RPG Archives RPG Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: In Game Thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Basher, Mar 20, 2005.

  1. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    OOC: I was trying to have Cameron be nice. Not and try mess things up with new friends. Calling someone the wrong name would be in embarassing for him. lol.

    IC: "From what I read in Hogwarts: A history. I hope Gryffindor but Slytherin looks like a possibility for me too. What about you?" Cameron spoke after Falcon finished.


    He turned back to the pair across from him,"So....you two, as links to the Malfoy family. Do you both think you'll be entering Slytherin? Or a pansy house? Like Hufflepuff. Or Ravenclaw. Or even Gryffindor."

    "Slytherin of course. I show all the traits. I don't the stupid sorting hat would see otherwise." Onyx said.

    OOC- As you all may have noticed that the story has changed. Apparentily Draco and Harry are at school. No one can play them unless it needs to be done. Take Hilidi way of doing it. Not really Draco but someone talked to Draco and he responed for Draco. I think to many people would want to be the main characters. Plus this is a RPG about first years.
  2. Kryshana

    Kryshana Dont try to understand me

    Nov 20, 2004
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    Brit sneered at Onyx. "Who does she think she is, shoving me aside!?" she thought to herself. She then turned her direction towards Draco's question. "Phhht....like that's a hard one. Slytherin....why? Would you consider me a fool?" she said coldly. "Of course I'd be in Slytherin...anyone in their right mind would." Their compartment door was open and saw a few girls walk by. "Filthy Mudbloods...."she said under her breath.
  3. LilyRose

    LilyRose Pocky Junkie

    Mar 25, 2005
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    "Well most of my family have been in Ravenclaw, but i have an older brother in Griffindor so probably one of the two," Falcon said, "But I'll be happy whatever house I’m in, I’ve been wanting to come to Hogwarts for years."
    Outside the sky was starting to darken.
  4. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "We should be getting our robes on," Said both Onyx and Cameron at the same time in their own compartments. They both noticed how dark it was getting. "I expect we will be getting there shortly," once again they said together. Strange how these two will never be friends. One a pure blood with an awful attitude and the other from muggle parentage with the name I dare not speak for it is to awful even more then the attitude the other holds. From two different places and yet they act and say a like.

    Cameron pulled out his robe and put it on. He liked the color. It did his features well.

    Onyx pulled hers on. She pulled out her from around the color. “Honestly now. Why can’t they have a mirror? Speak up how do I look?” She reach around and put the tag inside so no one would see.
  5. LilyRose

    LilyRose Pocky Junkie

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Falcon pulled on her robes, and looked out the window as the train started to slow. She lent out the window, and her owl hooted and flew ahead of it into the night. Fal turned to her friends.
    "I guess we better get going then."
  6. Kryshana

    Kryshana Dont try to understand me

    Nov 20, 2004
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    Brittany pulled on her robes. The train had come to a full stop. "Lets go then," she said as she pushed Terrence out of the way to get out of the compartment first. "Filthy Mudbloods are everywhere."she muttered under her breath. "Disgusting..." When the exited the train, a large figure of a giantly man called out, "FIRST YEARS!!! OVER HERE PLEASE, FIRST YEARS!!!" Brittany scoffed and went that way leaving her cousins and that rude girl behind.
  7. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    Kyle was fully dressed in his school robes with his long, silver hair tied back. He and Cameron had simply pulled them over their heads so they wouldn't have to ask the girls to leave or change in front of them. He and Cameron walked off the train talking about Aurors and Dementors and such. He sent Blaze off ahead towards the school. He was aware they had an Owlery and knew he would be safe. They approached a giant man with long black hair and a long, black beard calling the first years.

    "Well Cameron, it seems we're about to enter our new school, you ready?" Kyle asked.
  8. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "Well Cameron, it seems we're about to enter our new school, you ready?" Kyle asked.

    "About as ready as I'll ever be," Cameron said. He stared at the huge man that was before him. He couldn't believe it. After a few moments of staring he heard fellow students come from behind.

    Onyx couldn't believe she was being bossed around. She didn't like it one bit most muggle hating wizards have a ego problem. Onyx was no different. She pushed past Brittany and stood before the man that called. "Bloody hell you are huge."

    "Could you not be any ruder?" Cameron said to her.

    "What would a filthy mudblood like you know anyway? This man has to be half giant or at least a shrimp. I cannot believe they let you in here," Onyx said with disgust.

    "Hello, I am Cameron. Don't mind her. I think her heart is pumping to much pureblood into her brain." Cameron noticed the boats behind the man. "Are we supposed to get in there?"

