RPG Dawn of Destiny [RPG] The NRC

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Basher, Aug 23, 2004.

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  1. Hiro

    Hiro Active Member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    "heh" Kira thought in his mind, "these people are so caught with living"
    "just die already!" he screams at the other prisoners catching the attention of a few while the others were too tired to care
    "if only i could break these wrist bands they put on me" (speaking of the bands that they placed on him to prevent him from using his abilities).He then remembered what live was like when he was too young to fight...when he couldnt even lift his hands up long enough to maybe throw a punch. He couldnt help but smile from the thought of this....
    "too bad...if only, if only...." he stared at the cieling and fell asleep drifting away in forgotten memories.
  2. chiquitabanana

    chiquitabanana finally legal

    Jan 19, 2003
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    Ady curled up to Bruce, "Stephen, Stephen, Stephen" she repeated while living in her dreams, she clutched him tightly, refusing to let him go...
  3. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Bruce put an arm around Ady. He hugged her. He turned to the boy who spoke about death. He decided along time ago he wanted to live. "Ady dear wake up. You are having a nightmare." Bruce sat there thinking for a moment. He then came to a conclusion. "EVERYONE LISTEN TO ME. I don't know about you all but I want to live. I do not want to die here. Humans had their own place. They ruled over this place. A place called Earth. To me it still exists. We are not made to be second rate. Slaves. Catalina has a way to free ourselves from these chains. For those who want to live say you will join me. And use your powers."

    "I will join you, Bruce. I do not want to die here," Catalina said. She put the object to her wrists and the braclets clicked off. She slipped the object to Bruce between the bars. He did the same.
  4. Hiro

    Hiro Active Member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    Kira woke to the sound of Bruce announcing this "rebellion" of his. Kira thought " finally... a chance to show what I can trully do...." "Throw me the Key and I will join you, if you want to live there are some things you might want to know about the abilities of the gaurds...."
  5. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Bruce handed Kira the keys. "What do you know about the guards?"
  6. Hiro

    Hiro Active Member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    "Watch and see..." said Kira as a gaurd started around the corner "HIDE!" he told everyone to hide in the cell right next to them "it is all in this key you have...if it is attached to the main console in the control room it will..." he was cut short as the gaurd discovered them in the open cell and started to call the other gaurds...
    "you cannot stop us all or might i say even one of us...namingly me" Kira grabbed at the air as if he were grasping something and with a sharp jerk of his arm it seemed as if he had pulled a brilliantly blue sword right out of air like it had been there the whole time. "if you shall challenge us you shall face the death of no other by the blade my father bestowed on me... the SOULS DESTINY BLADE OF JUDGEMENT(a.k.a. the Angel of Silence) " he leaped in the air and with one great slash he took out the gaurd leaving nothing but the essence of his odor ligering in the air.... "now lets head to the main control room and I will show what it is about those gaurds...."
  7. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Bruce went to his cell bars and melted them. His cell was open. He walk to Catalinas and did the same. "Anyone else want to come?"
  8. Kryshana

    Kryshana Dont try to understand me

    Nov 20, 2004
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    Kryshana looked up. Being in this cell didn't help all her pain go away. Since the incident a few weeks ago, she felt she must stay alone..it was the only way she wouldn't hurt others. But it only made her fell worse. She needed to get out! All this stress caused her to explode a radiation tank outside. "Oops..."she said quietly. She looked up at Bruce and Kira and said, "This might be rough...but...I'll join you. But what are we going to do once we revolt against them and escape? They'll just try to catch us again won't they?I mean...we are criminals....so...what do we do?"
  9. Hiro

    Hiro Active Member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    "you wont have to worry about any of the gaurds once we get to the control room and i can get this key in the main console..." Kira said acknowledging Kryshana 's plea.
    "once we get to the control room we will be free of this place dispatching it from our minds forever and you will never have to worry again about these evil creatures that believe themselves better then us..." Kira went up to Kryshanas cell "stand back" and with one swing the bars were gone "you have a choice, either stay here and deal with the gaurds and the NRC's security system... or come with us and find away to pass this torment on... it is your decision but make it quick because we only have a few minutes before the other gaurds are alerted of the situation...."
  10. Kryshana

