundam Wing. In America it is called Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. I think it is over rated in America. Then again i just don't like too much bishie.
  4. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    It's classic in Japan. it ain't over rated there, but it is here.
  5. Okita

    Okita New Member

    Aug 4, 2003
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    If you say so...I haven't heard too much hype that would cause it to be overrated, but then again, I don't socialize much.
  6. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    I won't take it the wrong way if you don't take what I say the wrong way :) I think I admitted in my post that I was speaking in gross overgeneralizations that cannot be applied to every YGO fan, or every CN viewer. I stand by what I said, but that doesn't necessarily mean it applies to you, or even Basher. It's just how I perceive the majority of CN viewers.
  7. Saiyan ChiChi

    Saiyan ChiChi New Member

    Feb 10, 2004
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    Cowboy Bebop, I watched a couple of episodes but it didn't hold my attention. I thought it was kind of boring.
  8. Dilandau

    Dilandau Highly Disturbed

    Feb 11, 2004
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    Agreed. Ranma ½ is one of the first series that an anime newbie will hear about. It's a decent series, but the comedy isn't the best I've seen, and it's just not something I could be passionate about the way many fans are.

    DBZ and Yu-Gi-Oh, certainly, get too much hype. But that's largely because of the effort being made to make huge amounts of money off them. DBZ was dragged out long after the creator wanted to stop making it. YGO, at least, has a greater focus on character growth and relationships, though the dubbed anime is FAR less worthy of popularity than the manga.

    Pokemon is very overrated - entertaining, but for a while a few years ago it was huge, unnecessarily so. -_-; Now, don't think I'm attacking it because it's "kiddie anime." Personally, I've actually enjoyed watching it on occasion; the first season was pretty low-quality, but if you compare one of the very early episodes to something recent, you can see a huge improvement in animation quality. It's also got a simple, but well-rounded storyline. I just think there was a time when it was more popular than an anime of it's caliber deserved, due in large part to the TCG.

    Inu Yasha's another one... it's not a bad series, but I think that it's getting a bit more praise than it deserves. It drags out longer than it needs to. For those of you complaining about repetition in plots - consider that basically every Inu Yasha episode deals with getting a shard of the Shikon Jewel. Again, I'm not saying it's awful, but I'm sick of the teenage girls squealing over it.

    Akira - not a series, but still overrated. I never really had an inclination to rewatch it.

    I think One Piece is a bit overrated too. It's supposed to be one of the most popular anime in Japan - it hasn't taken off here so much yet, though. I just don't see the appeal. Granted, I've only read a bit of the manga so far, but the character design isn't great, and the story isn't quite my thing. (I'd like to see more of it before I judge permanently, though.)
  9. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    Sailer Moon is one of the most overrated as well as one of the chessest.

    I also think that Yu-Gi-Oh is a bit overrated but not to much.
  10. Dante

    Dante New Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    Within the Cartoon Network/Adult Swim populice, most definitely Inuyasha. (And even the people of Adult Swim know it's absurd :p)

    Outside of all that, from what I gathered... probably Neon Genesis Evangelion. It was a good series, yes. But, really... it just got like the Matrix; to the point that I can't stand it. :p

    As far as a movie would be, I'd have to say a lot of newer fans put bulk into Ninja Scroll while a lot of veterans put faith in Akira. Ninja Scroll I enjoyed (albeit it was needlessly violent and sex-filled). Akira I never really got through... don't remember if I sold that or not.
  11. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    First off, I have seen other anime that are not just on CN. Here is a few Naruto, Weiss Kruez, and others. I like what I like and nothing will change that. YOU don't know if people have seen other anime so it is best to keep quiet because you shouldn't want to offend. I can see why FR was offended by your post. Even if you were not "trying to" it still happened.

    Do you normal generalize people? I hope for your own health you don't because where I am from generalizing people is rude and gets a little butt kicking. I don't call people a cow just because they are fat like one. I don't call every skinny blonde trailer trash just because some are. Putting people in categories or generalizes them are not a good idea. It just looks demeaning on your character.

    Why don't you go inform everyone that there are better stuff out there? I hope you know that people make there own opinions on things. FR and I like YGO and chances are we will still keep on liking it. You can not "try" and put us in the CN watching no other anime group just because we watch CN. I will point out though about CN is that YGO is on there but the WB has more episodes aired of YGO then CN. Would I belong to the WB group if I watch a show from there?

    About gross overgeneralization, unless you actually run a survey or do something to obtain a certain amount there really isn't any real proof of them just watching shows from CN or other cable channels. CN brings people into anime and I hope most of you don’t have a problem with that. If CN didn't air anime then most members probably wouldn’t be a part of M2A. I got that from a thread btw.

    BTW, I am not offended at all. I think it is best for MO to know that people like shows and will continue to like them. It shouldn’t matter where they get it from. CN is easy to watch shows. The internet is easy to go on. You might as well generalize the “gross” amount of internet users use AOL.

