Debate Do you think that God exists?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fushigi, Jan 12, 2004.

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  1. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    It's not that we dislike the Big Bang theory, it's that you have a lot of wrong ideas about how it happened. Read the thread and you'll see I support Big Bang.

    If it was, I would have run into it at the Creationism vs Evolution section at , because Mr Wong would certainly not let that pass by.

    You bring shame to all atheists, agnostics and scientific minded people everywhere with this blanket statement. God hasn't been proven wrong. The books claiming to show Gods word? Sure. But even Stephen Hawking admits he doesn't know if there is a god or not.

    God is NOT the sole property of any one religion.
  2. Phalanx

    Phalanx Long Live M2A!

    Dec 15, 2002
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    You spoke of a calculation that proves that a god cannot exist since god exists in the fourth demention, which doesn't exist. Can you supply a reliable scource that talks about this fourth demention as the place where god resides?

    If this was honest to g...errr...thought true, don't you think that this would have been major news and once and for all lead to a cure for supposed haunted houses? Out of all the strange, eery and intellectual folks who make a career of hauntings, would'nt one of them have run across this? Or wait, don't tell me that it's a conspiracy and these people who deal in that field are holding the truth back out of fear of losing their jobs. Beuck.

    Now, as for my beliefs. I believe, heart and soul that a higher spirit exists. I do not believe that unquestionable certanty is always required to personaly believe that something is certain. So it is the same with a higher spirit. There is some proof I recall from my religion courses, but I will not provide that since I lack the proper documentation and would be the equivalent of someone else who's name I will not mention. But the proof I know for myself is uncertain, nobody can prove that a higher spirit does or does not exist. Science can prove that a higher spirit is not a physical entity, but never once in all my days did I believe that a higher spirit was something with measurable qualities. A higher spirit is so far, a doubtable belief. For that matter, the only thing that is beyond the wildest-doubt is: I, in some manner, think. And therefore exist (or as Descartes put it in his second meditation: "I think, therefore I am").

    On a side note, has anyone heard of the 'Incorruptibles'? Might that be considered as physical proof that god exists? I do not know if there has been any proven cause to this, but please fill me in if possilbe. Toodles!
  3. Tanuki

    Tanuki the wizzard of oz

    Apr 9, 2003
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    just like that huh? :anime: heap 'um big exploshun!

    forgive me, but in science, isn't it imposible to proove something doesn't exist?.

    for a bookworm you don't seem to read very intelligent books.
    you seem to be posting for the pleasure of trying to inflame wars with your outrageous comments. Highlighted by the fact that your standpoint isn't clear. You seem to sit on the fence and **** on both sides to see who you can hit.

    couldn't agree more neph... though i doubt he's debating
  4. Billy277

    Billy277 New Member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    Hey! I'm the one who said that, poom-poom! ;)
  5. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Meh, I say roughly the equivalent. ;) No worries.
  6. Tanuki

    Tanuki the wizzard of oz

    Apr 9, 2003
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    oop's. ^^ sorry Billy. it sounded so much like neph ;)
  7. Akito Tenkawa

    Akito Tenkawa New Member

    Jan 1, 2004
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    How is this for a simple answer No. I dont think there is no one out there. We are alone in this world. And when you die you are in a endless sleep for Eternity. God is only to give people hope to go on. There is really no god.
  8. Bookworm_42901

    Bookworm_42901 New Member

    Jan 15, 2004
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    Well here, we'll start with the atomic numbers (1) being Hydrogen, adding one atom equaling (2) being Helium, Slam those together (yes you must use energy) a new element is made and off you go! Black holes are vaccums (nothing inside) but will trade equal amounts of atoms on either side(electricity a factor), but this in no way proves the existence or non-existence of "god".

