RPG Archives [RPG] Inu-Yasha Vortex Mayhem

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Basher, Mar 5, 2006.

  1. Yukiko

    Yukiko New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    "No it wasnt you Sango..." Allison said. "We kinda have to tell Inuyasha... dont we? I mean if were going to try to stop whats going to happen he has to be in on it..."
  2. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    Michael got out of the spring, got dressed and followed the others.
  3. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "I am not sure if we should tell Inuyasha," Karrie said. "He is kind of..."

    "Simple minded," Kagome finished it for her. She hated to admit it but Inuyasha acted more like a child at times. His actions were a simple laugh and made her smiled. It was one of the reasons why she liked him so much. He was as innocent as a child. "It may be to hard for him to understand." She shook her head. It was hard for them to understand. "Miroku would be best to tell but it would be hard to explain it all. They have seen some from my world but not too much. When I go back I can get a manga."

    Sango noded at this agreeing to Kagomes words. "Don't forget to try and bring them with you."

    "Yes let's try tomorrow," Karrie said.

    "Your training will start early in the morning," Sango said.

    "That is fine we will start early in the morning then after lunch we will try and go to Kagomes home," Karrie said. Her stomach growled. They all laughed. "I guess we should worry about today huh?"

    "Are going to tell Inuyasha?" Sango asked.

    "I don't know. I don't even want to know how he would take it," Kagome said.

    "He may surprise you, Kagome." Sango replied.

    "But if he doesn't..." Karrie said. "I wouldn't want to deal with an agry hanyo on our hands. What do you think Allison?"


    Miroku, Inuyasha, and Micheal started to walk back. It was indeed going to rain. Inuyasha was right. He watched as those two proceded to talk about swords.

    "What makes you so interested in swords?"
  4. Yukiko

    Yukiko New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    "Well... i think we should tell him... he is going to find out sooner or later." Allison shrugged "I mean no matter when or how we out it... its going to be a shock. Being told your part of a book is not the easiest thing to take... And hes a GUY!!" Allison stomached growled too "But lets get dinner first!!"
  5. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    "Well, when I was ten, I found I needed to do a project about something I liked," said Michael and both of them stared at him stupidly. "Oh, work," Michael said to them. "I couldn't think of anything to do. Then I found this one book about swords and I was interested. The way they make them, what's needed to make them, what you could do with them, pretty much everything. I got more interested about swords until I happen to learn about Japanese swords. Hmm...do you happen to know who the Japanese are?" I asked, knowing pretty much that it could be no but I hoped that I didn't have to explain anything about them. I don't know everything about them but I know a good bit and it would take too long to explain Japan.
  6. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "Very true. He would be mad if we didn't tell him," Karrie said.

    Sango nodded. She didn't want to see an angry demon on her hands.

    "Let's get him to trust you first," Kagome said.

    They neared the hut. A wonderful auroma filled the air. It isn't something Karrie had smelled before. She sniffed the air. "I wonder what is cooking."


    "Japanese never heard of them. Are they like those bands Kagome plays on those head things?" Inuyasha asked.

    'Hmm, Japanese I wonder,' Miroku thought trying to figure it out.
  7. Yukiko

    Yukiko New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    "Inuyasha doesnt trust anyone..." said Allison. "I dont care what it is.. as long as its food."
  8. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    "I don't know what the head things are but I doubt it. The Japanese is a culture that...well...let's just say they're a culture. I think they're the same culture Kagome is from, I think but I never payed much attention to that part of the manga. Anyway, I got interested in Japanese swords through the Japanese culture itself. I'm trying to learn Japanese so that I can go to Japan and learn about them from there," said Michael. <That reminds me, if I am speaking Japanese, I hope I'm speaking it when I get home...if I get home,> thought Michael. "I looked through a lot of books on Japanese swords and I got more interested in them than any other I've come across."

