Anime Most Overrated Anime Series?

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Star Princess, Sep 22, 2003.

  1. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    I don't have a problem with Rumiko's stuff, as I've's the insane people who love the show and don't appear to want to watch other shows that really grind my gears and drive this show up the overrated river.

    I know you know how I feel wert, and I agree with what you're writing.
  2. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Most overrated anime series? I'm gonna have to go with Inuyasha, FMA, YuGiOh, Naruto, One Piece and Shaman King. Those are all borderline anime if you ask me, so built on media hype and a fan base of preteens they're nothing special. I always thought a good anime was one that was honestly good for its plot and not for its marketing ploys. Trading card games? BS.
  3. furryb

    furryb Blind guy drawing...

    Aug 3, 2003
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    I have to go with Dragonball Z. The uncut version of One Piece is great though. Screw the butchered version.
  4. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Woah Woah, me goes crazy when someone says that :p

    Really, if you didn't think that FMA had one of the smartest plot, >.>


    FMA's TCG sucks anyways :p

  5. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Lol, what can I say? I've never been a fan of Adult Swim anime. I try to watch it but only a few seem worth the effort to me. Now I might be judging FMA unfairly but until I see more of it, I gotta say it's overrated.
  6. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    I shall say this once, and only once, because this should be the only time anyone needs to ever say this...

    Never ~EVER~ judge an anime series based upon its post Politically Corrected/edited for content/dumbed down/heavily Americanized/"dressed up in the interest of appealing to Elementary school children" versions you commonly see on Cartoon Network and/or any basic television channel's "Afternoon/Saturday Morning Programming for Children" i.e. 4Kids or WB.


    You're not getting the complete picture when you watch them.

    Take the Mona Lisa, for example. Spice up the drab green and black background with bright colors and flashy images. Clip anything from the neck down because it shows a hint of cleavage and that's improper, and erase her smile because it's too mysterious- it could be construed as a "seductive" smile, and that can't be risked. Remove the veil over her head (a sign that she's catholic- religion has no place on cartoons) and replace it with a Party, or even a Cowboy hat. Pencil in some eyebrows (because otherwise she would look like a villian) and Dub her voice with the same english voice actress who played Excel in Excel Saga. May as well add some background music that wasn't there before- New age hiphop or even some cheesy Emo vocalist chewing on a guitar should do the trick.

    What would you think of the Mona Lisa then?

    It's the same thing with Anime. ;P Watch the originals, like the DVD. Apart from fansubs it's the closest you're going to get to the original TV Airing, like it was meant to be seen. Netflix rents, good times to be had by all~ If you still don't like it, well, at least you got all the facts straight before you made your decision.

    As a side note, I see the Law of Ueki becoming another 'shining star' on television soon simply because of its younger cast and relatively benign plot. It's a good series, but I see it going to hell in a handbasket.

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  7. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Take note that it all depends on the Dubbers, and directors, and the effort that actors put.

    For instance, watch Chrono Crusade. It's all about the religion, and they don't mind editing out anything. There's other voices that help it though. Like for FullMetal Alchemist, both Rose and Riza Hawkeye are the same voice actors, but when you hear them, you won't belive it, and they both have wonderful performances.

    After buying, and watching so much Anime, here's my philosophy:

    The best dubbers are ADVision (Or ADV), and Funimation. If either of those names aren't there, consider a download first, or pray to god that it doesn't suck, even though the Anime rules....I'm looking at you, Love Hina!

  8. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Wert, I'll have to partially disagree with you there. There are some series that just get overhyped itself, even in its original and unedited forms.

    Dragonball, while mentioned countless times in this thread, is overhyped because the fans made it so. Toriyama could have ended it at the time Goku turned SSJ1. But he didn't, because the public wanted more. Then what he got after all is said and done is a bunch of overpowered muscle heads tearing through each other's Testosterone Nipples.

    There are cases of where it gets killed before it even reaches our shore. Again, look above for an example.

    I'll say that a good chunk of anime does get ruined though, by the fact that dubbers and directors and editors are not trying to keep it as it was...rather diluting enough for the American Anime Watching Audience. Or who they so believe is watching them.
  9. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    That's actually a really good point, but that's a minority of the overhyped. Yet it's true, Super Saiajin (<-NOT SAIYAN, that's what they're originally called, but it's not like Saiyan is bad either, they make it sound bad...)

    There's few. And they're mostly old, yet still new.


    Yes, Satoshi (STUPID ASH)

    It's a lot of 50/50

  10. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    That's my point. :3 Not all anime is great, some is rather bad (i.e. DBZ), but if you watch it in the original form it was meant to be viewed in (DVD or Fansubs) then you get a more complete picture of how it was meant to be viewed, and as a result you're able to make a smarter, more informed judgement based upon the series. Shows like DBZ in any form really isn't anything special, but other shows like Kenshin are a good watch as long as you avoid the edited, Americanized, P.C. versions. Even if you still don't like it in the format the creators wanted it to be viewed in at least you have all the facts before making the decision, and there's nothing wrong with that.

  11. Engel

    Engel New Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    Overrated? A lot of things are overrated...

    Pokemon. Definately. Yep. No arguement there. It was all good...until they added a lot of... stuff. That's it. Digimon. Yep. What else... YGO to a certain point, DBZ.. and all those shinanagins... Pretty much anything that just added... TOO MUCH STUFF!!! And that's just putting it lightly. Do people know when to stop?
  12. Samurai Me

    Samurai Me New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    Well Digimon in Japanese uncut was pretty cool lol. But I think Pokemon was really overated. The original Japanese one was ok but then as it progressed it got dumber...and dumber and dumber.
  13. Alchemy_Dude

    Alchemy_Dude is addicted to bad ideas.

    Dec 21, 2005
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    I personally am a HUGE fan of Pokemon the game (it was a great idea, after all), but I HATE the anime. It does enthrall young children, though...

    Oh, and the Final Fantasy anime royally sucked. I got it for Christmas two years ago, and I threw it out that day.
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  14. Engel

    Engel New Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    YEEEEEESSSS!! Someone agrees with me. :D

    I never really understood the whole point of Trading Cards. I just collected them for fun, then later on giving them away...

    I was never a HUGE fan of Final Fantasy-- though I did like Advent Children the movie.
  15. Alchemy_Dude

    Alchemy_Dude is addicted to bad ideas.

    Dec 21, 2005
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    I'm selling mine. I found this store in Chicago that will pay me $575 for my whole collection. So childhood obsessions really DO pay off!
  16. Xenphire

    Xenphire New Member

    Apr 30, 2006
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    Pokemon is the most overrated anime of all time, IMHO. But the games rocked



    /me plays Pokemon Red
  17. Superfly

    Superfly Active Member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    I'm jumping on the bandwagon and go along with Pokémon.

    The games were refreshing, but the cartoon, most definately not. Digimon? Don't think I can really judge about it myself, they only got into the second season here before they quit airing it.. I mean, it WAS the second season right? When they were grown up and the monsters were able to fuse..


    Oh, and maybe diehard Ragnarok online fans liked it, but Ragnarok The Animation SUCKED!
    Stale personalities, overdone stereotypes, lame character development, stupid plot. Bad arguments? Well, don't blame me, blame the bad anime XD
  18. Rai Konoko

    Rai Konoko New Member

    Nov 1, 2005
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    hmmmm One Piece is a bit over rated ... Pokemon is definitly over rated ... Yu-Gi-Oh is over rated ... thats all i can think of ... forgot the rest.

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