    Kryshana Dont try to understand me

    Nov 20, 2004
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    She thought through with what Kira just said. Would she be able to leave this place and forget everything? No, it wouldn't be that easy. Thoughts raced her mind...her love for Koji, how she felt when he betrayed her, burning his family alive while he watched them fall before him, and when she burned her love to ash...how would she forget all the torment she caused and felt? How could she forget all the pain that trembles in her very heart that she could collapse in any moment. She had to be strong though. With tears in her eyes she looked at Kira. "I will join you...but I'm still afraid of what awaits us...tell me what to do...."
  11. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "We need to escape. Shut down the control room. And if it comes to it fight the Garra. We can shut down the secruity around the building but the Garra's still have weapons," Bruce said. "So, fighting will be a must."

    "I'll proved us coverage. Blocking out their cameras," Catalina said. A misty fog filled the air.
  12. Kryshana

    Kryshana Dont try to understand me

    Nov 20, 2004
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    Kryshana nodded. "I don't think it's going to be that easy..." She paused for a moment. She suddenly heard something and walked to the nearest window and looked outside. Her eyes widened like is she was scared. "Look over here. It looks as if they just found out what happened, so we're going to have to act fast. Lets go...." Her heart gave a leap as she said that and walked past the others. Confidence suddenly overcame her as she looked back to the others and smiled. "Lets kick some Garra butt and get out of here..."
  13. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "Those Garra's are going down," Bruce called. "Now, what way?"
  14. Hiro

    Hiro Active Member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    "its down this corridor, but there will be some security systems we will have to breal through" Kira said as he motioned them down the hall while everyone followed.... they were traveling down the hall when they came to the first security precaution, "now this is where it gets tricky, Bruce... can you use that key and put it into the slot over there while Kryshana" he turns to Kryshana " you put in the code 25534 in that pad over there... it might be tricky since you are going to have to translate those Garra symbols into a language you can understand" saying this because the keypad was in the Garra language. "now lets try this!"
  15. Kryshana

    Kryshana Dont try to understand me

    Nov 20, 2004
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    "What!? Wait a sec...I have to translate the Garra symbols? But this language is foreign to me! I can't decipher this message just like that you know!!!" Kryshana said this to Kira with a bitter tone as she looked over the strange writings. No matter how hard she concentratedon deciphering the inscriptions, it confused her even more. "Wait a sec...I've got it!!!" Kryshana typed and clicked away. "Bruce, put the key in NOW!!!"
  16. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Bruce slide the key in on Kryshana comand. It clicked and made a funny noise. An alarm was going off. "We will just have to do this the hard way." He lit his hands on fire and melted the door. "They are coming. You all stand back."

    "No Bruce let me handle this." Catalina moved forward. She made an ice storm. Three inches of rain fell and before it hit the ground it turned to ice.
  17. Kryshana

    Kryshana Dont try to understand me

    Nov 20, 2004
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    "Let me help too!" Kryshana said. She closed her eyes and suddenly, a strange aura was surrounded by her. She was concentrating on something...but what? There was a rumbling noise and soon a metal wall came flying down the hallway. She happened to be moving it with her mind...and she placed the metal wall in the entrance of the hallway they were just in. "Doubt it if they can get past that! Ok...what next?"
    1 person likes this.
  18. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "I think we need to get to the control room," Bruce said. "Which way is it?"
  19. Hiro

    Hiro Active Member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    "well if you think that that was the hard part, you are in for quite the suprise... we need to go down this corridor to the next door that will trip no matter what you do and the security that gaurds that door are none oher then Garra knights... the only way to kill them is to hit the base of their spine which is located deep in their back through their thick skin" Kira had while running down the hall from the Garra gaurds.

    "after we get through those gaurds we will have to go down a few flights of stairs and take out the gaurd towers where we will then run across the stretch of land between here and the control room... we'll worry about what happens next when we get there...."
  20. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Bruce ran down the hall with the others following the instructions as best as they could. They turned around a bend and they were stopped by the Garra forces. "Hey let's lite these bad boys up." He reached out his hands and flames apeared in both.
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