RPG Dawn of Destiny [RPG] The NRC

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Basher, Aug 23, 2004.

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  1. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Catalina walked into her cell. Her muscles hurt everywhere. The need for sleep started to over come her. She just finished her shift for the day. She knew she was dirty and stunk but she didn't care. Everyone at the NRC didn't care. The work was nothing anyone could get used too. Catalina's hands were filled with blisters. Her skin turned red. She has only been at the NRC for two days. Luckily for her one person showed her the ropes. She doubted she would have lasted even a day without him. Falling onto her metal bed she closed her eyes. Even the bed didn't bug her anymore. The collar still itched though. It has only been about 6 days since the accident happened. She knew that they should have started revolting by now back home. She wished she was there to help.

    "Hey girl wake up," called a voice. Catalina looked over at the speaker. It was Bruce. Smiling lightly at her saver. "The food cart is coming by you don't want to miss it. You will need you strength for the day. A weak one like you couldn't last more then a day without food."

    "Ah Bruce your such a vampiral," Catalina said. Picking herself up she watched as the trolley moved down the aile. She was at the slot when it reached her. A tray was pushed threw. The same old slop like it was ever since she got here. Knowing full well this is all she got she ate it with pleasure.

    "Oh Catalina you know how I feel about you," Bruce called.

    "Shut up human," called an old Satin. Catalina glanced at the one who spoke. His face was covered in scales. Three horns stuck out on top of its head but each have been filed down. What would be used for fingers were creepy. Long twig like fingers grasped the slop and it was brought to its face. The food slid down its slit for a mouth. It made a slurp sound and jets of black air came out of pipes on what would be said a back. Turning away Catalina nodded to Bruce and continued to her food.

    "So what did everyone do to get here?" Bruce asked.

    OOC- Being called a vampiral is like being called a pig. Of course there will be other inhabits of the NRC. Feel free it make any up just for fun. It is the end of the night shift (Second Shift). Everyone is inside.
  2. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    Ady slowly stumbled into the room, slumping onto the bed. "I think I'm going to die." Ady pulled up her pant leg to notice that her leg was somewhat slashed, and covered slightly in blood. "Anyone happen to have something to clot it?" Ady was worried staying here, she was not used to having do so much work. "Anyone kill someone, because I did."
  3. Tailki

    Tailki New Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Tailki sat up in her bed and watched the night crew come into the cells, shes been here for just a few days but knew that that was when they were feed. She figured she probably could skip a meal and not have too many problems, not as many as someone else skipping a meal anyway, but she still got hungry and didn't want to cause suspicion. She gladly took the slop and began to eat. She was hesitant to tell her story but Ady asked if anyone killed anyone and Tailki hoped she would get away with a simple, "I did."
  4. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Ren Hart walked into the place that he thought of as the barracks. He blew gently on his blistered red hands, hoping that the cool air would sooth them. He was no stranger to work, but he wasn't used to being worked to death.

    His hair clung to his face, and he was drenched in sweat. The planet could not have been more ill-suited to his species without killing him, and it would very likely kill him before long as well.

    "Cheers, all."
  5. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Bruce handed Acy some rags threw the narrow bars. "You need these more then me."

    Glancing at Ren "CHEERS," Bruce said. "There was an accident for me. Many human died. My name is Bruce for those who don't know."

    Catalina spoke, "same with me. But only one. I'm Catalina."

    "A human?"

    Catalina put down her plate and gallop down her last bite. "A Garra."

    "And your still alive?" Bruce said. "How?"

    Catalina shrugged, "I didn't try to stop a vampiral from attacking. So did you know who you killed?" Catalina hoped others wouldn't ask anything else but she felt they would.
  6. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    "Thanks Bruce, I really did not expect this kind of place, hopefully I won't be here so long." Ady pushed her hair behind her ear."I only killed two humans, and that was in self defense, I still don't really understand it all, but I guess maybe I can toughen up, if I don't die. I'm Ady."
    Ady looked at the food they had shoveled at them.
    "Do we have to eat this slop? I have some protein bars that I stole from the kitchens earlier today, anyone want one?"
  7. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "You stole protein bars? I wouldn't say that to loud you don't know who you can trust here," Bruce said. "Your here till you die."

    "Maybe not," catalina said. "The revalution should have started by now."

    "I never heard of it."

    "You have been here to long. Ady did you hear anything?" Catalina asked.
  8. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    "Mmmm... now that I think of it, I heard a bunch of people talking in hushed whispers. I just heard something about planning.... i think it was supposed to happen this month, but that was all I could really hear. I'm sorry if that doesn't really help."

