RPG Archives RPG Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: In Game Thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Basher, Mar 20, 2005.

  1. LilyRose

    LilyRose Pocky Junkie

    Mar 25, 2005
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    After showing her class the spell, Minerva walked round the classroom watching the progress of her students.

    Falcon stared determinately at her matchstick; she knew she could do this she just had to try. She cleared her throat and said the incantation. Nothing happened, the match was just the same. She tried again and poked the matchstick to see if that would make any difference and it caught on fire.

    Minerva turned round to see one of the matches catch on fire. She sighed and produced a small jet of water to put the fire out. "Take another match please Miss Mimilth."

    Falcon flushed bright pink. She has messed up in front of everyone, in her first class. She said nothing as she took another match, hoping that no one would say anything.

    OOC: Sorry but I couldn't find or think of an incantation :sweat:
  2. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Cameron took his match stick and tried to do the switching spell for it. His turned into half of a needle. It was a little better then some people. He did read as much as he could. He wasn't going to tell anyone that he read almost all the books for classes. One he found rather dull was the history one. He hoped the teacher was better. Cameron tried a few more time and he finally got it.

    Onyx wasn't doing so well with her switching spell. She was even more annoyed when a filthy mudblood got it before her.

    OOC- I checked we are doing a switching spell right now. As of right now there isn't any clear incantation or a specfic name for it right now.
  3. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Selenity smiled as she attempted the Switching spell. Her matchstick had gone shiny but it was still a matchstick. She sighed attempting to regather her thoughts when Cameron succeeded in the spell. She smiled, wondering if he had read the books as well, and said, "Way to go buddy!"

    Encouraged by his success Selenity smiled once more and said the incantation a few more times until finally she got it to. She turned and smiled at him widely and said, "That was harder than i thought it was going to be."
  4. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    Kyle concentrated on the spell. He then took his wand, went through the motion and repeated the incantation. Like Selenity's it had gone all shiny for a split second and then reverted back to the match. Kyle concentrated again. Then, trying once again, attempted the spell. He was successful. He turned to his friends.

    "Heh, looks like I did it. It seems so have you guys. So Selenity, what happened?

    Dumbledore was pacing around in his office. He had just recieved a letter from the Ministry and was thinking on what to do. He then touched his wand to his head, pulled a small, silver string and placed it in the Pensieve. He then began pacing again.
  5. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Selenity's smile faltered for a moment and then she let it go and her face went solemn as she said, "Someone attacked my adopted mother, or attempted to at least but she wasn't home. She wanted to make sure i was safe as well. Everyone is fine and my Mother was moved to somewhere safe."

    Selenity forced herself to perk back up and smiled before saying, "I can't believe we all got that spell down pretty much together."
  6. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Cameron looked at Selenity. He has been reading the newspaper there is a lot on death eaters lately. He had read as much as he could.

    "Yes, it is pretty amazing we could all do it. I have never transfigured anything before," Cameron said. He waved his wand and kept on making the match stick become a needle over and over again.

    Onyx grunted more and more mudblood lovers got it right. Hers was half way done. The more mad she got the worse her spell looked. She took a deep breathe and finally got it. She turned to the others to see if they had gotten it too. "This is rather easy and boring," she dwelled on.
  7. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Selenity smiled and continued to play around with her match until she had perfected the spell. She had a lot to dwell on.
  8. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    Kyle looked over and saw Cameron was reading the paper.

    "Anything interesting happening?" he asked. He then turned to Selenity.
    "I'm glad to hear your mother is okay."
    Dumbledore had just sat down at his desk when his front door opened up. In walked a tall, thin boy with scragly hair.

    "I've been waiting for you....Mr. Potter."
  9. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    "Thanks Kyle." Selenity said with a smile.

    She looked over at Cameron and listened for his answer. She to wondered if there was anything interesting in the paper that concerned them.
  10. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Cameron smiled at Selenity. "I am also glad everything is okay."