    "Yes. Thy name ish Hagrid. Now you lot climb into the boats, two at a time." Replied the friendly half giant he gave Cameron a half smile.

    Onyx pushed past Cameron almost tipping him over while laughing. She climbed in with a fellow first year pure blood.

    Hagrid bent down to Camerons level and whispered to Kyle and Cameron, "we won't be telling her about the giant octopus in the lake." He winked at them and then scuffled off to help more first years in.

    "Well, let us climb in then," Cameron said picking a boat.

    OOC- Currently a rule is being worked on it should be resolved shortly. It will have to do with the teachers. I’ll post it in the Sister Thread. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
  9. LilyRose

    LilyRose Pocky Junkie

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Falcon climed into a boat with another girl and started rowing across the lake. She smiled at her companion but was too nervous to start talking. Suddenly hogwarts castle came into view, it was magnificant. The boat ride took a long time and falcon was quite out of breath by the time that, under a curtain of weeping willow, the huge wooden door appeared.

    The large man in the front boat pulled next to the door. He went towards it and knocked three times. It creaked open to show a tall, frail women, with her greying hair scraped into a bun.
    "This way first years, follow me." she said.
  10. Kryshana

    Kryshana Dont try to understand me

    Nov 20, 2004
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    Bittany looked up at the woman. "Damn she's old...looks like someone just took her out of the washing machine..."she thought to herself. She followed the woman along with all the other first years into a huge room. All the first years gasped and looked up. Ghosts were all floating above them, passing into walls after walls. Some of them even stopped to say hello. "I wonder what we have to do...pass a test?" she mumbled under her breath. "We are ready for you now." the woman said. She lead the first years through the door into the Great Hall. The first years were all mezmorized by the enchanted ceiling and looked around them. In the front of the room...stood a stool and an old crippled hat. "What the hell..."Brittany started.
  11. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    The brim of that opened up making a rather large slit. It began to sing to the first years.

    "In times of old when I was new
    And Hogwarts barely started
    The Founders of our noble school
    Thought never to be parted:
    nited by a common goal,
    They had the selfsame yearning
    To make the world's best magic school
    And pass along their learning.
    "Together we will build and teach!"
    The Four good friends decided
    And never did they dream that they
    Might someday be divided,
    For were there such friends anywhere
    As Slytherin and Gryffindor?
    Unless it was the second pair
    Of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw?
    So how could it have gone so wrong?
    How could such friendships fail?
    Why, I was there and so can tell
    The whole sad, sorry tale.
    Said Slytherin, "We'll teach just those
    Whose ancestry is purest."
    Said Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose
    Intelligence is surest."
    Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those
    With brave deeds to their name,"
    Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot,
    And treat them just the same."
    These differences caused little strife
    When first they came to light,
    For each of the four founders had
    A House in which they might
    Take only those they wanted, so,
    For instance, Slytherin
    Took only pure-blood wizards
    Of great cunning, just like him,
    And only those of sharpest mind
    Were taught by Ravenclaw
    While the bravest and the boldest
    Went to daring Gryffindor,
    Good Hufflepuff, she took the rest,
    And taught them all she knew,
    Thus the Houses and their founders
    Retained friendships firm and true.
    So Hogwarts worked in harmony
    For several happy years,
    But the discord crept among us
    Feeding on our faults and fears.
    The Houses that, like pillars four,
    Had once held up our school,
    Now turned upon each other and,
    Divided, sought to rule.
    And for a while it seemed the school
    Must meet an early end,
    What with dueling and with fighting
    And the clash of friend on friend
    And at last there came a morning
    When old Slytherin departed
    And though the fighting then died out
    He left us quite downhearted.
    And never since the founders four
    Were whittled down to three
    Have the Houses been united
    And they once were meant to be.
    And now the Sorting Hat is here
    And you all know the score:
    I sort you into Houses
    Because that is what I'm for,
    But this year I'll go further,
    Listen closely to my song:
    Though condemned I am to split you
    Still I worry that it's wrong,
    Though I must fulfill my duty
    And must quarter every year
    Still I wonder whether sorting
    May not bring the end I fear.
    Oh, know the perils, read the signs,
    The warning history shows,
    For our Hogwarts is in danger
    From external, deadly foes
    And we must unite inside her
    Or we'll crumble from within
    I have told you, I have warned you..
    Let the sorting now begin"

    "As I call your name please step forward and sit down," Professor McGonagall said. “Bloodrose, Terry”

    The hat was placed on his head. “Slytherin,” it proclaimed.

