RPG Archives Sakeido High School RPG: Sister Thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Kaiyon, Sep 14, 2004.

  1. Zealot

    Zealot New Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    That reminds me, Has anyone talked to or private messaged "TheCuteOne" because I've sent her two messages and she hasn't replied to either of them. I'm wondering if I may need to introduce and control Bloom if she doesn't post or if we wont need to use Bloom at all since Thorne is already in the RPG.
  2. Darien

    Darien Guest

    I know that Athena has pmed her... i can tell Athena to check her pms as soon as she comes back downstairs
  3. Kaiyon

    Kaiyon Grim Reaper

    Jun 19, 2004
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    Very well Darien. You are accepted for the requests you have made. And as for the TheCuteOne....we'll just have to wait and see. I think turning Bloom into Thorne will be for the best, though it wont really change anything since Thorne was what i had planned for bloom.

  4. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    SakataKentaro was talking to me, and he's apparently not very happy that Kakajo was given away without consulting him. Sure, there was the PM I sent him, but he says he hadn't even read it before his character was given away.

    Sorry Darien, but I think you'll have to give control of Kakajo back to SK. Perhaps you could take Sashumar or one of our other vacant characters? I'll be editing this post with a list right away.

    [EDIT] Let's see...

    -Mikko Aiketsu, unless Tomoe Himura notifies me or KT right away to let me know that she's still in.

    -Sashumar still needs a controller

    -Tsuki? I don't remember seeing anything about her lately. If I'm wrong, let me know.

    -Taiyoko. Unfortunately, Hajime Saitou hasn't posted in some time, so, unless he contacts us right away, we'll have to drop him and make his character available.

    -Bella. Eternal_death66 will be wanting to let us know if she wants to keep her character. If not, she's barely been introduced, perhaps we could have one of the roleplaying mods edit her out?

    -Principal Hakkaido. I realize that Hakkaido is kinda out of the loop right now, but I haven't seen hide nor hair of Circe Yami in some time. Perhaps she may need replacing too.

    I think that's everyone. Tell me if I missed anyone.
  5. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Darien, please disregard what Shinryu just said (or something like that, you get what I mean). I talked with Shinryu, and getting straight to the point, I will still allow you to keep Kakajo for as long as you'd like. Just *sobs* take good care of him....

  6. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    i just talked with Darien and he says that Kakajo rightfully belongs to SK... and he'll only reassume the rights to him if SK doesn't think that he'll be able to stay active on the boards.
  7. Kaiyon

    Kaiyon Grim Reaper

    Jun 19, 2004
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    Well well well! Tis seems this is quite a busy night for my RPG. Anyways, Darien, Kakajo is yours.

    I'd like to welcome our "Tertiary"-Shinryu <---(Means Third) Game Master, Athena. She's like me and Shinryu now! So pay even more attention to her!

  8. Darien

    Darien Guest

    LOL i hope no one pays to close attention to her Kaiyon.... lol or they'll start liking her real well...... *inside joke to Kaiyon and Shinryu*
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  9. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Hehe, the only thing that sucks is that both my characters are on the periphery, so for me to post would pull attention away from the main story right now.

    I get the joke, though.
  10. Zealot

    Zealot New Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    It would only take away from the moment a little bit, and besides TV shows and stories often hop from one perspective to another to build suspense and stuff. If you described your fight scene with some detail and then rushed towards the sounds of battle it would probably sinc up rather well.
  11. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Well, maybe. I was thinking more along the lines of books, though. Y'don't leave the main action just as it's getting interesting. Or y'shouldn't anyway. People do it all too much... Besides, I rather like having Shinryu off on his own. Let's me develop his character internally while having him remain a mystery to others.

    And there's really nothing to do with Karukai, since he just left the scene of his latest 'crime.'

    I think the best thing for me is to just wait a bit.
  12. Zealot

    Zealot New Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    Alright then... :rolleyes:

    sorry if this didn't fit the whole "only posting long thought out stuff" rule.
    I don't do it often :eek:
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  13. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Summary of what's happened since we were most active

    Alright what's happened so far is this: After splitting into groups and facing off the gryphons Karukai faced Shinryu and was Karukai fell over the cliff. Athena dove after him and grabbed his wrist and a branch that was growing through a cliff. Karukai put some sort of decay on her wrist and she dropped him. She managed to pull herself up onto a cliff ledge while in the meantime Sensei and Katsuke arrived to stop the fight that they were to late to prevent and Kaiyon got knocked out and everyone else got a talking to. Katsuke saved Athena and brought her back up the cliff and when Athena saw Kaiyon well... yea she tried to bring him around and when that didn't seem to work she kinda kissed him.

    while this is going on we find out that Karukai hadn't died and that this new shadowist, Thorne, helps him and they are in league against the school. Karukai then leaves to go father up the mountain while Thorne continues to spy on the group. Everyone basically realizes that Athena and Kaiyon have feelings for each other and then it is also revealed that Tetsu has feelings for her but it goes by Athena's head because it's subtle. Kaiyon wakes up to her kiss and even though he's awake he waits till she's stopped kissing him to let her know he's awake. Then basically Sensei finishes her lecture on Shinryu and talks with Katsuke about the feelings of Kaiyon and Athena and then they all split and begin to head out.

