Video Games PS2 vs. GameCube vs. X-Box

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by blood_pheonix, Nov 29, 2002.


Which is the best?

  1. PS2

    57 vote(s)
  2. GameCube

    16 vote(s)
  3. X-Box

    28 vote(s)
  1. c0ke

    c0ke New Member

    May 15, 2002
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    I stand as n/a. In truth I really don't care what system I'm playing, a game is a game and that's all it will be for me. I really don't care much for graphics but gameplay, if it has great graphics but the gameplay, controls, sound, etc. just sucks ***, well I don't care, the game sucks automatically. I like graphics but not that much, I drool over screen caps of the Doom III game but if I find out it's stupid and boring, well I don't care about the game any more, it's as simple as that.
  2. Stos

    Stos New Member

    Oct 19, 2002
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    I have to agree totally with cOke. Graphics are nothing compared to gameplay, but also everyone has there own opinion on what they like and should not be forced into liking something.
    But to add some facts to this debate if you look in an EGM magazine and look at the top selling games you will see PS2 games everywhere. XBOX and 'Cube games together do not even make half of the games on the best selling's list. Well, at least in the January 2003 issue that shows September's list. Do not ask me why they have September's list in January's issue. I was boggled by that too.
  3. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    Heh, I think those "Top" or "Best Selling" lists are the worst things to go by. Unless of course you like being a sheep, then go right on ahead. Personally, I'd rather just research the game whether it be number 1, 10, or 100 and just look into it. ::shrugs::
  4. Kinryuu

    Kinryuu New Member

    Aug 17, 2002
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    Well, it's widely known that PS2 is outselling everything right now. No one disputes sales figures. However, to equate sales figures with quality is not wise. Just because N'SYNC has top selling albums and Tom Petty struggles to get his songs on the radio, that does NOT automatically mean that N'SYNC is higher quality music. And MOST people will agree that as far as quality and substance goes, Tom Petty will be superior to N"SYNC, even if you don't really care for Tom Petty's style.

    Just because PS2 sells more does not mean it is inherently superior. For crying out loud, Deer Hunter was the top-selling PC game for many many months. Never underestimate the power of the Wal-Mart shoppers!

    And the reason that the September list is in the January issue, is they put the various issues together months in advance. After all, January hasn't even gotten here yet.

    I like what Arkanjil said. One of my favorite games is Jet Set Radio Future. It BOMBED as far as sales, but is one of the funnest games I've ever played.
  5. Otaru | 182

    Otaru | 182 New Member

    Dec 6, 2002
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    Well i have to agree that all 3 consoles have excellents games for example the new FF for the PS2, Halo and XboxLive for Xbox and all the new generation of games coming for the gamecube
    Personally im kinda like more the cube because its the only console with a 100% purity (there are no copies as far as i know)
    But the PS2 games are incredible too, without counting the posibility of playing PS1 games in the console and watching DVDs
    The XBox its good for online gaming and action games

    Resuming all of them have something good if u know how to use them (BUT I HAVE ALL OF THEM U LOSERS BWHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  6. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    Mah Sony is the best.. they might not have the best system power wise but they have the Best marketing tools. I mean the milked the First one for ages.. the first one Beat the Saga Dream Cast.. and once again they have a lower power system going up against the Box and Cube..

    The box has realy no good games.. and the cube.. well nintendo is just using the same old games just with a new face.. i mean sure they are great.. but they need something new.. and the fact it cant dual as a DVD player.. well frig that..

    I have a Sony 2.. and Im happy with it. sure there is the odd game on the cube id like to play. but hell there are more on My system id rather play.. and more coming out all the time..

    I think Sony has won the Consol War.. now its just a matter of time before its the last one standing.. But maybe im wrong..

  7. Stos

    Stos New Member

    Oct 19, 2002
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    Ok I guess you are all right about sales figures not meaning much. But if most of us agree that the PS2 is the best system right now than which one is second, the runner up? Or which system do you think will fall first just like the Dreamcast did?
  8. Kinryuu

    Kinryuu New Member

    Aug 17, 2002
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    Well, first off, I refuse to go by what "most of us" agree to, just because it is preferred by a majority. That is not a convincing argument.

    What is the runner up? As far as what? In my opinion? According to sales? Well, sales figures show PS2 in the lead, followed by XBX, then GCN. In Japan, it's PS2, then GCN, then XBX.

    The first to fall like Dreamcast? Well, ask anyone who owns a Dreamcast and they will probably tell you it's the best console ever. A lot of XBX users fear that the Xbox will go the way of the Dreamcast. However, Microsoft has announced that it will increasing money spent on Xbox, not pulling out of the hardware market like Sega did.

    And sales of Xbox consoles went up by like 42% after Xbox Live was launched. And sales of Xbox live enabled games was up 120%. So, things are only getting better for Xbox users. (Plus, competition is good. If Sony was still the only kid on the block, you'd still be seeing $300 PS2's.)
  9. blood_pheonix

    blood_pheonix New Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    well, i luv my PS2, and nothing can change that.
    X-Box may have the most powerful procceser, but only because it was realesed later.
    And u cant say Ps2 only has more games only because it was realesed earlier, because the X-Box manages to srape out alot less games per month than the Ps2.

    i dont like x-box.

    also, all the "x-box only" games are all ****. they arnt famous, dont have any good history, and just something that Microsoft pulled out of their *** just to keep up with the sales of ps2. the only ok game with the "X-box only" tag is halo, and even that is rumoured to come out on pc.
  10. blood_pheonix

    blood_pheonix New Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    well, even with a 42% increase, does the sales still beat ps2? no.
    and guess wat? ps2 is going to have that aswell. whoopy doo. but the ps2 does not depend on the "net" to get sales. it is a good consol, that is why it has the most sales.