    <If they start asking about more of why I like them, I'm going to have to go into details about Japanese swords,> thought Michael.
  9. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    The girls reached the village in time to help Kaede finish preparing diner.

    Karrie chopped the food that looked like potatoes possible a distance relative. "Cubed, diced, or sliced?"

    "Sliced," Kaede said and smiled at the girl. "You have cooked before."

    "Yeah, I do have a large family just when I learn to cook for a few it goes again." She sliced it up. "When should I add it?"

    "Now is fine child."

    Karrie added the food to the stew. There was another pot for rice. 'I wonder what the meat is,' she thought. 'Possibly demon?' Rice was also slowly cooking. Kagome was busy stirring it.

    After a few minutes of helping prepare the food Sango spoke. "How much training have you guys had?"

    "None," Karrie replied.


    "So we are also Japanese?" Miroku asked. He watched as Michael nodded at him. "What is so good about the swords?"

    "They are obviously better," Inuyasha replied.

    "Not necessarily Inuyasha." He felt the change in the air. It will rain soon.
  10. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    "Well, for starters, no one sword is better than another in every way. Some are light while others are heavy. I like Japanese swords because of a lot of things. From what I know, Japanese swords are really made for quick attacks, unlike your sword, Inuyasha. Your's is made to crash or destroy an enemy while the Japanese sword is made to kill an enemy quickly and not slowly. As for how strong they are, it just depends on who made it. But swords that have like symbols on the blade that have no use at all for it is only for show. If they were used in a real fight, they may break the second they hit something. I really don't like those kinds of swords," said Michael. "Well, as you can see, no sword really is better than the other in every way, no matter what culture it is from."
  11. Yukiko

    Yukiko New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    Allison shrugged "My dad taught me how to fight with swords and a bow and arrow... and my friend taught me karate... not very well though."
  12. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "Well it's better then what I know," Karrie said.

    "Sometimes," Sango replied. "What is karate?"
  13. Yukiko

    Yukiko New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    "You know.. martial arts." Allison said.
  14. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "Martial Arts?" Sango asked.

    "It's a fighting technique," Karrie replied. She watched as the other girl nodded and understood. "What do you think Sango's would be?"

    "Time to eat," Kaede said. "When will those boys be back?"


    "My swords good," Inuyasha said.

    "Yes, Inuyasha it is very good," Miroku replied. "From what I understand there are different type of swords from different places. You like the Japanese ones. What is Japanese?" He looked up they neared the village.
  15. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    "Your sword, Inuyasha, is one of the better swords in the world but I don't even know if there is a better one. You never know until you find out," said Michael, smiling. He then looked at Miroku. "What is Japanese?" Michael repeated. "Do you mean the word or the people themselves?" Michael asked.
  16. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "Japanese?" Miroku said. He cuffed his hand placing it underneath his chain. He was thinking hard. "I don't know what it means at all. What is it?"

    "BAKA," Inuyasha sneered at him.

    He gave Inuyasha glare which shut him up.
  17. Yukiko

    Yukiko New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    Allison nodded "So do you have like a weapons shop or something? I mean we dont have any with us.."
  18. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    "Well," started Michael, "The word 'Japanese' is an adjective that refers to anything that originates from Japan." He looked at both of them, who had a weird look on their faces. "Oh, you guys don't know what an adjective is, do you?" asked Michael, feeling stupid now for even saying 'adjective'. <Why didn't I use a different word?> Michael asked himself in his thoughts.
  19. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "As far as weapons ago the villagers have some," Sango replied.

    Kagome nodded at this.

    "We will start with swords. And teach with bow and arrows how to hit a target dead on," Sango said.

    "Sounds like a good plan," Karrie said.

    "So, who would like to start with swords first?" Sango asked.

    "Adjective? Eh?" Inuyasha said. "It's when you need to get somewhere."

    Miroku chuckled. "Yes that is on but I think he is speaking of another."
  20. Yukiko

    Yukiko New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    "Sounds like a plan. ill go first... with swords." said Allison

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