    The main factor which I have learned insueing the impending arguments is there is a physical part of the brain (frontal medial latteral [I will retrieve a link for you soon]) that is attributed to all religious experience, and funny enough all goast phenomena, AND! ailien abduction!(cause we all know how closely related all of those are), though for the brain in connection with the god thing seems about right since all humans have them, and thus believe in and worship in a diety as their own: which is where the problem arises

    The "infect" that it is "improvable" with out time travel is very astute of you, which in turn would make me look like a fool if it wasn't time that got us here.

    If this is the kind of world you and your god live in. In that case I'll see your uncle and you in hell!?!

    Going though quote by quote could take enough time for the second coming of christ, or another universal structure topeling ours so Ill be brief in an eternal debate, it comes down to this.
    1. Christianity is a JOKE! I say this with confidence because If we were "right"(which is what it is all about, lets not kid our selves now) then EVERYOTHER humans medial lateral is wrong(and in a world of odds this is doubtful)
    2.Organized religion is joke; the same obvious reason as above, but this time with the MASS KILLING INVOLVED, if that was gods plan, may the omnipotent ruler suck my a$$
    3.Faith is also a voluntary act of the brain, and since all of you seem so bent on fact proof, evidence and what have you; what is the argument you make to your self in the justification of, simply excusing all unexplainable phenomena to a god you have never heard, seen, felt, and in all ligistics has turned away and left you behind.

    I am simply for a world that takes the onus of its actions upon its self, and deals with it as is, instead of story time and make believe...

    To be continued...(forever)...(like gundam wing... oh yeah)

    P.s. a little faith never hurt anyone except for those that thought they could fly

    Oh one more thing. "god" is immortal(a prerequisite for any god) and heavan is where he resides which JUST SO HAPPENS to be the place you go when you die, so anyone who fears death(everyone for the most part) you can now beleive your self immortal, and all you have to do is say "I believe in god; or in a faction thereof (patent pending)"
  9. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    This is not how the Big Bang started. Take a look at this.

    No they aren't. Black holes have a HUGE amount of gravitational pull, and mass is what "creates" gravity.. Black holes are basically the corpses of stars, incredibly dense and small. Space is a vacuum, but a black hole isn't.

    Not only is your lack of scientific knowledge amusing, what's even funnier is that you are openly admitting that this adds NOTHING to the debate.

    While that issue with the temporal lobe is true, that still doesn't mean that a God doesn't exist. For all we know, it does exist, it just didn't do any of the crap we credit it for and is off somewhere else watching tv.

    Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty.
    -- Frank Herbert, Dune

    The point was that for all we know, by some incredibly small chance, one of the books out there was right. Of course I highly doubt that any of the holy books out there contain more than a few nuggets of truth (be it Koran or the Bible or something else, I can see plenty of crap and a few gems within, though to be blunt it seems that Buddhism has more nuggets of truth than most)

    Yes, religion has in the past hurt people, and still does today, and while those who use religion as a way to justify violating human rights have my utter contempt, why should I care if someone finds religion as long as they aren't harming anyone or promoting intolerance? If my neighbour believed he had a magical pink unicorn inside his toolshed, I'll think he's a little wonky, but why should I interfere?

    Indeed, why entirely condemn something that can be used positively - to build community, to overcome irrational fears like fear of death, to provide some happiness?

    The only real quarrel I have with religion is when it oversteps its boundaries and tries to force itself on someone else or harms another. Until it does, why should I care?
  10. Tanuki

    Tanuki the wizzard of oz

    Apr 9, 2003
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    a vacuum causes a black hole, but it isn't one....
    but lets move along shall we?. since everyone is agreed that all this has nothing to do with the topic at hand...
    personally i largely agree with neph. i think the miracles and teachings of most religions are misplaced and mostly false, like the sightings of early sailors. i'd like to believe that there is a purpose to life, but i don't. i don't think there is anything after life, and life's meaning is only what we make of it for ourselves.
    Christianity has too many flaws for me to be a real follower, but i believe in some of the ideals that sets out. To me, peace should be the ultimate goal of any religion or faith, yet all of the religions i've seen are full of suffering and misery, often incured by the wrath of these so called gods. If a god cannot live in peace, then how can his creations?

    i look around me at the world, and logic tells me that there is nothing divine.
  11. Star Princess

    Star Princess Haters are retarded.