    “Halit, Onyx”

    The hat was placed on her head. “Slytherin,” it proclaimed.

    “Mimilth, Falcon”

    The hat was placed on her head. “Ravenclaw,” it proclaimed.

    “Scorn, Brittany”

    The hat was placed on her head. “Slytherin,” it proclaimed.

    "Thor, Perrin"

    The hat was placed on her head. “Gryffindor,” it proclaimed.

    “Vantz, Cameron”

    The hat was placed on his head. “Gryffindor,” it proclaimed.

    “Windstone, Kyle”

    The hat was placed on his head. “Gryffindor,” it proclaimed.


    Onyx walked up as her name was called. She had confidence in her walk. The hat didn’t even reach her head as Slytherin was proclaimed. A roar of clapping could be heard from Slytherin house. Onyx took her seat and watched as others were being called on.

    Cameron walked up the stairs and sat upon the stool when his name was called. He waited for the hat to proclaim his fate. It was puzzled at first then it finally came to a conclusion. Gryffindor was proclaimed. A roar of clapping from the table of Gryffindor could be heard. Cameron sat down will his house. He watched as his friend Kyle walked up.

    Professor Dumbledore cleared his throat, and was beginning this year's announcements, "I like to welcome all the first years, and to warn them as well as remind all those, that the forest is out of bounds, unless you want to die an untimely death. Mr. Filch has again asked me to remind you that all those caught after curfew will be given Detention and also there is a list on his door for all forbidden objects in the hall. I also like to introduce, our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Bryce Newman," Dumbledore gestured, to young man who stood up and gave the four house a nonchalant salute before sitting back down. “And now we feast!" he states and with a wave of his hands, and food appeared at each table.

    OOC- You may state what happens while you place your hat on. The song is from the fifth year book. Please take a look at the Sister Thread
  12. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    A wave of clapter reached Kyle. He got off the stool and walked over and took the seat next to his friend Cameron. "Well dude", he said smiling, "looks like we're in the same house. I can't wait till we start learning some real magic." Kyle looked up and started listening to the names called and watched what happened to each one of them.
  13. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Cameron watched as Kyle was placed in Gryffindor. He clapped along with the rest of his house.

    Kyle got off the stool and walked over and took the seat next to his friend Cameron. "Well dude", he said smiling, "looks like we're in the same house. I can't wait till we start learning some real magic."

    "I can't either," Cameron said. "Man am I hungry."

    After all the names were called the Headmaster stood up and did his speach. At the end he waved his hands and food appeared on all the ables. Cameron like many other first years look under the table. "Do you think it is safe to eat?" He noticed others chowing down so he figured that it was. It was like christmas, thanksgiving, and any other holiday feast that would make you losen your belt a size. "So, Kyle what do you think is in the forest?"
  14. Kryshana

    Kryshana Dont try to understand me

    Nov 20, 2004
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    When the hat was placed on Brittany's head...it took a while to say what house she was in. "Interesting, a wicked mind, I see...but has no sense as to hurt others. a very difficult choice..."the hat whispered to her. But then it muttered out "SLYTHERIN". And Brittany had a huge sigh of relief. "What happened?" she thought to herself. "I don't understand." She only sat there and ate quietly as the others rejoiced.
  15. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Selenity walked into the school hall with a note explaining the short emergency she had been pulled off the train for. She sighed as she set her stuff down and wondered where she would go. She looked down at her name take, it read Selenity Winters... that was not to be her last name for long...she had been told that her father was still alive and out there somewhere. She took a tentative step into the school and wondered where her friends and everyone else was.
  16. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Argus Filch was lurking the halls along with his cat, Mrs. Norris. Her soft paws walked along the cold floor. Her yellow cat eyes watched out for any wrong doers. She was just as feared as much as Filch was maybe even more so. She hoped to catch any child stepping their toe out of line. She loved to inform her master. She spotted a child all alone while others were at supper. Clearly the child was late. Maybe her master would get to dwell out the punishments he truly wished for. She hurried along to inform her master of the news.

    Argus Filch knew some child was out of line when he saw her. He had his heart set on some old whips he had in his office. He stalked the halls falling Mrs. Norris. He spotted the child walking by herself in the castle where everyone else was eating supper and thanked the heavens that he was the first. He stalked up to the child. “Oh deary,” spoke the raspy voice of Argus Filch. “Take a good look. This may be the last night you spend in this castle youngling.” He spoke to Athena who arrived late. “I would prefer a little of the old punishments. You would be hanging by your ears in the dungeons by now. I sure do miss the old ways.”