    I just realized something. the console i favour the most is the ps2, but the console i most respect is the gamecube. it may not be the most powerful, and may not have dvd compatability, but it is the most loyal consol. that is wat it is. a consol. not a dvd player. not a cd player. and most definatly not a computer. it is a VIDEO GAME COSOLE. it may not have the best sales, and they may not have too many features, but it is a loyal console. staying that way from the first of its kind was realesed. that is why i respect it.
  11. Kinryuu

    Kinryuu New Member

    Aug 17, 2002
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    Again, that's just like saying "N'SYNC has really great music, that's why they have the most sales." Your argument does not help convince me that PS2 is better.

    Well, hate to break it to you, but when you look at the PS2 and Xbox and see a bunch of extra, non-video-game features, you are looking at where the future is headed. You can respect the GCN all you want, but it's a dinosaur. I don't have a problem with the games or anything like that, but future consoles are only going to have MORE features, not less.

    You really have a way with words. I especially was enlightened by your use of the words **** and ***. I also have to wonder, how many Xbox-only games HAVE you played? I'm sure you would only speak from experience. You're not a fanboy or anything. I know this because only fanboys call something **** when they really know nothing about it. I'm certain you would only call a game **** because you actually played it. Especially when your opinion is counter to numerous user reviews (like on
  12. blood_pheonix

    blood_pheonix New Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    im not trying to convince u. i am just saying wat i think.

    my brother has a x-box, ok?
  13. Stos

    Stos New Member

    Oct 19, 2002
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    Ok first you say sales is not a convincing argrument and than you counter with a sales percentage on the XBOX. So which is it, do they matter or not matter? Also I am not trying to start an agrument here either, just saying what I think (or typing, whatever). And I was asking for everyone's opinion on what system is second.
    I guess asking what system will fall like the dreamcast was a wrong way of putiing my question. I really want to ask is what system maker (ie Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft) will be making games for other systems and not their own, like Sega is doing now. Could be 1, 2, 5, or 10 years from now. But which one do you think will fall first out of the three we have now? In my opinion though it will not be Sony.
    Also I bought the PS2 at the $300 price it was back in Febraury and still would buy it at that price, but lower prices are good to. But the lower prices would still happen if it was only XBOX and PS2 or 'Cube and PS2. OK I am going to stop adding on to this messege.
  14. Project191

    Project191 Black Wind

    Oct 5, 2001
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    i liked ps2 is the best everyone says GC IS BETTER than ps2, but their is no good games for the GC i hate GC but x-box is good how makes her up it's shenmue2 and halo but ps2 is roakin their is too much games for her not samE as GC.

    i voted for ps2 cuz it's the best.:D
  15. Kinryuu

    Kinryuu New Member

    Aug 17, 2002
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    The sale figures are just information to show that Microsoft is NOT going to be giving up on the Xbox at all. I'm not trying to use sales figures as a reason why people should use Xbox over something else. Hopefully, this clears up the confusion.

    Which goes back to why I was quoting those sales figures. Microsoft has a very long term plan for the Xbox. Microsoft ALWAYS has very long term plans. For example, Windows XP was the culmination of what was started with Windows 95. The goal: Ween people off 16-bit DOS and get people using a complete 32-bit OS. Read: Windows XP Home/Pro.

    Therefore, IMHO the Gamecube will go down, leaving PS2 and Xbox. (The market has NEVER supported more than 2 consoles for very long.)
  16. Stos

    Stos New Member

    Oct 19, 2002
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    Now that is where I have to agree with you Kinryuu. I also think Nintendo will go down next, but they do have a very strong business in japan still. At least that is what a friend told me. He thinks XBOX does not really got any good excluisive games where as PS2 and Cube does. So I still think it could go either way. But would it not be funny as all hell to see Zelda and Mario on a Sony or/and Microsoft system? :p
  17. Shen

    Shen Indefinately away

    Nov 23, 2002
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    Man!!!! you gotta include PC, I know it isn't a console but its still regarded as a machine which is game playable. The best shoot em' ups and best strategies are based and born on PC. This is my best man!!

    But outa the 3 mentioned above I'd prefer PS2.

    PS2 - Made due to massive success of PSX and is generally very good.

    Gamecube - Havn't played this

    X-box - In my opinion, why buy this when you have a PC!?!?! but I do agree it has extraordinary graphics.

    But you can always get new graphics card for PC, so PC beats all graphics on consoles........PC all the way!!

    I do agree with someone who made a point earlier on that gameplay is more important than graphics.

    Thank you for reading
  18. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    Well, as long as PS2 was the only one I tried so I guess my vote is for it >.> ..

    Am I doing something wrong here? ^^;
  19. Kinryuu

    Kinryuu New Member

    Aug 17, 2002
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    Yeah, I was just pondering what would happen with Japan. GCN does indeed sell better than Xbox there. But I can see Nintendo limiting itself to hand-helds across the map. A LOT of developers are kind of ticked off at Nintendo. Nintendo REALLY likes restrictive licensing terms with its developers. And now, they no longer have the sales figures to justify these practices to the developers. So, I kind of think that the GCN will go under regardless of what happens in Japan. Like when Sega decided to axe its hardware division, I can see Nintendo axing its console division and sticking to what it has, namely handhelds. No one can even come CLOSE to the GBA right now. (Assuming that hand-helds remain a viable market.)
  20. Phalanx

    Phalanx Long Live M2A!

    Dec 15, 2002
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    I doubt Nintendo will go under. Sega just had horrible timing after they came out with "Genesis." Nintendo is still gearing up to put out some really awesome games. The three that really won me over are
    - Super Smash Brothers Melee
    - Metroid Prime
    - F-Zero racing (coming out next year but the graphics are sweet)

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