    Mar 30, 2003
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    I believe because I believe the Bible is truthful, it does not lie, even though some say it it does. I believe that God is truthful, and Christ is truthful. I have been taught about the Bible and about Jesus since childhood, and through private school- which I started going to in seventh grade (when I really became Christian). I have never once doubted God's existence. I always believed He was real. I just believe. How am I so resolute? It's because I have faith. I have faith in the Lord. ;)
  12. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    I feel thats all we need do.

    There's no reason we should try to prove the exsistance of God. All we should really do is have faith. Believe that when our time come's that he will be there for us.
  13. psyeudkev

    psyeudkev New Member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    I, personally, do not believe in a higher existence.

    It's just myself that I do not like to blame others for what they didn't do, and I don't like others blaming me for something I didn't do. I like proof of existence, and what I do is just that. When I die, I go. My matter will disintegrate and recombine with many other matter in the universe (if there is such a thing).

    Everything that happens is a consequence of something else that was done.

    Faith, is what everyone is entitled to. Everyone has their own freedom to believe. I call this 'individuality'. No one should be forced to do something that they don't like, right?

    No offense meant to anyone.
  14. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Now, by "truthful", do you mean it has metaphorical truth, or is literally true?
  15. VM1070

    VM1070 Let's Go Voltron Force

    Oct 4, 2002
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    I'm not so sure how to take this statement from you. I am still trying to figure most of you out.

    I trust you meant this is a nice way.

  16. Angel from hell

    Angel from hell New Member

    Feb 15, 2003
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    ******Drunk alert*********

    Think again V boy


    Tsk tsk still stubborn people argueing on this... when will people learn to jus get drunk & leave this unanswerable (On either side) question go *Shakes head*

    ********End drunk alert******
  17. Billy277

    Billy277 New Member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    ...Right, that makes a whole lot of sense. Forget what Aristotle, Galileo, Copernicus, Newton, Einstein, Hawking and all of the other great minds discovered about our universe; they were wasting their time and should have spent it getting drunk instead.

    Seriously, if all you want to discover in this universe is the bottom of a beer bong, than just disregard this thread.
  18. Jaken

    Jaken Coin Locker Baby

    May 13, 2003
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    I dont know if this would be considered off topic but. . .For all those who belevie in god and Jesus. . . or whoever wants to respond to this question. What would you say to there being a modern Messiah?? Would you belive someone if they said they were the new messiah? Or would you just think that the person that claims to be another son of god, to save us once again from our sins, is just another nutcase?

    And if you wouldnt believe in a modern Messiah, why would you believe in Jesus being the son of god?? How is it any different? ((I dont intend for any one to take offence by me questioning the asspects of people's religion tho))
  19. Ryu-Ki

    Ryu-Ki New Member

    Oct 13, 2003
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    Not to make any one mad, but I'm sorry if I do.

    The Bible leave stuff out that 'THEY' don't want people to know.
    Like "According to apocryphal texts of Judaism and Christianty, Adam had a wife before Eve. Lilith (NO these has nothing to do with Evangelion), was an independent humen, not made from Adam. When she refused to be subservient to him, she was banished from the Garden of Eden. She then went off to have kid with either Lucifer or Cain, depending on which text you choose.

    But as I said before I'm Shinto, and Shinto has no Bible or any thing like that, and I have read the Bible before so I know for a fact thats what I wrote Above is not in it.
  20. Chowmein

    Chowmein New Member

    Aug 31, 2002
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    Im Dyslexic, whats your excuse?

    This shows how much of a fool you are, seen as i and every criminal are the proff that this polictal system would never work. havent read the rest of your post, as to be honest im not actualy bothered to seen as i hold your opinion in such low regard.

    Yours ect ect.
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