    "There isn't much in the paper just a bunch of people gone missing. The usually rubish with the death eaters. I just hope they are all right," Cameron replied.

    The bell rang.

    Cameron quickly put the paper away. There was an article about Selenity mom. He didn't want her to see it. It bad enough she had to live threw what she did. She didn't need to know the details. "Off to Charms we go."


    Professor Filius Flitwick was standing on a pile of books at his poduem when the class walked in. He was very short. "Come on in class," his tiny voice said. "We got a big day a head of us. It being our first day and all."

    Cameron walked in and sat next to Kyle once again. He smiled at Selenity hoping she would forget about the paper.
  11. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Selenity took a seat on Cameron's other side, once again. Selenity pulled out her charms book and said, "I like our professor's so far. They all seem really nice in their own ways. Professor Flitwick seems like a jolly man."

    Selenity smiled at her friends as a shiver of happiness went down her spine. Her mother was safe and sound. She was here at school with her new friends. Surely there was nothing that could go horribly wrong with so many teacher's here to take care of them all.
  12. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    Kyle sat down next to his friends in Charms class.

    "Lets see what this teacher has in store for us" Kyle said to his friends.
    "I hope its good" Cameron respended. They waited for the professor to begin.

    Dumbledore watched as Mr. Potter left his office. He then sat down with a quill in his hand, took out a piece of parchment, and began writing a letter to his teachers.
  13. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    The bell rang for class to start.

    "Welcome Class to your first day of Charms. I am Professor Filius Flitwick," said the teacher in his squeaky voice. "Considering it is your first day we will start off with an easy spell. Can anyone tell what Wingardium Leviosa does?"

    Cameron looked around a few hands were raised. He grabbed his charms book being he didn't know what the spell was. He looked it up. Wingardium Leviosa- This spell causes an object to levitate. Once levitating, the object can be manipulated in midair by the spell caster. He raised his hand but the teacher called on another.

    OOC- First to say the answer gets the points for their house.
  14. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    The teacher picked Kyle. He looked over and winked at his friends.

    "This spell causes an object to levitate. Once levitating, the object can be manipulated in midair by the spell caster." Kyle said to the teacher.
  15. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "Excellent Kyle. 10 points for Gryffindor," Professor Flitwick said. "We shall begin and end today with Wingardium Leviosa. Now watch me." The professor raised his wand and switched and flicked. "Switch and flick. Wingardium Leviosa." The feather on his desk raised up. "Now on with the rest of you. Grab a feather and try it. "

    Cameron walked up and grabbed a feather. He handed Kyle one. "Let's go mate." He sat down back at his deak. His wand was at the ready. He flicked and switched. "Wingardium Leviosah. Opps." His feather did nothing.
  16. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    Kyle took the feather from Cameron.

    "Thanks man. Now lets see if we can do this." Kyle said. They went over and tried to perfrom the spell. Cameron tried it and nothing help happened.

    "Okay, my turn." Kyle perfromed the movements and said "Wingardium Leviosah!" The feather disappeared. Kyle and Cameron and blinked a couple times.

    "Uh, where did it go?" Cameron asked. Kyle shook his head. Just then something landed on his head. He grabbed it and looked at it.

    "At least it moved" Kyle said.
  17. LilyRose

    LilyRose Pocky Junkie

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Falcon was determined to get the spell quickly having failed herself in transfiguration. She took a feather, set it on her desk and cleared her throat.
    "Wingardium Leviosa!"
    Nothing happened. She blushed and then tried again. This time the feather flew up into the air.
  18. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Cameron glanced at Falcons feather. "Is that leviating for you? I can't really tell."

    "CLASS," the professor rang out. "Can you tell me why some of your spells are not working?"

    Onyx raised her hand.

    "Yes Onyx."

    "Because the caster is muggle born," she sneered.

    "That has nothing to do with it. Maybe the oppisite considering I have yet to see you leviate your feather." The professor called on another student.

    Onyx blushed while a bunch of students laughed. She grumbled underneath her breathe protending that the teachers comment didn't bother her.

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