    I like how people always blast people for liking something. I like what I like and nothing will change that. I will defend what I like and let others make their own opinion of a show. For those who want to put anything in a category or generalize unless there is some type of survey, count, or anything done you cannot do it. They turn into opinions and not a statement. So, MO your opinion is that most CN viewers don’t watch other anime. My finally thing is to you is opinions are like *** holes everyone has one.

    People will watch what they like. Some shows are overrated. Deal with it and move on. Enough said.

  12. Saiyan ChiChi

    Saiyan ChiChi New Member

    Feb 10, 2004
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    I agree with Basher19. I disagree with the whole "you only watch Cartoon Network anime so you're not really an anime fan" thing. Just because I watch DBZ and Inuyasha doesn't make me any less of an anime fan.
  13. Dante

    Dante New Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    For someone who will "let others make their opinions of things" you sure seem to like to argue a lot. *blinks* But alas, it could be just me. :) At the risk of sounding stupid I believe MO knows that people "will like what they like". After all, it seems like a fairly simple thing to grasp and there is no way for you to get long-winded on the subject. Just as people will "like what they like" people will "dislike what they dislike" and people will "think what they think". Unless you are truly just craving attention, if you're trying to make a point maybe you should talk to MO a bit on your own time and terms in a more suitable enviroment?

    Just a suggestion.

    And... if not, alas, MO has a right to an opinion.

    So, as you so wonderfully put it... "deal with it and move on".

    And after a bit of deliberation (sp?) I've concluded that, at least in my neck of the woods, The Big O is an absurdly over-rated series (in fact, over around where I am, we have more Big-O fans than we have Trigun and Cowboy Bebop fans combined. :p But Inuyasha is the most popular/overrated around here. Thankfully most people here hate Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon or Dragon Ball Z anymore.)
  14. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    I agree with Ark/Amon that Inu-Yasha is grossly overrated. Here and in Japan. But, then again, I'm no authority on what people like. I *do* know that there are so many fans of this series. In fact, people are *still* cosplaying as the IY characters. I'm not one to dirsepect Rumiko, as she can make series LAST. But, wow. The fanbase to this feels MUCH larger than Ranma. Or Maison Ikkoku. Or Urusei Yatsura. And that's probably combined.

    Also, Prince of Tennis is nearly overrated too.

    Then there's Naruto. But I enjoy both Naruto and PoT.

    Then, there's the grandaddy of them all. Dragon Ball. I mean, the original series was great. But, after many fans for them Swedish folk. Y'know...the blond hair/green eyes thing?

    ANYWAY, the real reason I'm posting is that I thin kthat an overrated series solely depends on perception. Of course, that's not hard at all to believe. *I* think that Magic Knights Rayearth is overrated. Can't find a THING I like about it, other than character design that everyone seems to like.

    So it's overrated. Say you don't like it, if you don't...and leave it alone. =D

    It's not like it'll hurt you. Unless a whole box of 150 DVDs of Dragon Ball just falls on your head all of a sudden. Which is totally possible for me....=[
  15. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Inu-Yasha is way too overrated. Though I won't say it's not interesting. InuYasha and Kagome take too damn long!

    I like the Miroku and Sango couple better! They at least get somewhere! And it's fun to watch Miroku. It's his 'I wanna have your baby' commercial that made me watch the show XD

  16. Peachy

    Peachy ☆liberal HMod☮

    Mar 29, 2005
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    One Piece and YGO GX so far.
  17. Luffy

    Luffy I Can See A New Horizon

    Apr 15, 2006
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    yu-gi-oh and DBZ dragon ball z got turnd in to a kid show
  18. Peachy

    Peachy ☆liberal HMod☮

    Mar 29, 2005
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    Ah not really's just..yea 4kids ruined it. BUT hey! The manga still rules right?
  19. Luffy

    Luffy I Can See A New Horizon

    Apr 15, 2006
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    yea 4kids did ruin it but the manga does rule!
    then again for 4kids ruins every thing
  20. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    That's because InuYasha got picked up almost world wide, whereas Ranma didn't recieve a third of the publicity IY got. I'm holding my breath for an IY cereal- With the way its been going, it's gonna happen. Ranma, Maison and Yatsura all were recieved well within the anime clicks, but out side of that they really weren't as well publicised (or marketed).

    IY's got several things working for it that Ranma and the others didn't have in thier heyday.

    #1- Cartoon Network. Adult Swim usually spells the end of a series reputable name in most true, anime fan's eyes (or, for the sake of argument, Adult Swim butchers great series to make the ratings), but for the rest of the world it's thier first look at the new series, and they eat it up.

    #2- Media hype, hype, and more hype to go along with enough purchasable swag to smother an individual dead.

    #3- The internet (with user friendly Torrents for distribution). 'Nuff said.

    If they can sell the butchered mess that is One Piece (4 Kids Edit) on Cartoon Network then they can make anything take off. InuYasha isn't bad, but compared to its popularity as a result of the marketing engine behind it, it's become way, way overrated.


    :Edit: Oh my god, how old is this thread?! It's been resurrected twice already!!

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