    Athena stumbles upon Karukai and he basically increases the rot on her and it begins to spread and Thorne heals it w/o anyone seeing him do it including Athena while Shinryu is fighting a bird demon thorne created to distract Shinryu. Soon Tetsu and Kakajo join the area and Karukai takes athena up into the air and basically she falls through this black mist and is changed evil and in order to keep suspicion off of her Thorne put a parasite in her left shoulder so that all would believe that was the cause of her strange actions. She originally attacked Kakajo but Kaiyon grabbed onto her and pulled her away. She blacked out and this battle kind of began inside her between the parasite and her recently turned evil side. The parasite won and Athena bounded Kaiyon to a tree to ensure that he wouldn't come to any harm and now she is attacking Tetsu.

    Non rpg story updates are:
    Darien is now playing Kakajo and Sashumar

    Also Shinryu and Kaiyon have now made me a co gm to this rpg.
  14. Zealot

    Zealot New Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    Just so there is no confusion as to how Thorne's Soul catcher seeds actually work I've written an explanation.

    The seeds act like a steroid injection or something. When they absorb the aura of a human or demon Thorne can implant that seed into someone or something and transfer that power into the object it was planted in. I never intended for the seeds to all be alive. The only one that I wanted to have a mind of its own was the one seed Thorne had used several years earlier to defeat a parasite demon. Because the aura of the demon was parasitic it turned that one seed into a kind of living thing with a mind of its own. Essentially, the aura of the parasite demon turned an evil plant seed into a parasitic lifeform. But that was the only one that was actually alive. Normally the seeds simply enhance the user with whatever form of aura they have previously absorbed. (ex. the sparrow was enhanced with Karukai's dark bat demon aura, thus turning it into a bloodthirsty batlike bird). Hopefully this explains well enough one of the techniques that Thorne will be using extensively.

    The seeds are like enhancements or injections that can transfer one persons powers/aura into something else. This was my way of adhering to one of the shadowists original criteria in this sister thread that said "the shadowist often use techniques that mirror that of their enemies".
  15. Hello. *bows* I'm new here. ^^ I was wondering if it would be to late for me to join this Rp? Well get back to me on it. And if it is not to late, then I will post my characters information. Thank you. ^^ Good day.
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  16. Kaiyon

    Kaiyon Grim Reaper

    Jun 19, 2004
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    Sorry to say, but reqests to join in are now void since, well, we've got a bunch of people here. Unless you feel like taking one of the other unused characters, there's no way I can let you in. I broke this promise one too many times. Truly terribly sorry!
  17. ^^ I would love to take the place of one of the unused characters. ^^ What characters are not being used at the moment? And what is going on so far in the Rp? ^^ Well I will talk to you later. ^^
  18. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Character's available as copied from Shinryu's Post

    -Mikko Aiketsu, unless Tomoe Himura notifies me or KT right away to let me know that she's still in.

    -Tsuki? I don't remember seeing anything about her lately. If I'm wrong, let me know.

    -Taiyoko. Unfortunately, Hajime Saitou hasn't posted in some time, so, unless he contacts us right away, we'll have to drop him and make his character available.

    -Bella. Eternal_death66 will be wanting to let us know if she wants to keep her character. If not, she's barely been introduced, perhaps we could have one of the roleplaying mods edit her out? edit- She may be coming back i believe that she will since she asked for the summary to begin with.

    -Principal Hakkaido. I realize that Hakkaido is kinda out of the loop right now, but I haven't seen hide nor hair of Circe Yami in some time. Perhaps she may need replacing too.

    And a summary can be found above made by me with an addition by Zealot.
  19. Well if it is alright with eternal_death I would want to play Bella. She seems like an interesting character. But only with her approval. ^^ If that is alright with you. Oh and how do you think I should start Bella off if I get to use her.
  20. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    I'm sorry but i didn't mean to put bella up she's coming back to the rpg... my bad i'm sorry

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