Debate Samurai or Ninja

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrunkLeprachaun, Oct 12, 2002.


Which own teh cool stakes?

  1. Samurai

    34 vote(s)
  2. Ninja

    26 vote(s)
  1. Jedimdo

    Jedimdo New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Certainly ninjas are the best for me. Ninjas are not just fighthing experts with many kind of techniques, but also they're not attached to any code as the samurai are, which is one of their weakest points.

    Who can be cooler than Kakashi, eh? :cool:
  2. Hitokiri_Gensai

    Hitokiri_Gensai Gunslinger Girl

    Feb 27, 2003
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    Well, the samurai didnt always stick to the codes of bushido. Remember, they were human and that meant that they werent always true to what they said. If you look at the Ronin or the Watari Kachi, youll find that they rarely ever stuck to Bushido.

    The Watari Kachi were the lowest of the low. The mutant offspring of proper Buke Society. These "straw men" were the "window dressing" of the Sankin Kotai.

    The Sankin Kotai system was laid down by Tokugawa Iemitsu, and was a system for keeping control over the various Daimyo in the country. For most Daimyo the trip came everyother year, but for those in the Kanto region it was every 6 months and for the governor of Tsushima Island between Japan and Korea it was every 3 years. This system was a trip that required that all Daimyo spend time in the Capital at an estate there. Thus is tied up much of the han's resources and also provented any Daimyo from gathering enough power to topple the Bakufu. This trip was also costly and dangerous and if a Han had a tax base of less than 100,000 Koku, retainers and gaurds was a luxury that was ill afforeded. Thus they turned to the Watari Kachi.

    Serving no fixed master and changing alligience by the season, the Watari Kachi turned lawless. Because they simply needed to slip into the closely gaurded checkpoints into their employers han to through off anyone chasing, they could in theory get away with anything. They were hated more than the notorious Ronin and Yakuza that wandered the roads.
  3. Takamatsu1986E

    Takamatsu1986E New Member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    oh yeah, theres no such thing as a fair fight. trying to kill somone is unfair. trying to put someone into a position where they cannot strike and then striking is unfair. having more skill than your opponent is unfair. striking more times than an opponent is unfair. striking harder or more quickly than an opponent is unfair. the only rule, in my opinion, is not to do more than you believe is necessary, and that is widely disregarded and always has been lol.

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