RPG Sakeido High School 2 The time has come...(Battle thread)

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Seishin, May 17, 2006.

  1. Seishin

    Seishin Guest


    Was thinking and screaming Shirai.

    He could hear the other's thoughts, meaning their conversation, but could do nothing about it.

    "Damn it I'm locked tight..."

    Shirai grew to his older body form, and went into the air, and started flying at an incredible speed, trying to see what planet, or dimmension, he was sent to....
  2. Yukiko

    Yukiko New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    Yukiko urned to Kyuzo "Hey, have you seen Shira?" she asked.
  3. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    " I don't know where hes at" kyuzo replied looking up at yukiko then back acrossed the land.

    " I hope the other students are fine since they are fighting a army" kyuzo added leaning backwards and laid on top of the plate form.

    " yukiko how are you and lance fairing since after he came back." kyuzo asked her but not moveing his eyes to her he just kept tehm looking striahgt upwards
  4. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "They are not," Onyx said. "Keh." She laid down on the ground while closing her eyes. "If we were going to wait forever to fight. I should have stayed behind. By then..." She smiled to herself picturing what she would have done to demon army.
  5. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    " then why did you come here for, my guess you would like to stay and fight aginst the demons" kyuzo replied moveing his right eye to her.

    " or is you would have killed them to easily and figured that Sakiharu would be more of a challange" kyuzo added setting back up
  6. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    "She's a demon. She would prefer a challenge over meaningless slaughter any day" a voice said out of the blue. Tobias appeared on one knee and scanned the immediate area.

    "Except for the blood thirsty Sakiharu and the lava, it kinda reminds me of my own training portal." He saw that most of the students and Hiro were here but Shirai was not. This worried him but he knew Shirai could take care of himself. For now, he had to concentrate on the task at hand. He turned to all his students.

    "For the past year you have all been under my tutilage and I am proud to say that you the best damn students I've ever had. But today you are no longer my students. You are my allies. I've taught you all I know. You are about to fight for your lives so be prepared for anything. As your teacher, that is my last lesson. As your ally,all I have to say is just don't get yourselves killed" he snickered.
  7. Yukiko

    Yukiko New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    Yukiko looked straight ahead. "Look Kyuzo... Me and Lance... there is nothing between us. Were just..." she shrugged "Friends."

    "Onyx, you are really pathetic." she said standing up and stretching.

    "Come on Tobias... we know that!!"
  8. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "Keh," Onyx replied to Yukiko on the ground. She didn't care what anyone thought. "Don't die..." She shifted from the ground. She reappeared in front of Yukiko. She threw her fist in the air at Yukiko's face. She stopped within an inch of contact. She watched as the other girl flinched.

    "You're not ready for battle. Pathetic." Onyx shifted again back on the ground. Her eyes were closed.
  9. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    " there maybe a death dispite the skills you have taught us people can not escape a destiny that may have been fortold." kyuzo replied slowly jumping down and land on the ground and took a spot away from the others

    " where are you Sakiharu this is not much fun" kyuzo whispired
  10. Hiro

    Hiro Active Member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    "Damn... no wonder I couldnt find your thoughts... hmmm i geuss my first plan will have to do" he lookd at lance and motioned him to come to him....
  11. Yukiko

    Yukiko New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    "I may not lose myself to my demon side but that does not make me pathetic." said Yukiko pushing Onyx hand away "And at least I give a damn about life, where you thing everything is a game. When you have had the blood of someone you love on your hands... then maybe youll think differently. But for now lets stop bickering before we really do get ourselfs killed."

    "And now we wait..." she thought.
  12. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    As Lance heard Tobias, he thought, <Come on, Tobias-san. you've said that already. Its not going to make us feel an better." In Lance's own mind, he was trying his best to control his own powers from the memories that were coming. He wasn't doing too good either. Lance became so controled on stopping his own powers that he didn't even know that Hiro motioned to see him.

    From the platform itself, the rock began spirling upward to form a rock shaped form of Sakiharu. "I'm started to get tired of waiting. Is Katsuke coming or not? If he's trying to hold off the army's attack by waiting there, it will do him no good. The army will only move on my command and that will be given when I know who I will face. Once Katsuke makes his choice, this battle will begin, no sooner or later. In one hour's time from when that happens, one of you will die," said the rock Sakiharu, still standing there with his rock legs in the ground. <I have foreseen it with the help of the necklace, also known as the Bakau Necklace. As long as I wield it, I know I will win,> thought Sakiharu.

    Lance turned toward Sakiharu, <That's what he's waiting for,> thought Lance as he gazed at Sakiharu.
  13. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "Not good enough," Onyx said from her postion. She moved her hands behind her head. "You won't arouse us. We all plan to die anyway. It's really no big deal."

    Onyx yawned from her postion. 'This is getting boring,' she thought. 'At least now they won't fear his words.
  14. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    "You treat death as if it were a play thing," said the rock Sakiharu, turning itself toward her. "You use it to your own desires and to get what you want. Yet even after all is done, after the deaths of some many you've cause, such as the death of your father, the one you killed with your own sword, do you feel that since you've used it so much, that you're death itself. You don't care for the well being of others nor if they're important or not. You didn't care at all that Lance died or that Yukiko was in a state of depression at the time. You didn't care that Hiro used angry to blind his actions and when Kyuzo was hurt by me. You've become so obsessed with death and your own self that you've blinded yourself to the very things around you. Giving neither emotion nor action in times when the ones you call friends need them most."
  15. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "Keh," Onyx replied and she chuckled at his words. "You say that about me and yet you want to destroy the whole world. You would be considered death itself more then me."
  16. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    Sakiharu used his mind to talk to her through her own mind. "You said that they won't fear my words. What I said was about you but I now gave them a reason to fear you. Teamwork is something that must be used with trust but you, in a way, agreed when the last words you said, 'You would be considered death itself more than me,' with that said, you just said yes that you are all those things I said, without saying yes," said Sakiharu in her mind.
  17. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    Tobias listened on while Onyx and Sakiharu were having a "blood-fight" as he liked to call them. Meanwhile, he was scanning the immediate area looking at everything and taking it all in. He wanted to know where every rock, every cliff in this place was. Sakiharu had made sure everything would go according to his plan and that he could see everyone and they could see him. As cocky as he is, even he wasn't taking any chances. Tobias' eyes suddenly widened.

    "He.....He's....scared" he thought. He looked up at Sakiharu. He was still at with Onyx.

    "It's an assumption, true, but it seems logical. Why else would he bring us to his fighting arena where his word is law. Maybe we do have a chance...."
  18. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    " how about this then Sakiharu why don't you enlighten us adn tell us who may die well beside you that is." kyuzo replied jumping bak up on the plate form and landed near Sakiharu.

    " or is it a secret and you prefer not to tell us" kyuzo added givieng a slight smile
  19. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    Sakiharu laughed at his little comment about him dying. "I'm not the one that's going to die," laughed rock Sakiharu, turning itself toward Kyuzo. "You'll find out who dies soon enough." The rock Sakiharu then began to sink back into the ground. The earth swirled when it was sinking but stopped when the rock Sakiharu went fully back into the ground.
  20. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    " fine leave it a secret then it won't matter that much." kyuzo replied givieng a shrugg with his shoulders.

    " hey tobias sensei." kyuzo replied jumping down and landed near him

    " so what do you think of this wonderful place" kyuzo asked him as he saw tobias scan the area.

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