    “Clearly the child is not amused,” replied the voice of Professor Snape. Argus Filch was to busy fantasying about punishments to realize that Professor Snape had joined them. “We have been informed of your circumstances. Leave your stuff there.” He spoke to the child. “You will come with me.” He turned around. “That is all,” he told Filch. He walked along the corridor taking long strides. The child had to run to keep up. He reached the great doors. He opened them with both hands and led her in.

    All around them children stopped eating their meals to stare at the duo that had entered. Mild talking asking who the girl was came from all around them. Headmaster Dumbledore stood up and cleared his throat asking for silence. “Yes, Selenity Winters has finally arrived. I hope everything is better.” His eyes twinkled with kindness. “Now come child try on the hat.” The sorting hat was placed on the stool once again. This time Professor Snape did its bidding.

    A familiar rip appeared in the hat once more. “I will not sing the song again. And it takes to long to make one up,” it said. The hat was placed on Selenitys’ head. He spoke only to her and then he proclaimed “GRYFFINDOR.”

    A moment passed before the Gryffindor House realized what had happened. Cameron still had some fig hanging out of his mouth. He swallowed it down and clapped along with the others. He watched as the girl sat down near him. “Amazing entrance,” he said to her. He heard others say that Professor Snape giving her a double door entrance to be incredible and a better entrance then Harry Potter could.

    After everyone had stopped eating and the plates had vanished spotless clean, the first years were called by the prefects. They were escorted to their dorms and given their passwords. Tomorrow they would receive their school schedules. Cameron drifted off into a wonderful happy sleepy. He awoke early like most ready to start the day. He changed and walked out his dorm room. He headed down for breakfast.

    OCC- WB Athena.
  17. LilyRose

    LilyRose Pocky Junkie

    Mar 25, 2005
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    The golden plates vanished of food and all the first years were dismissed to their dormitories. Falcon followed the line of ravenclaw first years to a tower in the west of the castle. She walked into her dormitory, a warm, cheerful room with blue hangings, sat down on one of the beds, pulled her things out of her trunk, which had already been brought up, and climbed into bed. There was a strange feeling of disappointment hanging over her, though she had no idea why...

    While she was at breakfast the next morning the timetables were passed out, their first lesson was double transfiguration. Falcon stood up and tried to find Professor McGonagalls room, hoping she could remember which staircase had the trick steps.

    Minerva McGonagall looked round her class of first years, hoping they would be up to scratch. They all came and sat down and she waited for silence so that she could begin.
    "Welcome to Transfiguration, My name is professor McGonagall. I sincerely hope that you will keep up to my standard as I will be teaching you some of the most complex magic you will learn at hogwarts. I warn you now I do not teach anyone caught messing around in this class."
    With a sharp flick of her wand, the desk nearest to her changed into a sheep and back again. One or two of the class screamed.
    "Today we will begin by turning these matchsticks into needles. Everyone come up and take a matchstick and I will then teach you the incantation."
  18. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    After dinner, Kyle and Cameron had gone up to bed. They went to bed as soon as they got there. He awoke the next morning to the sun. He rubbed his right shoulder. After all these years he thought it would have stopped but it hadn't. He tied his hair back and put on his robes. He met Cameron just as he was leaving the dormitory. They walked down and sat down for breakfast. After a bite they got their schedules. Looking over each of theirs Kyle said,

    "Seems we have the same classes. And looks like Transfiguration is our first class. Shall we go?" Cameron nodded and they headed in the direction of Profesor McGonagall's class.
  19. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    The duo arrived together. They picked a table and sat next to each other. Cameron watched as Professor McGonagall changed a desk into a sheep.

    "It would have been better if she gone and did a dragon," replied a girl behind him.

    He could easily guess who it was. He knew her voice from the encounter his friends and him had in Diagon Alley. She was a real pratt along with all the other pure blood lot she ran with. Cameron grabbed a needle and waited for the incantation. He thought it was pretty cool to turn things into something else.
  20. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Selenity picked up a match and sat next to Cameron. She smiled as she pulled out her wand as she placed the match on the table in front of them. She looked up at Proffessor McGonagall and waited to attempt. She had practiced saying the incantation last night along with some others she had read in the spell books. For a brief moment her mind wandered back to Proffessor Snape... she couldn't help but notice that she held a mild resemblance to him but moreso to her mother... could it just be coincidence.

    ooc: Thanks. It's good to be back.

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