    Ady stood up and sat down next to Bruce discreetly passing him a bar under the covers on his bed.
  9. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Bruce took the bar and ate it quickly. The food tasted good. "Thanks." He watched Ady for a minute. "How did you get this?"
  10. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    "I'm quick. No one can catch me." She winked at Bruce. "Sorry, I really am sort of uncomfortable here, I really don't know what to talk about.."
  11. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "I know what you mean." Bruce smiled at her. "Kind of hard making conversation knowing that someone you may contact with will die."
  12. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    "I haven't been hungry since I got here," said Ren forlornly. "I was a teacher...there was an incident.."

    He closed his eyes, haunted by the incident. "I don't know why I even bother keeping myself alive."
  13. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    Ady stared back at Bruce, but avoided eye contact. < die? she wasn't ready to die. she had a life planned ahead of her, she wanted a family, and a career, but her dreams were shattered.> Ady shuddered as she turned back to Ren. "I don't really mean to be rude, or intrude- but if I can inquire, what do you mean by 'accident'?"
  14. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    "I'm not really comfortable talking about it..but a political leader died, and the colony was basically on its way to destruction. I left the colony with my students. Our ship crashed and I ended up here.."

    He shrugged. That was his story in a nutshell.
  15. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    "Sorry. Didn't mean to be so blunt. If it's any consolation to you I still have nightmares from what happened to me, and I don't know how to handle it wither. I think that everyone here has a dirty conscience even if it was an accident or it was wll justified.
  16. Kagome's Arrow

    Kagome's Arrow Princess of Unicorns

    Feb 20, 2004
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    "Eugghhh," a primitive moan rose from her throat, attracting the attention of a few mildly interested prisoners, though it remained unbeknownst to her as her eyes flickered open, scanning her less then elegant surroundings as muddled thoughts coursed drizzled through the recesses of her memory, forming tangible puddles of confusion.


    Suddenly her memories made impact, rushing back into her perception and she elicited a strangled gasp tinged in perplexed anguish as she recalled the events of the previous day. Her birthday, her 15th birthday, which she'd planned to spend relishing in the glory of the esteemed age -

    Oh yeah, Lethya's party. She'd planned the entirely thing especially for me - Lawrence was attending and everything. I guess Aurelia might get her wish after all, seeing as I won't be snagging Lawrence anytime soon...not that that's of utmost concern to me right now...

    -instead consumed with the inconveniences of being hurled through the continuum of time, awoken in a foreign land, stared down by what could only be described as a hideous monstrosity, and being deported to the NRC - whatever the hell that happened to serve as an acronym for. She felt the splitting headache intensify as she recalled the experiences of the previous day, a single thought resounding through her scattered notions.

    Daddy didn't save me....

    And with that recurring sentiment monotonously floating through her core, she gradually drifted into a deep, unpenetratable slumber.

    Daddy didn't save me....
  17. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Bruce listened as two prisoners spoke. So others like him had accidents. But his was completely his fault. He should have been able to save those people. Why did he have to listen to those warnings? His mother told him to becareful. Hinding his power was the only way to save the human race until the revolt came.

    "You said something about a revolt, Catalina?" Bruce asked.

    "Yeah I did. But who knows it has started." Catalina glanced at the girl who moaned. "Are you okay? You just got here. You will adventually get used to it."

    OOC- The revolt has started everywhere except for the NRC.
  18. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    Ady kept listening to Catalina and Bruce talk to each other, all about a revolt that had occured somewhere else, but Ady could barely take everything as she was nearly wiped out from all the work. rolled out on Bruce's bed and passed out on the bed.
  19. Hiro

    Hiro Active Member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    Kira was sitting there in his cell (seperate from the others because of the treachery of his deeds) not paying any attention to the others. He didnt think of much, his thoughts dwandling on about what he would do the next day.... what he could do... to get out of here... out of this wretched place. It wasnt as bad as the jail cells of Satiter. The smell of the cells there stunk of rotten flesh, mostly from the coarpses of the tortured beings that were laid to rest by the demons scouring about. His thoughts veered for a second, remembering his fathers words as if they were burned into his soul:

    "Only God shall guide my blade... Hatred shall never comsume me... Evil will never prevail...."

    The words so strong...had Kira forgotten the meaning of these words, the words his father fought for and died for... would Kira ever remember the true meaning of these words or would they be forgotten within the pain that he has felt...would they be lost....
  20. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Bruce watched as Ady feel asleep. Most didn't know about any revult that was coming. He knew it had to have started soon. He lightly rubbed his neck. This collar was bugging him. Catalina was playing with an object. "What is that?"

    "I don't know. I got it from the Garra who died."

    "Do you have any powers?"

    Catalina starred at him. Her eyes were wide open. "We are not supposed to speak of it. It is forbidden."

    "It is probably the only way we will get out of here alive. What kind of power do you have?"

    "I can control the weather."

    "I can melt these bars perhaps there is a chance we can escape."

    "But what about our collars? They will stop us," Catalina said.

    "The thing you have put it to your collar." Catalina did as she was told. It clicked off and her collar fell to the ground with a clatter. "OOPS."
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